The Scotch Royals (Scotch #3)

“Well, I’m doing it now. That’s all that matters.”

The car stopped at the entrance to the hospital, and I got out and walked her to the door. It was cold outside, piles of snow still sprinkled in the gutters. The sky had been overcast all day, and I suspected another storm was coming. “I’ll see you in the morning.” I gripped her hips and gave her a kiss.

“I might wake you up with a surprise…”

I smiled against her mouth, forgetting about the small argument we’d just had. “I look forward to it.”



I put my two weeks’ in, but since they made the schedule by week, they didn’t hold me to the full two weeks. Crewe would be thrilled, but I hadn’t told him just yet. I arranged to have all my stuff taken from my apartment, and I put the rest of the stuff on Craig’s List. All of my valuables were slowly taken away by college students.

Crewe worked from his office in the hotel room while I was at work. When I came home in the morning, he was usually already awake and on the phone, talking about his thriving scotch business. It didn’t seem like he had much to do with his intelligence business anymore, but I’d never really asked him about it—because I didn’t want to know.

When I walked into the hotel room, he was sitting at his desk near the floor-to-ceiling windows where the natural light filtered through. Since he wasn’t going to be seen by anyone, he didn’t wear a suit, sticking to jeans and a t-shirt.

I preferred the casual look, where he could show off his nice arms and his sculpted shoulders. His ass always looked great in his dark jeans, and the dark colors he wore always complemented his brown eyes. He looked great in a suit, of course. But when he didn’t wear a suit, I could see more of the man underneath.

I walked inside and gave him a slight wave.

He was on the phone, but his eyes were trained on me. “Yeah, I agree.” He scooted the chair back from the desk and patted his thigh, beckoning me toward him even though he was in the middle of a conversation. “Let’s increase production. The more visibility we have around the world, the better the marketing.”

I sat on his thigh and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

His arm circled my waist, and he held my gaze as he finished his phone call. “Let me know.” He hung up and tossed the phone on the desk.

“Who was that?”


I was surprised it wasn’t Ariel.

“He’s my ears and eyes in the distillery. Distributor.”

“Oh, okay. I think I met him once.”

“You probably have. So, how was work?” He didn’t take much of an interest in my job, probably because he didn’t like the fact that I was gone for twelve hours at a time and in the middle of the night. If he had it his way, I’d stay home all day long and service him like a whore in a brothel.

“Hectic. There was a gang rivalry tonight, so we had a few patients with gunshot wounds.”

Crewe nodded, but his jaw tensed. I knew him well enough to understand what he was thinking, that he didn’t like me working in an environment he deemed unsafe. But there was nothing he could do about it, so he kept his thoughts bottled up inside. “I had a hard time sleeping without you last night.”

“Well, you shouldn’t have any more trouble. Today was my last day.”

“It was?” His eyes narrowed in interest.

“I put my two weeks in a while ago, but since they make a weekly schedule, they just didn’t schedule me.”

He didn’t smile with his lips, but his eyes showed his relief. “So we can leave whenever we want now?”

“I guess so.”

“Good. I’m eager to get home. No offense, but I’m not a big fan of your country.”

“You obviously haven’t seen much of it, then. Where have you been?”

“New York and LA.”

“You prefer nature and the outdoors. No wonder why you didn’t like it. When we have time, I’ll show you some of the most beautiful places you’ve ever seen.”

A grin stretched across his face. “Consider it a date.”


His phone rang on the desk, and Ariel’s name popped up. He silenced the call and returned his attention to me. “Should I get the plane prepared now, or do you wanna leave tomorrow?”

“How about a red-eye flight? I need to get some sleep.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Besides, you have some work to do.” I glanced at his phone before I stood up.

“I’m always working. It’s okay to take a break now and then.” He stood up and walked with me, towering over me with his masculine height and build. He followed me into the bedroom where I shed my scrubs and dropped them onto the floor.

“But I don’t want to be a distraction…and it seems like I’m always a distraction.” I stepped into the bathroom connected to the bedroom and got into the shower.

Crewe stared at me through the glass then leaned against the wall with his ankles and arms crossed. He watched the water pelt my naked body and drip to the drain in the floor.

“You’re just going to stare at me?”


“Think of all the work you could be getting done.”

“Don’t give a damn about work right now.” His eyes roamed over my naked body. “Once you’re clean and dry, I’m gonna make my move. I’m just not sure what I’m going to do yet. I’m gonna take my time figuring it out.”

“Yeah?” I massaged shampoo into my hair then tilted my head back to rinse it out. “Have any ideas?”

“I think I want your ass in my face. That’s always a beautiful view.”

“Maybe can we face a mirror—that way you can get both views.”

His smile immediately dropped, and his expression hardened.

I liked teasing him. It was always so easy.

I slowed down and took longer than I had before, making the time stretch on indefinitely.

“You’re being a pain in the ass, you know that?”

“You tease me all the time. It’s my turn to tease you.”

“If you tease me any longer, I’m gonna get in there with you.”

“Shower sex isn’t bad.” I preferred lovemaking in the bed, where we had all the room we wanted. We could change positions and not feel guilty for wasting water. Sex in the shower was for a quick fuck before work in the morning.

I finally finished and patted myself dry with a towel. My hair was damp, but I didn’t think he would mind.

Crewe watched me the entire time, waiting for me to come out of the shower so he could ambush me. The longer he had to wait, the angrier he seemed. He was the kind of person who never had to wait for anything in life, but with me, his patience was seriously tested.

I finally swung the door open and stepped onto the mat.

Penelope Sky's books