The House of Morgan Books 1-3

Then he glanced at Vicki as she smiled at him. With big saucer eyes, she asked, "Colt, did you go somewhere?"

Ice reentered his spine and quickly spread throughout his body. He leaned down to hug his daughter, and then he picked her up in his arms. She smelled like strawberries and ice cream. His skin felt tight. He swore he'd do a better job of protecting her. He closed his eyes, thankful she was safe, and then stared at Vicki. "You were smart to return her."

"What are you talking about?" Vicki looked like she didn't understand. "Your sister needed help. Once we finished, we came home."

"Home? That's an interesting word coming from you."

"Colt, what's wrong?"

No, he'd never fall for her wide-eyed gaze again. He kept his voice level and cool then told her, "We'll talk, but I'm going to put my daughter to bed."

"Daddy, I'm not tired," Clara said.

"Victoria and I need to have grown-up talk and you need to stay in your room." Colt hugged Clara again and then guided his daughter into their house.

"Doctor said Aunt Alice and the babies were fine, Dad." Clara then shrugged like her mother, as she let him carry her. He opened the front door, wiped his boots on the rug, and then entered the house.

Without a word, he carried Clara to her room, and Vicki followed. Clara smelled of chocolate chip ice cream, which meant she'd eaten sugar. They'd not discuss it now. His heart pumped at a steady pace the entire time they followed the routine of Clara's bedtime. A tic in his cheek began as Vicki brushed Clara's hair.

This had to end.

Vicki narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing. Once Clara closed her eyes, Colt stormed out of his daughter's bedroom and marched down the hall. Vicki's feet pattered on the floor behind him, clearly hot on his trail. Near the open living room, he turned to face her. Vicki's eyes wrinkled. "Why didn't we tell Clara the truth?"

"Are you joking, after what you did?"

Her entire face wrinkled now. "What's wrong, Colt? Didn't you see the note I left?"

He lifted his chin. "You get me to break up with Belle, and then sue me for my daughter."

Her eyes widened. Then she shook her head. "What are you talking about?"

He threw his hands to his sides. "What do you think I'm talking about?"

She put her hand to her hip and visibly shook. "What are you talking about? Who's suing you?"

He marched over to the kitchen table, grabbed the papers, and then threw them in her hands. "I received a court summons that reads exactly what I said. You're suing me for Clara."

She glanced at the title. "That's not the instructions I gave my lawyer. There has been a mistake, Colt."

He shook his head. "Victoria Morgan, the first words out of your mouth to me were, 'Can you keep a secret?' Mistakes when it comes to lawsuits don't just happen."

She touched his arm and an electric jolt unsettled him. Vicki stared into his eyes. "Colt, don't. Give me ten minutes to get my lawyer on the phone. Listen to our entire conversation. I'm not lying about this. I don't want to sue you. There has to be a mistake, and I'll get rid of this right now."

Part of him wanted to believe her. He froze in place. "Every muscle in my body is taut and unable to let this go, Vicki."

She found her phone. Then she took his hand in hers. He took his finger away from her like she'd burned him. "Just wait. Be open to trusting me. I won't hurt you."

He crossed his arms. He'd not be fooled again. "Clara's more important than me. It's my job to protect her."

She took a deep breath. "I'm thankful. Please. It's already ringing. Please wait one minute."

Without another word, he stood like he was at attention in boot camp. He couldn't let Vicki know that a light surged through his soul at the idea that there was some massive mistake. The fire in his heart cautioned him to beware everything Vicki said or did.

She cocked her head to the side and her eyes were wide open. A second later, she said, "Ms. Montenagro, it's Victoria Morgan... I never wanted you to file for custody of Clara... I asked you to overturn the adoption papers to clear my name, but I'm not fighting Colt in court... He's done an amazing job raising our daughter."

Whatever the lawyer said to Vicki he wasn't privy to, but his heartbeat raced. He believed her, though he shouldn't. A minute later, she finished, "I don't care what's smart or what's in the newspapers... Fax his lawyer the My brother didn't understand me, but he'll expect my orders are followed."

Vicki listened on the phone for a few more minutes. "Peter is not my father... He misunderstood. Good night.

"I'm sorry this happened." She ended her call and sniffled as she said, "Your lawyer should receive an emailed PDF and a fax within minutes. I'm not here to hurt you, Colt."

"What did your brother Peter do?"

"He hired Montenegro to file those papers on my behalf. He thought you and Belle were going to stop me."

"Why would he think that?"

"I was upset. Belle came to my store. Peter misunderstood, and I didn't call him today."

"Vicki, I'm sorry." He let his body relax and dropped his hands to his sides. "All I saw was red when I received those papers today. I still don't know if I believe this."

She stepped closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Colt, if we don't learn to trust each other, then everything else is doomed."

The smell of strawberries and ice cream hit him hard. His lips ached for a taste, but he'd not. His arms tightened around her. "It's not easy, princess."

She swallowed then pressed her hands on his shoulders. "No, it's not. When the fax comes in, everything else is settled except telling Clara. I want to tell her first thing in the morning."

He agreed. She made him believe in happily ever after.

Neither of them moved. Slowly, she slid out of his embrace and sashayed her hips to the kitchen counter, where she'd left bags.

A life with Vicki would be better than a life alone. The thought hit him harder than a hurricane. All he could hear was how his heart pumped.

She walked away with her bag and headed toward her bedroom.

His leg muscles twinged, and he stood there unsure what to do. His mind argued with his earlier thought until he could repeat the message.

Victoria Morgan and Colt Collins was a bad idea altogether. They'd never be a couple. He wasn't the type to break one woman's heart and run to another. He needed to be fair.


While on the edge of her mattress, Vicki brushed her hair as she crossed her legs. Colt had believed she'd use him. She brushed more furiously, until her arm was in a frenzy, and then dropped the brush on the bed.

Her body ran cold and she stood to return the brush to the bureau. Part of her had hoped he'd fall in love with her, but it wouldn't happen if they had no trust.

She opened the drawer, tossed in the brush, and then slammed it closed. The drawer did not help her lose steam.

Victoria Pinder's books