Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

To make matters worse, we lost to the fucking Yankees yesterday.

I finally understand why guys are so shut off with their emotions. It’s because their douche bag friends make fun of what they’re feeling. One hint of emotion and they’re asking you when your period is due. This is why guys need chick friends, even though they come with problems too. The biggest problem is usually the fact that you end up screwing each other, but that’s beside the point. The point is I need a chick friend right now and the only one I can talk to is three thousand miles away playing doctor and can’t drop her shit to tend to me. I’d never expect her to do that anyway.

The only highlight of the coming week is that my family will be with me. I’ll get to spend some quality time with my niece and she’s the one girl in my life that can make everything go away. To be a toddler right now would be heaven. I’d have no worries and everyone would love me because I’m fucking cute.

This flight is different from others. The team didn’t send us on our chartered plane so Singleton, Meyers and I flew commercial, but we made sure to fly first class. There is no way the three of us can sit together in a row of three. We all do too much man spreading. It’s odd flying without our usual flight attendants though. They already know what we like and what we drink.

Singleton is sitting next to me, beside the aisle. I’m trying not to listen to his conversation, but am forced to since I forgot my headphones. It’s not easy to zone out, even if I am seeing Daisy’s face in the clouds. I’m such an idiot for letting myself fall for her. I was better off just having one-night stands and my regular hook-ups with Sarah. Those are safe and no feelings are ever involved.

That’s exactly what Singleton is doing now. He’s trying to join the mile high club with this airline. I have no doubt he’ll get his membership wings before this flight is over and maybe that’s what I need; to adopt his carefree, I don’t give a fuck attitude. It seems to work for him most of the time.

The flight to Cincinnati is short, but walking through the airport is another challenge. I think this is why teams fly the players on commercial airlines – to build up the hype of All-Star weekend – and it’s working. There’s a massive amount of kids in baggage claim being accompanied by parents, and all carrying posters, balls, bats, hats and whatever else they’ve brought to have signed. Officials from the MLB are here to gather our belongings and take us to the hotel, but I can’t imagine we’re getting there any time soon.

News cameras shine bright lights on us as we sign the paraphernalia they brought and pose with the kids here. A lot of these guys won’t be at the game. It’s hard to get tickets and most of them are bought up by corporations. It’s annoying because the game should be about the fans and it’s not that way anymore.

The MLB reps finally step in and build a wall around the various players in the baggage terminal so we can get out of here and over to the hotel. My parents are there waiting, but I won’t see them until I get to the field. That’s when I’ll see Daisy too. She has a pass to every day at the park and I can’t imagine she’ll let John miss anything.

The madness at the hotel is as crazy as the airport, if not more so. People are lined up outside, snapping pictures with their cell phones and yelling out their phone numbers. I find it silly, actually, that they think we’re going to randomly remember a ten-digit number and dial it later. I know it’s done for attention but there are other ways you can become a slump buster if that’s your goal.

Heidi McLaughlin's books