Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

I let her words sink in, allowing the rage to build. “Are you talking about your virginity?”

When she doesn’t answer I feel the rage burning deeper in the pit of my stomach. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! You freely gave yourself to me so don’t act like I forced you into anything. Go home, Daisy.” I don’t give her a chance to respond before unlocking the door and stepping into my house. I slam it once I’m inside, locking it behind me. She stands on my porch, her shadow visible through the glass.

How could she ruin everything like that?

My lamp is the first thing to go. It flies through the air, slamming against the wall. The light bulb pops and breaks into a million pieces.

There’s a knock on my door. It’s her. Her dark figure looms on my porch. Unwilling to give up even though there is nothing left. I ignore her and walk into the kitchen, reaching into the cabinet and pulling out a bottle of tequila.

The liquid burns as it travels down my throat. I stand there, drinking, until half the bottle is gone. With the lack of food in my system it doesn’t take any time for the alcohol to start working. My eyes blur, but that doesn’t limit me from throwing the bottle toward my front door. I hope she’s still standing there.

I hope she’s still there…

It’s been four weeks since shit went down with Daisy and I’m still not over it. I’m obsessed with everything she does and troll the web waiting for her to upload a new blog post. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but it’s something. She tried to call me once. Just once and gave up. Not that I blame her, she should give up. What she did was wrong on so many levels, not to mention the pain she’s caused me for no reason. She should’ve come clean the first time we went to dinner. Thinking back to that night, she freaking tweeted about me being with someone while we were together. I even tweeted her back. Who does this type of shit to people?

The All-Star game is tomorrow. I shouldn’t be going. I should’ve been replaced by now, but I’m a fan favorite so I’m packing my bags so I can get to the airport and fly to Cincinnati. Daisy and John are supposed to be there, along with my parents. We were supposed to have some time for all of us to spend together, but that is not going to happen.

I’m not that much of a dick to take this away from him. If it were just her, I would’ve canceled the trip, but John hasn’t done anything wrong and he deserves this. The car service will meet them at the airport when they land and take them to the hotel. They’ll be treated to an all-expenses paid trip, which is probably an experience of a lifetime for John.

I’m still cordial with him, but not Daisy. She’s been at every home game and for the first time in months I find myself looking forward to away games. Those are the nights that are easier because I don’t have to look at her or hear her voice. Those are the nights that I bat well. Those are the nights that I sleep longer than a few hours without getting up to check my Twitter app to see what she’s said, or to read her stupid blog. I hate that I actually want to read what she has to say. She’s yet to mention me, or the two of us breaking up.

Home games suck.

Homes games mean I have to see her because my eyes betray my wishes and seek her out against my will. My brain, however, can’t stand her. Those two vital organs are not communicating and it’s pissing me off. I won’t even talk about my heart because it’s so fucked up it’s not even functioning correctly. There’s a pain there that the whirlpool can’t fix and physical therapy can’t make go away.

Heidi McLaughlin's books