Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

“I’d like to invade you,” I say wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Daisy shakes her head and tells me to watch the road. Every few seconds, her thumb rubs along mine and she lets out a heavy sigh. I don’t know what’s on her mind, but have learned over the past month or so that sometimes it’s better to wait her out rather than ask. More and more, she’s been opening up about things, but if I prod she shuts down. Unfortunately, patience is not my strong suit.

Daisy startles awake when the terrain turns bumpy. I have to let go of her hand to navigate the small driveway. If this is Bainbridge’s idea of keeping his in-laws away, he’s doing a fine job of it. I’m about ready to turn around and say, “Screw it”.

“This is it?” she asks incredulously.

The way she asks the question mirrors my own thoughts. If we were expecting a grand home with large picture windows facing the lake, we were sadly mistaken.

I put my car in park and slowly exit. The slamming of Daisy’s door makes me jump.

“What the fuck is this place?”

“Are you sure it’s the right house?” she asks, as I nod. “What a shithole.”

“You can say that again.” I take her hand and walk us toward the shack that looms in front of us. This house is not a representation of a highly paid major league baseball player, but one of a bum who has fallen on hard times and can’t afford the upkeep on his house.

“I don’t even want to go in there,” Daisy says, and I agree. By the looks of it, the walls will come tumbling down any minute.

“Fuck this bullshit,” I mutter, but feel her hand tighten around my arm. I look down at her and see her green eyes shining from the sun.

“We still have a picnic and each other.”

And just like that, what could’ve been a shitty day has turned around because she’s so optimistic about everything.

“Stay here, don’t move,” I say, leaving her standing there in the middle of whatever this is that Bainbridge calls his yard while I run back to the car and grab our stuff.

I grab her hand and pull her along my side until we reach the water. I don’t want to know what’s growing in there and am thankful she isn’t willing to chance it either. I’m game for seeing her naked, but not in this water.

Daisy spreads our blanket out and kneels down to pull out the food. I stand back and watch her, wondering what it will be like once I tell her how I feel. How much will change? And what’s our next step?

The way the sun is bouncing off her blonde hair and kissing her skin tells me this is the moment.


“Huh?” she says, without looking at me, more focused on putting together plates of food for us.

“Look at me please.” When she does, I feel whole. “I love you, Daisy.” I drop to my knees and pull her hands into mine. “I’m in love with you.”

Her small intake of breath doesn’t escape my notice and neither do the tiny tears watering her eyes.

“I love you, Ethan.” Her lips crash into mine and she tries to crawl into my lap. I fall back on the blanket, thankfully, because who knows what the hell is on the ground.

Her mouth moves quickly and her hands push my shirt up. When she sits back, my throat tightens at the site of her lifting her shirt of her head.

“I thought you didn’t want to skinny dip,” I say stupidly. “You’re afraid of an invasion or something.”

“You can invade me,” she repeats my words as she falls back down on top of me and rubs her perfect breasts against my still clothed chest. The shit that comes out of her mouth turns me the fuck on. I grab her hips and rock her back and forth, creating some friction for the both of us.

I sit up, cupping her face in my hands. She’s still moving her hips, driving me insane. “Daisy, are you horny?”

“Yes,” she says, breathlessly.

Heidi McLaughlin's books