The Viking's Chosen (Clan Hakon #1)

“Why would you want to court me? How did you know me?”

“You were part of a prophecy that my mother received. She is an Oracle. She saw that our futures were intertwined. In order to save both of our people, we must be joined.”

I started to argue. I was already in a betrothal that was based upon the benefit of two kingdoms. I did not want a marriage based upon political alliances. Before I could say anything, Torben held up his hand to stop me.

“I know what you are going to say, and I understand it,” he said. “I would not want a marriage that wasn’t based upon love. I did not want to be forced any more than you did, I promise you. That is why I wanted to court you. If we are meant to be, wouldn’t it stand to reason that we would be in love? I would never have forced you. And I still won’t.”

I believed him. From what I’d learned about him over the past month, despite not knowing his true background, his actions had proven his character. And, right or wrong, I loved Torben, a Viking warrior.

“And how do you feel?” I asked him. Perhaps I was pushing for something I already knew. He’d expressed his feelings before, but if we were doing something so permanent, then I needed to hear it.

“I love you,” he said simply. “I knew the minute I saw you that you were created just for me. The past few weeks have just confirmed it.”

As I stared up at him, at a future that I wanted to grasp with both my hands, yet seemed so very far out of my reach, I wondered if we could make it happen. Could it be as simple as just trying, as he’d said a couple weeks ago? Did we really have the power to choose our own destiny?

“You need to choose.” Myra broke the silence that had filled the room.

My jaw clenched tightly as I made my choice. I sat up and reached for Torben’s hand. “I need you to understand why I’m about to make this decision.” I could tell that he thought I was rejecting him. It was obvious in the way his body tensed, and his mouth drew out in a tight line. His eyes narrowed and seemed to flash with a near uncontrollable anguish.

“Listen,” I encouraged him and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I am not choosing you because I can’t survive without you. I am not saying yes to us because of some prophecy. I am not choosing us simply because the gods ordained it. I’m not even choosing you simply to avoid Cathal, even though that would certainly be reason enough. I’m choosing you because my heart is yours. Even if every army from every kingdom stood between us, I would still choose you and fight to be with you.”

I didn’t wait for his response. I turned to Myra and nodded my head.

“Will you, Allete, Seer and Healer of the Hakon Clan and soul match to Torben, pledge yourself to him? Will you stand beside him as his equal? Will you support him as his queen? Will you be his helpmate and share your insights, encouragement, and advice to ensure he stays on the path intended for him? Will you let him protect you, lift you up when you need it, carry you when you cannot walk, shelter you when the storms of what is to come become too much? Will you bind your soul to his and take his into your keeping as well?”

“I do and I will,” I answered, the words seeming to simply flow from my mouth like the chants that came when I was healing. As soon as the words passed my lips, a soft glow and feeling of warmth surrounded Torben and me. The light grew brighter and brighter, and the heat felt as though it was trying to meld us into one being. I felt a tugging deep inside of me, as though a string was attached to my heart and was being pulled gently, the force directed at Torben’s chest.

I looked up at him, and my lips curved up to match the smile that was glowing on his face. His eyes were filled with a contentment that I felt deep inside of me. As the light and heat slowly faded, I knew it was done. Torben, my soul match and anchor, was bound to me and me to him.

“It is done,” Myra said and took a deep breath. “There are things coming that I cannot speak of, but it is imperative that you let nothing come between what has been joined here today. The gods have blessed this union, and nothing in heaven, in hell, or on earth, can destroy it. Be prepared, a fight is coming your way.”

She melted into the shadows of the room and was gone in a matter of seconds as if she’d never been there.

“That did not sound very encouraging,” I said as I sat back in the bed. Torben sat next to me, his hand resting on my thigh.

“We will face whatever is coming, together,” he said with a certainty that I trusted because he believed it, even though I didn’t feel such assurance myself.

“What now?” I asked.

“Now we pretend as though nothing has happened until the morning of the wedding,” Torben said.

I really did not like the sound of that, but I understood why it was necessary. As he stood from my bed and walked around to the other side, I felt a sudden urge to grab onto him and never let him go.

“I feel it, too,” he said as he looked down at me, his handsome face exhibiting a tenderness that I only saw when we were alone. “I don’t want to leave, not even to be just outside. But I have to keep you safe.”

I nodded. “I know.”

He leaned down and kissed me, a sweet, lingering kiss that had my toes curling under the covers. I kept my hands to myself, knowing that if I wrapped them around his neck I would try to pull him closer.

“One day left,” he whispered against my lips. “The banquet is the evening after tomorrow. Then we will make our escape. I will be honest, I’m still trying to devise a plan.”

I smiled. “You infiltrated my father’s castle as a guard and captivated my heart. I have every confidence in you.”

“Sleep well, princess.” With a final kiss, he stood and walked to the door.

“Torben,” I said quickly. He turned and looked back at me. “I’m glad it is you. I’m glad you are my soul match.”

“As I am glad, Allete Auvray, that you are my everything.”

The door shut quietly behind him, and I laid back in my bed no longer feeling as though I was at death’s door. In a matter of a few hours, my life had veered off one path and been placed on a completely different course, one with a considerably better outlook. I was sure in that moment the smile on my face could not get any bigger without my face splitting in half, and my heart could not swell with any more love without bursting.

Torben was mine, and I was his. For once I felt as though I was exactly where I was supposed to be and that my life finally had a purpose.

When morning came, I still couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off my face.

“Are you going to tell me what happened in there?” Brant asked as he motioned with his head to the door behind me.

“I made her mine,” I said simply.

Brant’s eyes widened. “She allowed that without any vows?”

I shook my head. “Does your bloody mind always jump to the ditch, man?”

“You said you made her yours,” he argued. “How else should I interpret it?”