The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"I fixed the beers, and felt like such a rebel." She stared at the ceiling to cover the smile that grew on her face. "I always preferred hanging out with your sister than doing half the things my father demanded of me. With Alice, I almost had a childhood."

"I teased my baby sister a lot about how she acted near you. It's why I didn't tell her about us or Clara." He pressed his lips together like he'd said too much, and changed the topic. "Guess we can't change the past, though."

"Alice would have told me to be with you and not listen to my father. That was why I didn't tell my friend I had a huge crush on you."

He leaned closer, and she tilted her head and mirrored his actions. She puckered her lips like he was going to kiss her, and then closed her eyes. She whispered, "I'm glad we're not fighting over Clara and you're staying in Florida."

His face was so close to hers. The delicious scent of oranges and oak invaded every cell in her body. "You staying too?"


He scooted closer. Her breasts ached for his touch as he said, "Vicki, I don't want to fight with you."

"I don't want to fight with you," she repeated, and closed her eyes again. His breath came so close to her, and her lips parted to kiss him.

Tingles raced through her as his lips brushed against hers.

Her entire body heated. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. His lips were tender yet hard. He tasted better than wine.

Outside on the patio, the clip-clop of a high-heeled footstep echoed.

Colt sat straight and sucked in his breath.

Vicki licked her lips that tingled from such a short kiss.

A knock followed with a thump that echoed in the air. Then a woman called out, "Honey, I'm here."

Colt stood fast and covered his mouth with his hand.

Vicki grabbed her glass of wine off the table next to her and swallowed a sip to somehow get the taste of him off her lips.

Colt tensed. Vicki turned around and saw the brown-haired, blue-eyed bombshell from the photograph. The woman's eyes narrowed as Vicki gazed immediately at her. Vicki held her breath and prayed she hadn't seen them moments ago.

With her hand on her hip, the woman batted her eyelashes. "Who's this, Collins?"

"Clara's birth mom." Colt stepped away. "Victoria is staying the night and helped watch Clara during the storm. Tomorrow, she moves in."

"I move in tomorrow." Belle crossed her arms, and her eyes blazed at Vicki.

This was not the way to make friends. What was Colt thinking? Vicki said nothing.

"I read about the hurricane." Belle stepped closer, and her heels echoed on the floor. "I came to make sure you and Clara were safe."

Colt nodded. "We're all fine here, but you should have called."

"I was worried about you and my job. It's why I came; leaving the senators to the oil and gas folks is only temporary, since we're teaming up." Belle's stare turned toward Colt's profile, but then she walked right in front of Vicki. "I'm Belle Jordan. Collins' fiancée. I'm glad you're here now, but aren't you years too late?"

Vicki crossed her arms, and her cheeks heated. "I didn't know Colt had our daughter."

Belle clicked one of her heels. "Funny. Clara's mother abandoned her child the day she was born, and now you're here. Mighty strange."

"I thought my baby died," Vicki said. "I was lied to."

"Strange." Belle shook her head, and Vicki wondered if she'd even heard her. "Collins will be so busy the next few days. The timing is perfect, I suppose. You can watch Clara, and Collins can be free to do things for our upcoming wedding."

Vicki flinched as ice dripped down her spine.

Colt's voice became firm and commanding. "Belle, Clara deserves her parents, and Victoria will be here from now on. I need you to understand, I'm not moving to D.C. and I'm not working for your lobbyists."

"We are having this conversation now?" Belle asked as she crossed her arms. "In front of your guest?"

"I'll go." There was trouble in this rose garden. Vicki swallowed and turned to leave.

Colt's hand pressed against her shoulder. "Wait. Belle, you knew I had a daughter when we first met."

Belle cocked her finger to call Colt toward her. He nodded, let go of Vicki's arm, and followed Belle.

They walked toward the dining room for a more private conversation. She stared at the pair of them, and her cheeks felt hot. She should go.

Belle directed Colt to kiss her, but he just brushed his lips on her cheek. Vicki turned to leave. Her stomach felt like she'd be sick, so she said, "I'll check on Clara and then go to my room."

Family was what mattered. Colt's big, sexy gaze followed her for a moment, and her body heated despite the fact he had another woman in the room. She trudged down the hall.

As she left the tension-filled living area, she opened her daughter's bedroom and saw Clara as she brushed her teeth. Vicki dropped her hands to her sides and winked at Clara.

Clara put her toothbrush down and wiped her lips. Her eyes blared like Colt's when surprised. "Why are you here?"

"I came to read to you."

"What about Dad?"

"Belle's here. He's talking to her."

Clara's chin trembled. Then she ran to her bed. "This is a bad day."

"No. Tomorrow is just you and me." Vicki fixed the blankets as her daughter climbed into the bed. "It's going to be great."

Clara grabbed her hands. "Vicki, don't leave me. I love you."

Her heart beat so loud, and a smile grew on her face. "Let's read that book of yours, princess."


As the moon rose higher in the sky, Clara snored lightly, and Vicki placed the book back on the shelf. After she cleaned the room, she turned off all the lights. Then Vicki tiptoed outside and stuck to the wall. With luck, Colt and Belle were done. Vicki held her breath and headed straight to her bedroom. As she neared her bedroom door, she heard Belle say from the patio area, "You cannot believe the mother's sob story. This is all to stop you. Don't let that happen. We'll be fine in D.C. or anywhere."

Vicki opened her door. Her face was hot. Had she heard herself referred to as "the mother"? She had a name. She turned around and locked her door.

There was nothing she could do. She'd never break up another's relationship. She'd never want anyone to do that to her, so she had no say in what he did with Belle. Colt's voice wafted through the walls: "I don't think we should get married, Belle. Our lives are too different, and I’m not moving to Washington. Clara deserves to grow up here, on the farm, where I was raised."

Vicki's heart caught in her throat. She had no right to hope, but her pulse ached for Colt to be with her again too.


Colt massaged his neck as he gazed at Belle while they were still in the living room, and wished he could end this conversation. His brief almost-kiss with Vicki the moment Belle walked in on them still shook his memory. He stared at Belle, with her brown hair, blue eyes, and demanding personality. If he married her, then he'd never feel as he did right now.

Belle told him, "The wedding is being planned by the best people I could hire."

Victoria Pinder's books