The Mafia And His Angel: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts #1)

I placed the tray down before straightening and turning to look at Alessio. We stared at each other for a second before I stared at his hands.

Taking a step closer, I cleared my throat again before nervously asking, “Do you want me to bandage them again?”

He had made it clear that he didn’t want my help before, but there was nothing wrong in offering to help again. Right? It was his choice to accept it or not.

Alessio looked down at his hands and then shook his head. “No. It’s okay. I’ll do it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” he responded briskly. He tried to wrap the bandages around his hands and I stayed still as I watched him struggle with it.

It was a mess. Without thinking of the consequences, I walked to him and took his hands in mine. Alessio went rigid and I felt his breath on my forehead. With my head bent, I started to wrap the bandages around his hands.

He stood perfectly still, his muscles barely moving. His breathing was slightly erratic. My heart thumped in my chest and my stomach twisted nervously at being this close to him.

When I was done, I stepped back and gave him a wan smile. “Done,” I whispered as our eyes met.

Alessio didn’t answer. I didn’t expect him to. Giving him another smile, I turned around and started to walk away. Just as I neared the door, his voice stopped me.

“Wait,” he demanded.

I stopped. When I heard him sigh, I decided to face him. Turning around, I saw him running his hand through his hair. He looked down and then leaned against his desk, crossing his ankles.

“About this morning,” Alessio started as he looked back up. “I shouldn’t have yelled. That was a mistake.”

He looked a little uncomfortable. Even though his words were meant to be nice, his face was still hard and cold. But I didn’t care. It was the words that mattered. It wasn’t an apology but it was enough for me.

That was all I needed to hear.

My heart fluttered at what he said and I smiled again. “Okay,” I replied.

Alessio nodded and if I wasn’t mistaken, he looked relieved.

Maddie had been right. He had been feeling guilty. But I was glad that my acceptance took this burden away from him.

When the room filled with silence again, I took it as my cue to leave. But Alessio spoke again. His words took my breath away, my hand going to my chest.

“You can keep playing the piano if you want.”

I stared at him in confusion as my heart went wild. I had to lock my knees together to keep from falling on the floor.

Hope blossomed in me at his words and all I wanted to do was cry.

“I can?”

Alessio nodded and his expression changed to slight embarrassment. “That’s my way of making it up to you,” he replied.

How could he be sweet and gentle yet heartless and cruel at the same time?

His words meant one thing, while his actions spoke something else entirely.

I was scared to hope…only because he could change his mind in the blink of an eye and it would crush me. But I couldn’t help the feeling of happiness coursing through my body.

“Thank you,” I said, my voice filled with emotions and gratefulness as tears blinded my vision.

He nodded again without saying anything. He appeared to swallow almost nervously.

After a few seconds of him avoiding eye contact with me while I stared at him through tear-filled eyes, I decided it was time for me to leave.

Turning around, I reached for the knob, but didn’t open the door. Instead I paused and wiped my tears away before whispering again, “Thank you.”

I didn’t know if he heard it or not, but I didn’t give him a chance to answer. Opening the door, I walked out, my body light with contentment.

I skipped downstairs, barely containing the smile on my face.

As soon as I got to the kitchen, I ran to Maddie and hugged her tightly. She laughed.

“I take it things went well. I would say very well from that expression on your face,” Maddie said lightly as she hugged me back.

I nodded and then laughed with merriment. “He told me I can keep playing the piano!”

Maddie’s eyes softened even further and she smiled brightly. “There you go. See, I told you.”

“Maddie. I think I am…happy.”

“I know. I’m happy too.”

I nodded and smiled back. My cheeks were hurting from smiling too much and too hard.

When was the last time I smiled and laughed like this?

I didn’t know. I didn’t care.

All that mattered was what I felt now.

Chapter 32

2 weeks later

“Maddie, stop!” I giggled as she continued to tickle my sides. “Ouch. It hurts. Stop!”

“That’s what you get for throwing whipped cream in my face.” She laughed.

“You did it first,” I argued back through my giggling.

“Ahh, stop…too much…I can’t breathe…”

“Do you accept defeat?” she growled, trying to mimic Alessio’s voice. That made me laugh even harder.

“Yes. Yes. Oh my God.” I breathed out as she slowly stopped her attack on my sides.

But as soon as she let me go, I twisted around and caught her by the legs. Giving her a challenging look, I trapped her legs underneath mine and started to tickle her.

It was my turn to laugh.

“Got you!”

She was struggling and gasping for air through her laughter.

“Maddie! Ayla!”

I quickly stopped tickling her when I heard Lena’s voice from behind me.

“Busted,” Maddie whispered.

Rolling off her, I stood up and straightened my dress while she did the same.

“What did you do to my kitchen?” she gasped. The horrified look on her face was funny. Bringing my hand up, I coughed into my palm to mask my laughter. Maddie didn’t even try to hide it.

“There is whipped cream everywhere! You guys were suppose to make dessert, not turn the kitchen into dessert!” Lena said almost angrily, with her hands on her hips as she leveled us both with a glare.

“Sorry, Lena. We will clean it up. Promise,” I said with a smile and blinked innocently at her.

“Don’t try to act innocent with me, young lady. Maddie is rubbing off you,” she remarked.

Maddie laughed again and linked her arms through mine. “Definitely,” she said with a wink. Lena shook her head but I saw the smile peeking on the corner of her lips.

“Don’t worry, Mom. Ayla and I will clean it up in no time.”

“You better. C’mon. Hurry to work now,” Lena replied before turning around and walking out of the kitchen.

“Lena is right. We did make a mess of the kitchen,” I said with a sigh as I looked around.

It had been two weeks and I felt like I had been given a new life. Two weeks and I’d had no nightmares, my sleep filled with peacefulness. Two weeks of only laughter and smiles.

I felt happiness that I had never felt before. At first, I was scared that maybe all of this was a dream. I was scared that all of it would be taken away from me. But when I woke up each day and was still living this life, I started to hope that maybe this was it.

This was my new beginning.

“Done?” Maddie asked. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled. Looking at the cleaned counters, I nodded.

“Done,” I replied.

Lylah James's books