The House of Morgan Books 1-3

Peter smacked his lips. "I'm happy Colt is being agreeable with you. It will be better for everyone if we don't have to fight."

Her brothers both had her back. Her heart constricted. Vicki stared at her daughter. This wasn't how the conversation should go. Vicki whispered, "His mother was in the nursery the day Clara was born. Colt's a good father. Clara loves her dad, and we should talk about all this in person."

"Some dads must be loveable," Peter replied with contempt. Vicki swallowed her agreement, but then, most people did not call their last name a brand when discussing family. The House of Morgan shattered all notions of love and kindness. Peter continued, "Montenagro wants a timeline documented in case we need to press for legal action."

If Colt stayed generous, then there would be no legal action. Vicki would resume the life that she'd almost lost. She stared at the road until she saw in the mirror how Clara soaked in every word. Her heartbeat grew faster. "I'll be at John's soon. Meet us there. I bought you a coffee."

Peter coughed. "You sure that's the best place to meet? Alice is his sister."

"She's marrying our brother, John. Besides, I respect Colt, and he's been amazing with me. If I hadn't listened to our dad and then pretended to be dead, all of this would have been avoided."

"It takes two to screw up this bad, Vicki."

Despite what John claimed, Peter was not exactly like their father. "We should go. Clara and I are going to have fun in the car."

"Dad had me block Colt's calls years ago." Peter swallowed. "I never knew why."

Colt had tried to call. Vicki swallowed. Her father had used his teenage son to teach him how to run their family. "We have to go. See you there."

"Vicki is cooler than Belle. I want Vicki to marry my dad," Clara added but her eyes went to her screen for a movie and she hit play.

Vicki's eyes widened as goosebumps grew on her body.

Her brother asked, "Who is Belle?"

She ought to clue her brother in more. "Colt's fiancée."

"Colt found a woman to marry him? I'm shocked."

She'd have married him, so her brother shouldn't be so surprised. Vicki stared at the road. "Yep."

"I'm hanging up. I can't wait to talk to you in person, sis."

"See you there."

"Wait." Peter's voice became serious.


"I should have been a better older brother to you, sis. I should have stood up to our father."

"None of us were that strong." Her brother had been locked at their father's side and groomed to take over the family. In her heart, she hoped Peter never turned into her father, but he was well trained. John's return home had been her safety valve, as Peter was poised to run the House of Morgan. She swallowed her fear. He'd been helpful and sweet. "So don't apologize. We're more a family now than we ever could be as children."

"I wish you had met our mother. You remind me of her." Peter then changed topics sharply. "Colt was the square peg who knew exactly who he was, and demanded honesty. It's why Dad didn't like him. You can't manipulate people who know in their core what they value."

"I spent so many years lost and confused." Her voice cracked. It would be nice if she had someone in her corner, like a mother. For Clara, Vicki would be the person she had always wished returned to her life. "I had to leave home to figure out who I was. Colt's lucky. Talk soon, Peter."

She hit the red button on her mirror and ended the call. She took a glance in her mirror as Clara resettled in her seat. Vicki would have to ensure no one said anything in front of her. She rolled her shoulders and stared at the highway as she turned on to the next road.

Everything was fine. Her gut whispered that Belle had lied to her last night. Vicki needed to learn patience, and if she talked, she could make the entire situation worse. She continued to hope Colt ended things today with Belle.

Then she clutched the steering wheel to stop that thought. She took another peek at Clara. She had to ensure they stayed together as mother and daughter. It was more important than her love life.


The exit read the end of I-95. She was close to the Grove now. Her phone rang as she turned onto a side street that headed toward the bay. She hit the button for Bluetooth and then answered, "Hello?"

"Vicki." Colt's voice echoed in her car. "Morning."

This time he didn't sound edgy. His voice rang through her as sexy. She she let herself smile. "I'm glad you called. Colt, we're almost at your sister's."

His breath was audible. He was holding something back. "Take your time. I'll see you tonight, but I wish I could have said goodbye to you, alone, before you left."

With Clara in the car, he wouldn't say anything. She couldn't either. Her heart and body became weightless, and her voice lifted. "We'll be there tonight. I'm thinking of taking Clara to the zoo tomorrow. She seems to love animals."

"She'll love that," Colt answered, and then fell silent for a moment. "Everything is going to be fine."

Her skin tingled. He had so much more to say. But she understood that now was not the time. Clara was here, and hope surged through Vicki that he'd choose a life with her. She turned onto the street where John and Alice lived. "I'm almost at your sister and John's place. I bought everyone coffee."

"Sounds good. Tell them hi and give Alice a hug from me." Colt's voice became deeper. "You turned out better than I thought you would, princess. I'll be waiting to see you tonight."

What did that mean? Vicki's skin tingled. With luck, Belle would be gone, but Vicki kept that thought to herself. He had never said otherwise, and she could've misread the whole scene because of her own desires. Perhaps they were now planning details for the wedding, so she shouldn't let her fantasy interfere with what she did or didn't know. She parked the car and told Colt, "Me too."

Again, he choked out a heavy breath, and she swore there was more he had to say. All he said, though, was, "Bye then."

She licked her lips, which tingled for his kiss. "Bye."

Her heartbeat doubled, and she envisioned him almost kissing her last night. Vicki never wanted to be a part of a triangle, and hated competition of any sort. Yet somehow she'd figure out her way. Colt made her soul soar.


Vicki held her daughter's hand as they drove into the exclusive townhome section. The security guard behind a desk asked for her driver's license, and then let them through the gate.

A few minutes later, they walked to the front door of her brother’s house. Clara held her hand. The door opened, and at the kitchen bar, there was a note that directed them to the back to the private pool. Vicki squeezed her daughter's hand and Clara followed her. They headed outside, through to John's office and then to the backyard. "Guess they want to have breakfast outside."

Clara's eyes widened as she glanced across the bay. Her face went white. Vicki pressed her hand on hers and Clara turned. Her face was pinched, but then she said, "Near the pool?"

Vicki massaged her daughter's back. "I guess. Is that okay?"

Victoria Pinder's books