The Viking's Chosen (Clan Hakon #1)

“We bound our souls.”

“Oh, well,” he nodded. “That’s good.” He scratched his head and narrowed his eyes on me. “What the hell does that mean exactly?”

I could not help but laugh. “Remember Myra?”

He nodded. “Of course. Why you think I look like this?” he said, motioning to his face.

“She was here last night. She explained some things about what it means to be a healer and a seer. Apparently, Allete is both, though she’s never had a prophecy. Myra explained that a seer did not begin to have the sight until she was united with her soul match, her anchor. I am Allete’s match. We took a blood oath last night and bound our souls. She’s mine in every way but one. And as soon as we are off this damn continent, I intend to marry her and make her mine in body as well.”

“And she’s on board with all of this?”

I nodded and the grin I’d had only moments ago returned. “She loves me.”

Brant shook his head. “I really thought she was smarter than that.”

“Shut your mouth, you horse’s arse. You’re just jealous.”

“Why should I be jealous? I’ve got my eye on the future mother of my offspring as well. She will admit her undying love soon enough. Just wait.”

“I don’t doubt she will admit her undying love. And I’m anxious to learn who the object of her affection is,” I jested.

Brant scoffed. “I am not worried, brother. I can simply kill anyone who thinks he can have her.”

“I’m sure murder will endear her to you.”

The object of his affection rounded the corner only seconds after his words had left his mouth.

“Good morning, dashing brutes,” Dayna said with a grin.

“Princess,” Brant said bowing his head. Apparently, he thought that this formality was what would endear her to him because he reached for her hand and tugged her closer. He lifted the hand to his mouth and ran kisses across her knuckles. Dayna looked shocked for a moment, but quickly recovered herself.

“You are sure of yourself, Brant,” she said in a tone that she probably intended to sound severe. Instead it came out husky and breathless.

“No, beauty. But I am no fool when fate drops a gem in my lap. No man finds riches and turns away. He grasps it with both hands and holds it close to protect it from those who might steal it.”

“And you have found such riches?”

“I have found something far greater than riches, lovely Dayna. I have found the one my soul cannot live without.”

My brow rose as I stared at my long-time comrade. When had he become such a poet? When I looked at Dayna’s face and saw her flushed skin, I knew his words were having a profound effect. I coughed, adding some words that I hoped would break his spell. “Too young.”

Brant dropped her hand but didn’t look away from her. “Not for long she isn’t,” he said, responding to my prodding.

Dayna stepped back from Brant and then surprised us both. “I am inclined to think you are full of horse droppings … but … I do not think you are so dense as to try and seduce a princess into your bed while in her own home and under the eye of her father. So I guess you will just have to prove your words to me. You do that, Brant, and I’m yours. Of course, you will have to wait until I come of age. Which means no playing about with other women until then. I know there are many who are much too eager to lift their skirts for a handsome warrior.”

I choked as I swallowed. She was young, and yet she spoke her mind with such decisiveness. I could see why Brant was smitten with her.

“I wouldn’t dare,” he murmured, his eyes taking her in as though she was the first piece of a land he’d seen after being on the ocean for months.

Dayna pulled her shoulders back and raised her chin. Her eyes danced with the same fire I’d seen in Allete. “I am not jesting, Brant. You want me?”

“You know I do.”

Well, damn, these two weren’t going to just continue to flirt. Then again, I knew that once Brant made a decision, he never wavered. There would be no changing his mind. If he said he wanted her, then he meant it with everything in him.”

“If I even hear of you setting those eyes on another woman, then I’ll cut them out and feed them to fish. I won’t allow my heart to be toyed with.”

“So you want me as well?” he asked her. “You do not think you are too young to be making such a declaration?”

“I may be young, but I know my own damn mind, and when I see what I want, I am not afraid to take it. My own ability to wait for you does not need to be a question. I am a female and one of high ranking. Even if I did not respect myself and took a man to my bed before taking him as my husband, I would be disgraced. But a man…” She laughed, but there was no humor in it. “A man can take as many women to his bed as he pleases before taking a bride, and everyone turns a blind eye. Your past is your past, but if you are telling me that I am what your soul wants, then you had better be ready to show me the truth in your words.”

She turned and reached past me to grasp the handle to her sister’s chambers.

“Dayna Auvray,” Brant’s voice came out in a low growl.

She looked back at him over her shoulder.

“I have no problem proving anything to you, and I am not an animal in rut, needing to satisfy my every urge. But hear me, female. You expect my devotion, and you have it. I expect the same.”

She began to speak, but he held up his hand to stop her. “I am not talking about your body. I’ve no doubt you will keep your skirt down and your beautiful legs closed. I am talking about you. You want me to be yours, then you had damn well better be mine. None of that flirty shite that you do so well. No casual touches from other males, I don’t care if they are a member of your father’s court. We clear, little princess?”

Dayna’s lips tightened. She obviously did not care for the endearment.

“We are clear. But, Brant, if you ever call me little princess again, I won’t have to worry about you ever lusting after some barmaid. I will make sure you are cut to be a eunuch, and I will be the one doing the cutting.” After a moment of intense staring between the two hotheads, she grinned and blew him a kiss.

When she was behind the door, Brant let out a sigh. “Damn, I want that one. She’s perfect for me.”

I cleared my throat. “She just threatened to cut your balls off, and you think she’s perfect.”

“Hell, yes,” he grinned stupidly. “A woman who can handle a blade can no doubt handle other things just as well.”

“Bloody hell, man,” I said shaking my head. “I suppose you’re right. She’s just as crass as you are and doesn’t blink an eye at your crude comments. And she’s just as violent as you. I have a feeling there will be blood drawn many times before you two make it to the marriage bed.”

Brant nodded. “Of that I’ve no doubt. Too many of those pansy, court males look at her as though she’s a trophy to be set on their mantle. I’ve no doubt, if we stay here much longer, I will have to kill a few. She’s the type who will flirt with them just to piss me off.”