The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Is he throwing a huge blowout or am I interrupting some big romantic vacation with just my presence in your room?" Em asked.

"Don't be silly. He has a meeting, and I wanted to spend time with you." She took off her heels and left them on the floor. "He did say you're invited to a party soon. And that he'd ensure you meet all the rich eligible men there."

"What if I don't want a pretentious jerk who thinks his bank account matters?"

"Peter's not like that." Belle smiled. Now that was her best friend. She went over and brushed her hand on her shoulder. "He also said he'd have the driver take you to a bar where you can meet regular, non-rich guys. Totally up to you."

Em stepped away and had her mouth wide open. "You had this conversation with Peter Morgan about me?"

Belle nodded. "Of course. You're my friend."

Em went toward one of the balconies. "This is a fairy tale here in Miami. I can't imagine you'd ever want to return to DC."

"This is like a dream." Belle then pointed to the other side. "Check out both balconies. And don't forget that ceiling. It's hand-painted."

Em shook her head as she glanced up. "I'd want to stay here, forever."

Belle rolled her shoulders. She needed to change out of these clothes and take a fast shower. She folded her hands in her lap.

"Life isn't a dream or a fairy tale. I'm just going to enjoy my time here."

"Well I'd be sad to lose one of my best friends, especially since I thought you were going to stick it out in DC with me. We were going to end up single and adopting cats. Now it’s a solo plan."

“You deserve more.” Belle's heart constricted. "I don’t have a plan for my future anymore. For Colt, the choice was easy, Em. I didn't want to be here."

"For Mr. Monopoly, though, it seems you do."

"I don't have an answer yet."

Em shrugged. "I hope it lasts, hon. I'll round up the guys. Meet me downstairs in a half an hour. Let's go shopping."

She hugged herself. "Sounds perfect."

As they strolled down a street named Miracle Mile, Belle held open the door for her friend. She stepped into the blast of air conditioning and released her breath.

Em said, “Too bad the boys thought shopping too girly.”

"Em, have you ever dated a guy who gave you butterflies in your stomach?"

She winked. "I only date men who can do that."

Her face felt warm. "I've only dated two men in my life. My high school boyfriend lasted into college. Then when I joined the Marines, I met Colt, and we dated until recently."

Em picked up a dress and then put it down. "And now you're on the cover of newspapers as the woman that might tame Mr. Monopoly."

She flinched. "I told you to stop calling him that."

"Fair enough, though I bet your Peter would be sexy even in a top hat and carrying a cane."

"Maybe he would." She crossed her arms as she flitted to another dress. "But Peter is not a board game."

"What is he then?"


Em's voice became droll. "This is how you are constantly in a relationship, isn't it? You always only see the good in the guy you're with."

She dropped her hands to the side. "Em, what are you talking about?"

She glanced in the mirror and not at her. "All the guys we're friends with are friends because you compliment them, ask them about their families. Now you're getting one of the richest, most powerful men under your spell, and you don't even see it that way."

Belle plopped her hands to her sides. "I am just being me."

Em shook her head but then went to study the dress she held. "I just hope that one day some guy who gives me those good flutters in the stomach finds me half as good as you."

She placed her hand on Em's wrist. "Em, you're not making any sense."

She slammed the hanger back on the rack with the dress on it. "Look, I truly only want you to be happy. Then one day you can teach me how you do it."

A new man was something to be happy about. She licked her lips and steered her friend toward the door. "Let's try to have fun. What are we shopping for?"

The bright sunshine never stopped here. Eighty degree weather for Christmas felt strange. She motioned for them to enter a small bookstore as Em answered, "Something for my parents to make them less sad."

Now Belle felt horrible. She held her breath. "You didn't have to come to the wedding or stay in town."

Em shook her head and stared at the touristy stuff. "Mom's cancer isn't going away, and she wanted me to go. I promised her I'd be home soon."

Belle exhaled and stepped closer to her friend to whisper, "Cancer sucks. It's how my mom died when I was a kid. If I can do anything..."

"You already do." Em kept her gaze down and didn't move. "Keep her in your prayers and thoughts. I'm hoping Mom beats it."

Belle placed her hand on Em's shoulder, but Em swatted her away. "Of course. I hope your mom survives. She's lovely."

She shrugged and dropped her hands to her sides. "Yes, Mom's great."

Belle held up a horribly cheesy Miami coffee mug and placed it back on the shelf. "Then we better get started on our mission."

"What mission?"

She gazed at Em, who studied her. "To get your mom things that will cheer her up."

"Mom wants me to be happy more than anything else."

She lifted her head. "Then be happy."

"She wants me to find a husband, but we both know I'm destined to be single forever." Em stepped away, almost like she was ashamed. Then she placed a silly hat on her head and modeled it. "What do you think of this wolf hat?"

Belle covered her lips not to laugh. "It will look fabulous in your legal career as you meet your clients. You can represent all the wolves. And no, you don't have to be single."

"I've not met a guy I can stand being with for more than a few months." Em tugged the hat off her head and put it down. "Wolves would be nicer clients."

"The life of a lawyer."

Belle turned toward the huge window and saw Peter and his strong shoulders, which had held her tight last night. The door chimed as it opened, and Belle fixed her hair behind her ear.

"There is Peter. He's early."

Em's mouth dropped open. "I get to meet Mr. Monopoly here?"

She turned to her friend and swallowed. "Be nice. His name is Peter Morgan."

A moment later, he wrapped his arms around her, and she smelled his woodsy scent. A lightness entered her heart as she hugged him. "Peter."


"You're early."

He pulled away, but the flutters in her stomach remained. Then he took her hand and laced their fingers together.

"The meeting ending with everyone telling me yes. It makes it faster if I stare down my employees until they comply."

She smiled. His brown eyes were mesmerizing. She could see how someone who didn't know him might be intimidated. "Well, that is one strategy."

He stared at Em's blonde hair and blue eyes. "Introduce me to your friend."

She opened her mouth. She had almost forgotten the world existed. She then shook her head.

"Peter Morgan, this is Emily Callahan. Em, this is Peter Morgan."

Victoria Pinder's books