Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

With thirty-three wins and forty-two losses, it doesn’t look like the Renegades will make the post season unless…

They have to turn things around. The bats need to be stronger and the guys need to utilize the pitch count. Study the pitcher and know who is going to be strong or who has the ability to hit the long ball. Diamond needs to learn to play some small ball, get a base runner or two and let Davenport and Singleton bring them home. With Jasper Jacobsen batting fifth, he’s a power-hitter as well.

The bottom line here – we need base runners.

The pitching needs work. We can’t have five or six strong innings, only for the bullpen to come in and give it up. Pitching Coach, Cole Fisk (Yes, nephew of the great Carlton Fisk), needs to figure out what’s up with this crew and fix it, fast.


In case everyone is wondering – the Curse is over! Stop using it as an excuse.

Only a few weeks left until the All-Star game. Renegades in the homerun competition: Davenport, Meyers and Singleton.


Sources say that Jasper Jacobson is asking for a trade! I’ll keep you updated when I find out more information.

Ethan Davenport and his college girlfriend are keeping things hot and heavy. The couple had full on PDA at Tequila Rain where the co-ed met him after the game. There’s no speculation with these two, let’s just hope they’re using protection.

Steve Bainbridge has been seen with a mysterious brunette. My best guess is that this is the mistress we’ve heard so much about. Sources are telling me from the look of things, he’s not leaving her anytime soon.

The BoRe Blogger

Darkness starts to fall, and the rain isn’t letting up, continually pelting the top of my SUV. The sound is so soothing it lulled us to sleep. Daisy and I stay huddled together in the backseat. Her head is firmly planted in the crook of my neck and I’m staring out the window, wondering what kind of beast is going to come out once nightfall hits.

I am blown away by this shitty place. Not only does Bainbridge own this dump, he sent me here on a date thinking this would be romantic. If we weren’t locked in my car I’d fear for our lives. Come to think of it, I do fear for our lives. Something is almost certainly going to come out of the woods and eat us alive.

“Hey, babe, where’s your shirt?” I rub my hand up and down her arm, laughing because she now has goosebumps.

She brushes my hand way and snuggles deeper into my side. I’m going to be sore from sitting in this position, but it’s totally worth it. I lean my head back, close my eyes and wrap my arms around her a bit tighter. If she’s not ready to move, who am I to make her? When we’re together, she gets to live in a fantasy world where everything is okay and she’s not taking care of her grandfather. No one her age should have to do that, but he’s all she has. I admire her for her courage and for the love she has for him.

A deep howl causes me to open my eyes with a jolt. I sit up abruptly, scaring a sleeping Daisy.

“What was that?” she asks, groggily.

“Um… I’m not sure, but we should go.” I look down at her, clad in only her bra and panties. “Seriously, babe, where’s your shirt?”

Her head turns slowly, and she reaches her hand up, her finger pointing out the window.

“It’s outside?” I ask, confirming my fear.

She nods slowly. “Along with the food and wine.”

Heidi McLaughlin's books