The House of Morgan Books 1-3

The only honest person she truly knew stared at her. Her eyes met his and she gulped. She needed to change topics fast, as her stomach twisted in knots. "What happened to Belle?"

His cheeks turned red. "I told you. She's gone. I drove her to the airport."

Gone wasn't how a man in love typically talked, was it? "For good? Or is the wedding still on, Colt?"

He stared at the table. Then he gazed at Clara. "I told her I'd cancel the wedding, return the gifts, and pay back any money spent."

Her heart thundered as heat coursed through her. She had to school her face and not smile. He was in pain. Her lips didn't quite close, and all she could say was, "Ohh, wow."

He reached across the table again and took her hand. His sexy eyes stared back at her, and she lost her voice. Her cheeks burned as he told her, "I did it because I am not packing Clara and moving to Washington. Our lives are here."

"I'm glad." With unshed tears in her eyes, Vicki had so many more questions and so much to say, but not in front of Clara. Not yet. They might turn out to be a family, and tomorrow they'd tell her.

The waitress returned with plates of food. "Let's eat," Vicki said.

He massaged his neck. "I don't want to hurt you, Vicki. You're important too."

They had a chance to start something now. She gazed at her plate to not give away her thoughts. "The promise you made about the natural and right moment is soon, Colt. Then we have no walls that might come between us."

"I understand." He nodded.

Clara ate her food in silence mostly, but stared at both the adults.

Vicki's heart kept up its pitter-patter every time she peeked at Colt, so she focused on her chicken sandwich until there was nothing left on her plate.

Done, she glanced at Colt. He had finished too. She bit her lip for a moment and then asked, "Want me to drive Clara, or do you want to take her?"

He shook his head. "I let you have her all day. Meet you at home."

A home sounded great. He walked behind her to her car and then buckled Clara in her car seat. With their daughter staring at them, he kept one hand in his pocket and hugged Vicki goodbye. She pressed her arms around his shoulders and whispered, "See you at home."

He nodded.

Fire burned inside her on the ride back. For once everything was going right in the world, and she couldn't wait.


Colt beat them home, and waited for them on the porch. Vicki stared at his manly silhouette—his hard muscles, chiseled chin, and cowboy hat—as she drove up. Her heart surged the moment she parked and imagined that he'd come into the light and kiss her. The image left her breathless, and her lips tingled. She swallowed and tried to ignore the visions as she turned off the engine. Clara was fast asleep in her car seat.

"Leave your suitcase for me. I'll get it later."

The sound of his voice was like a warm tropical breeze. His broad shoulders drew closer as she unlocked her door and stepped out of the car. Her body warmed as he came closer, though he headed for the back. She straightened her dress as he picked up Clara. Vicki followed him inside the house with the small bags.

She placed her shopping bags on the counter as Colt carried Clara right into her to bed. A moment later, she kicked off her Jimmy Choos and then went to her daughter's room. Colt already had her on the bed, so she fixed her sweet daughter's hair on the pillow. She'd not miss another day. Tomorrow, no matter what happened, they had to tell Clara.

Clara lightly snored.

Colt stood and took Vicki's hand. His huge hand sent a wave that washed through her as he led her back to the living area. As he led her to the couch, she flipped on the lights as hope surged through her. Her entire body tingled with his nearness. He helped her settle on the couch and then sat beside her.

"Colt, tomorrow we are telling her I'm her mom. This pretense is over."

"Yes." His brown eyes darkened as he stared at her. "Tomorrow, princess. Today was already dramatic, and we have to make sure we paint this picture clearly to Clara. I don't want to build up some dream then dash her hopes, Vicki. You both deserve to be treated with honor."

A spell of some sort was in the air. Everything felt magical. She whispered, "What made you believe it was time to tell her?"

"Do you want to wait?"

"No." Her lips tingled as she stared at his mouth. "But what made you change your mind?"

His hand went on top of hers. "You've been nothing but great with our daughter, and Clara deserves a mother that loves her."

"Thank you. I'm grateful." She pushed her hair behind her ear. "What happened with Belle?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Not yet."

She scooted closer to him, and he whiffed his manly smell. "Colt, I'm here for Clara."

He held still. "Is that all?"

Desire wasn't part of their deal, but she'd not say that. It wasn't fair. She met his gaze. "What else is there?"

Her lips tingled as she opened them and he stared at her mouth. Her skin radiated warmth. Then he shook his head. "Vicki, we are the past. Clara has a future and we're her parents. We have a responsibility..."

No, he'd not break whatever possessed them both right now. She placed her hand on his arm. "You changed the diapers and did the hard work, Colt, but that doesn't make us any less human."

His shoulders dropped. "I don't want you to think there is a 'we' because I ended things with Belle. Vicki, you deserve far better treatment, and I'm not ready."

Guilt didn't belong in their lives. They hadn't done anything to Belle. Vicki's mind went blank. "The only deadline here is telling Clara. No one gets hurt."

He swallowed then placed his hands gently on her hips. She opened her arms and hugged his shoulder. Fireworks went off inside her body. If they went slowly, they might build a future. "I thought you weren't ready?"

His arms went around her more firmly, and her eyes grew wider. "You're the light that beams in the darkness, Vicki."

She closed her eyes. Then he leaned closer, and her body fluttered. "Fireworks" didn't begin to describe how his lips on hers set her off. She stilled until he tugged her hip to bring her closer. She followed, and she could taste the smell of oranges in the air around her.

His delicious lips met hers and he kissed her.

Her arms circled his shoulders, and she tried to close any gap between them. His arms that held her in his embrace sent sweet tremors through her. His lips stopped pressing against her, and he opened his eyes. His gaze seemed tortured, as he grumbled, "Vicki, tell me to stop."

Absolutely not. This was where she belonged. She'd follow wherever he desired, and she'd be happy on this farm. Coming home meant Colt. Without a word, she stood, took his hand, and tugged him to stand up. He looked confused, until she stepped toward his bedroom door. His eyes widened. She pressed her body in his and wrapped her arms around him. "Colt Collins, I want you right now."

For one second, he didn't move.

Her heartbeat grew loud, and she feared he'd say no. Then his large, calloused hands slipped under the top of her dress and pressed against her naked back. He took a hard, deep breath, then kissed her.

Victoria Pinder's books