The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Is it possible you're pregnant?" Vicki's gynecologist asked her. She had agreed to her annual because Alice told her to get checked while they were here.

"Err, no." Vicki's eyes widened as the doctor removed the plastic clamps from her nether regions. Last night's memory surged in her mind. Colt had been a fabulous lover, and he'd been better than she'd ever imagined. However, they used protection, and it was too soon to know, so the question was impossible. "Are we almost done? I should probably get going."

Doctor Ramirez shook her head. "I thought you were waiting for your sister."

"My almost-sister and always best friend."

Clara had stayed in the room with her Aunt Alice to watch the baby monitor.

Vicki straightened out her legs as the exam was done, but couldn't meet the dark eyes of the woman. "Nothing strange going on, is there?"

"Nothing strange. I don't see any kind of cancer." The doctor smiled and stood. "Get dressed and return to your daughter. Alice will be just about done too."

Vicki folded her skirt neatly on her thighs as her entire body heated. She hadn't said that Clara was her daughter, so the doctor had likely assumed. Vicki bit her lip and decided to let the matter be. "Thanks. I'm glad this once-a-year thing is over with. I don't know my mother's history, so I take health seriously."

Her doctor explained, "If you want to have another child in the future, you're perfectly healthy. Enjoy life and don't stress about what you can't control."

"That's great advice." Vicki picked up her underwear and waited for the door to close. As the doctor opened the door, Vicki said, "Okay, thank you again for everything."

Vicki quickly dressed and went to find Alice and Clara. Alice sat in the waiting room with Clara. They both stood to greet her as Alice said, "You're back."

Vicki stared at her blonde, blue-eyed angel and then toward her friend. She straightened her pocketbook. "Ready?"

Alice stepped forward. "Let's go."

Clara instantly took Vicki's hand as she opened the door. As they walked in the oppressing humidity to head to the car, Vicki saw how Alice's face flickered. She whispered, "What happened?"

Alice shook her head and closed her eyes. "Nothing. I can't believe I forgot my sunglasses. Give me one minute."

Vicki smiled at her friend as Clara swung their arms in the air. The second they opened the car door, they heard her daughter's cell phone. Vicki stared as Clara reached inside the hot car to grab her phone. Vicki stood with the door open to let the air circulate. "It must be your dad."

Clara handed the phone to Vicki as she wrinkled her nose. Vicki said, "Hello, Colt."

Belle's voice had an edge to it. "Are you crazy? You can't get away with this."

Vicki's spine straightened. Then goosebumps formed on her arms. "Now isn't a good time."

Belle said, "We'll find you. I still love Colt enough where I will help him."

Help him? Alice placed her hand on Vicki's shoulder. She took a deep breath then shook her head, "This conversation is over."

Alice patted her arm and asked, "Who was that?"

Vicki took a shallow breath and rolled her shoulders. "Never mind, I don't want to talk about it."

Clara said, "Can we go get ice cream? It always makes me feel better after the doctor."

"You didn't see a doctor today." Vicki winked at her baby and nodded. "Sounds yummy. Great idea."

"Yeah!" Clara said. "We won't tell Dad if you get me three scoops."

"If I can get chocolate chip, I'll think about this deal." Vicki laughed then turned toward Alice. "Let's go to our favorite place."

"My second meeting ever, back in school, with John was there." Alice went to the passenger seat. Vicki helped Clara into her seat, and then took the driver's seat. Two minutes later, they were on the road and Alice's phone rang. Vicki kept quiet, and Alice giggled. "My fiancé is a sweetheart."

The thought of Colt crossed Vicki's mind. Tonight made her heart thump faster, as she imagined how they'd sit at the table and tell Clara. Vicki peeked in the mirror as her cheeks heated. Tonight, everything would be different.

Clara put on her headset. Vicki told her friend in a whisper, "We should head back home to your brother's soon. He's been good to me."

"My brother is a lucky man." Alice winked. "I'm glad he has you now."

Vicki couldn't talk about her fantasies or last night. She'd not pressure Colt via his sister. She brushed her hair out of her face and stared at the road to ensure she didn't miss the turn into the ice cream store. "Enough about me. What did the doctor say?"

Alice bounced in her seat. "Everything is fine, as I said. But I'm more excited about my next appointment, when I see my babies and know the gender."

Vicki hit the brakes, and the car jerked to a stop in the parking lot. "Babies?"

"John and I knew for a while it was more than one, but we're telling people now," Alice answered with a huge grin. "He's sad he missed today, but he'll be here for the ultrasound."

"I'm so happy for you!" Vicki found a spot near the ice cream store, and squealed until she parked the car and finally had the opportunity to hug her friend.

Tonight, she'd share this news with Colt, unless Alice called him first.


The blue dot on his phone moved, less than a mile, and then stopped. At least they were still in town. If Clara still had her phone, then he'd find her. Colt grunted and steered his car closer to his destination. His head throbbed.

His headache subsided slightly as he realized he was almost at Alice and John's house.

Then the blue dot raced. His gut churned, but then he realized the directions Vicki drove. The pattern was his own route home. They went south toward the turnpike, heading to his house.

He pressed the bridge of his nose and turned his truck. His blood pressure was high. With the lawsuit, she'd wait and use her money and influence to prove what an upstanding mother she might be. She'd not taint the Morgan name with kidnapping. She had the means to destroy everything.

They turned onto the country road off the turnpike, and he swallowed. They were almost back to the ranch. With the lawsuit, she had to know that she'd have to leave now. She couldn't live with them and sue.

At a stop sign, he caught up to them. They were both singing in the car and giggling. He swallowed hard, as neither of them looked at him.

His heart wept that Clara was fine.

Vicki's innocence and lighthearted smile hid her true nature.

They entered the driveway at the same time, and soon she turned her car off. His blood ran cold as he parked. Then he ran his hand through his hair and went to them.

"Daddy!" Clara ran into his arms and hugged his leg.

Warmth spread through him for a moment as he petted her silky blonde hair. She was fine.

Victoria Pinder's books