The Scotch Royals (Scotch #3)

“Yes.” She was just as stubborn as I was. Sometimes I respected it, and sometimes it just annoyed me.

When she didn’t leave me any other choice, I caved. All of this could have been avoided if I’d just pulled my head out of my ass sooner. We would already be in Scotland right now. “Fine. But you’re staying here with me. Move your stuff out of the apartment and hand over the keys.”

“And where do I put my things?”

“I’ll arrange for my men to fly it out so it’ll be ready when we get there. How does that sound?” That was the best compromise we were going to find.

“Good. And you’re going to stay here the whole time?”

I wasn’t leaving her again. “I can work from my laptop.”

“You said that already but didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes. I’m staying here.” I was going to make up for the past month in the next two weeks. I didn’t just want good sex like I had been having with my other lovers. I wanted the incredible passion I only experienced with London. Ever since I’d fallen in love with this woman, the sex had blown my mind. It didn’t matter how good Sasha was between the sheets—she couldn’t compare to London.

“Then I’ll get my stuff and talk to my landlord.”

I propped myself up on my elbow. “Great. Now we can talk about breakfast.”

“Yes!” She snatched the menu off the nightstand and flipped it open. “What are you getting?”

“Egg whites and a protein shake.”

She rolled her eyes. “Still boring as ever…”

“My body isn’t boring.”

She rolled her eyes again, but this time she smiled. She looked at the menu again. “I’m getting the French toast, bacon, and eggs. And a coffee. Oh, and an orange juice.”

“Then call it in.”

She lay on her stomach and grabbed the phone off the nightstand, her knees bent and ankles crossed as her feet rested near her ass. Her curves looked amazing in my t-shirt and her underwear.

My eyes honed in on her ass, and I was thinking about pulling her panties down so I could shove my cock into her pussy. I missed how wet it was. I’d been wearing condoms, and condoms sucked. My eyes couldn’t turn away as I listened to her call room service. As much as I wanted to fuck her, I hadn’t forgotten about the man who stopped by the apartment. I didn’t want to know the details, but I needed to hear them anyway. I needed to know that he meant nothing to her.

That she thought about me when she was with him.

Just as I thought of her when I was with Sasha.

And I needed to know there would be no one else besides the two of us—from here on out.

After we picked up her essentials at her apartment, we headed back to the room. She grabbed her scrubs for work, as well as the rest of her clothing and accessories. The second we walked back into the hotel room, I felt more at ease. Now that she was living with me, even if it was temporary, it felt the way it used to. We shared the same space together, the same bed and the same bathroom. The hotel didn’t feel like a castle, but it would do.

She put her stuff away in the closet and the drawers, and soon the bathroom counter contained her toothbrush and makeup bag. Her razor was in the shower, as well as the special shampoo she preferred to use on her long hair. Panties were placed in my underwear drawer.

It felt like home.

It was past noon, but I wasn’t hungry—at least not for food. I finally had this woman all to myself without any interruptions. If my phone rang, I could ignore it. Ariel thought I was here on business, and I would allow her to think that until I was ready to come clean.

I came behind London as she stood at my dresser, and I ran my finger up her arm. I moved up until I reached her shoulder, feeling her skin prickle under my touch. Her breathing changed slightly, reacting to my sudden proximity. She was an expert at reading my mood, especially at times like this.

My hands circled her waist, and I pressed my mouth against her ear. “I missed you.” I let my hot breath enter her ear canal, knowing she liked it. I’d been sleeping with her for six months. I knew all the things she enjoyed.

Her hand moved behind her shoulder and around my neck, her fingers digging into my skin as they moved into my hair. Since I’d confronted her on the street, we still hadn’t kissed, probably because we both knew where it would lead. “I missed you too.”

I pulled her tightly against me, wanting her to feel how hard I was for her. The second she set her things in my drawers, I was reminded of scorching nights with her within the stone walls of the castle. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to go back in time and take advantage of those perfect moments. “When you were with him, did you think of me?”

She tensed in my arms.

I waited for her answer.


I gripped her tighter. “Did he make you come?”

She moved against me, her perky ass against my crotch. “Yes…”

“But did he make you come the way I do?” I hated myself for allowing another man to touch my woman. If I’d just kept her close, this never would have happened. But I would make her forget he was ever between her legs.

“No…no one does.”

Good answer.

“Did you think of me when you were with them?” she whispered.

I yanked on the neck of her t-shirt and pulled it to the side so I could kiss her bare skin, sealing my mouth around the area and giving her a gentle nick of my teeth. “Yes. They were nothing compared to you.”

She leaned back into me and turned her head my way, her breaths falling over my skin.

“Just you and me from now on.” My hand slid down her stomach and into the front of her jeans. My fingers found her underwear, and I slipped them under the lacy material. “Understood?”

She took a deep breath when she felt my fingertips reach her clit. “Yes…”

I rubbed the nub harder, feeling her writhe against my chest. I knew when I slid inside her warm channel it would be as incredible as I remembered. But I was torturing myself, taking my time to make the final moment truly incredible. I loved making her feel good, making her heavy breathing escalate the longer I touched her. I used another finger to rub her, to massage the area aggressively and make her nerve endings go off. Listening to her moan quietly was just as satisfying as if I were deep inside her. My mouth moved over hers, and I kissed her as my hand pleased her, making her want me more with every passing second. I wanted her to beg me to fuck her, beg me to rip her clothes off.

Her hand cupped the back of my hand, and she kissed me back with the same desperation. Her tongue dove into my mouth, and she filled my lungs with air as she breathed through the pleasure.

Kissing her was just as I remembered—powerful, blinding, and sensational.

How did I go so long without kissing her?

She gripped my wrist and steadied my hand just as she moaned into my mouth. “Stop.”

My fingers kept going. “I’ll stop when I feel like it.”

Penelope Sky's books