The House of Morgan Books 1-3

Clara's face transformed into a huge smile. "That's so pretty."

At least her daughter wasn't afraid of things. Vicki didn't say a word as they made their way toward the glass screen doors. Right before they went outside, Vicki noticed one of her bathing suits in the bathroom, along with a child's suit.

Alice must have bought them both clothes in case this ever happened. Vicki smiled. She'd do the same for her frequent guests. Vicki picked them up and asked, "Did Aunt Alice take you shopping for a bathing suit?"

Clara beamed as she took the suit. "No, but she loves me."

"Everyone loves you. You're sweet." Vicki placed the coffees on the shelf outside the bathroom, and then helped her daughter into the side bathroom to change. Once Clara was done, she quickly changed too. As they left, Vicki took the coffees from the table.

Clara twirled as Vicki struggled with the door, but a second later, she had her hand free. "You ready, princess?"

"I love swimming."

Vicki took that as a yes. She took Clara's small hand in hers, and they went out and found Alice and John.

Voices near the pool grew stronger. Vicki held the coffees high in the air to ensure everyone saw. "I bought you a small hot chocolate and a tea, Alice. I wasn't sure what you wanted, as you said no coffee during the pregnancy."

Alice smiled. "Thank you. The hot chocolate is perfect."

Peter sat at a table next to John and Alice with a stack of papers.

Both of the men stood. John opened his arms, went onto one knee, and hugged Clara. Clara hugged him back as Peter kissed Vicki's cheek. John said, "Clara, let's go swimming, you and me. Alice and Peter want to talk to Vicki."

Vicki gazed at both of her brothers. At least they were no longer at each other's throats. In that second she didn't move. Clara held her hand firmly and didn't let go. Clara then tugged. "Vicki, you can swim with us if you want."

Clara probably thought the hesitation was wariness. Vicki knelt down and ensured she had a smile on her face. "Sweetheart, I might join you later. I want to talk to my brother and Alice. I want to make sure Peter is happy, but I'll be right here the whole time. You'll see me from the pool with Uncle John."

Clara's chin tilted and then she shrugged. "Okay. Don't go anywhere."

"I promise." Vicki crossed her heart. "I will be right here with you, always."

Clara let go of Vicki's hand then took John's as they walked into the pool. Vicki watched her baby girl like a hawk without blinking for a few seconds, until Clara laughed as she splashed John. She then turned and looked at Alice. "John knows what he's doing."

Her friend answered, "He's practicing for ours."

Peter placed his briefcase on the table. "None of us wants to be like our father."

Vicki walked closer to the table. "I'm happy Colt had our daughter and kept our daughter safe."

Alice stood as she approached. "You must be full of regret and anger."

"I can't change what happened." Vicki sighed and stared in the distance at both Clara and John splashing in the water.

Peter unlocked his briefcase. "I'm investigating the other heirs of the will, and personally I always wanted to know what happened to our own mother."

"I have more immediate needs, Peter." Vicki slid into the seat beside her brother and placed the coffees on the table.

Alice reached out and held her hot chocolate with both hands. "Vicki, how is my brother?"

Vicki passed Peter his coffee as he organized the files, and told Alice, "He's talking to Belle right now."

"She's the fiancée. I'd expect a conversation from John if I found out he was living with a former love." Alice took off her lid and then smelled the hot chocolate. "Our dad raised us to stick to our word, but I don't think Belle and Colt are a match made in heaven. Give my brother his space."

"Why?" Vicki took her own coffee and averted her gaze. "You don't know her."

"She wants my brother to move to D.C. and be someone he's not." Alice sipped her drink and closed her eyes, clearly enjoying the taste. Once she was finished, she sighed. "My brother intends to run our family farm."

Peter cleared his throat and placed his coffee beside him. "We're here to talk about Dad, what I gathered, and how we wish to proceed."

Vicki's entire body stiffened. She didn't want to fight with Colt over Clara. "I need your help to figure out what depths Dad went to in ripping my daughter out of my arms. I need to know. Who did he pay? Does the person who made the arrangements for him benefit? And how deep did Dad's money get him? I might have to prove a lot to be Clara's mom, and I want to be prepared."

"It's sick what your dad did." Alice sipped her hot chocolate, again. Then she opened them and picked up one of the papers. "I'm sure my brother won't fight you."

"Colt has been nothing but wonderful."

"Wonderful doesn't protect your back." Peter took out a manila folder and handed it to Victoria. "I brought everything I found, but I'm not seeing all the connections. I was away in college at this time, so maybe you can connect the dots I don't see."

Vicki flipped open the folder and stared at the papers, unable to say anything. Peter clearly had his investigators build a case for her. "I was there."

A few titles of documents caught her eye as she scanned a pile.

Peter handed Alice a folder and told her, "This is what I found on Colt. Perhaps you can go through that and help us."

"I can't help take Clara away from him."

"I don't want that." Vicki reached across the table and pressed her hand on her friend's. "He's an amazing father. I want to ensure no one can prevent me from being a mom."

"I don't think I can be here, nonetheless. Colt is the best brother I could ever have, and I hope you know what you're doing." Alice stood and then pushed her chair closer to the table. "I'll go swimming."

The last thing Vicki would do is hurt Alice too. She quickly said, "Thank you for letting us meet here, and I hope you understand."

"I do." Alice nodded. "John can't be with me for my ultrasound, and I was hoping for some mental support at the doctor's office tomorrow. Can you come?"

"Of course." Vicki had the thought that she'd escape Belle for a great reason. "You're my best friend."

Alice went in the water. Peter and Vicki sat quietly as she read more of the papers. The more she dug, the more she realized that every paper confirmed Colt's story and what she'd pieced together. Then her body went cold as she picked up one piece of evidence. She swallowed and read the check. She waved it at Peter. "What's this?"

He read it. "Who's Imogen Herrera?"

"Proof. She was the nurse assigned to me in the hospital. Dad paid the nurses and doctor."

"It's made out to cash." Peter reread the paper and pointed to the check.

Vicki understood that money was paid, and people needed hush money. No one took a personal check made out to them. Her father would never write one, as that would lead back to him. "Cashed locally three days after Clara's birth."

Victoria Pinder's books