The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Peter, it's morning."

He sat fast, but then grabbed her hand. He stared at the sun, like he was telling the time, and then nodded.

"I'll get you to the hotel and join you there this afternoon."

She stared at his profile. "Will you go in and see your mother?"

His quick intake of breath told her she had surprised him. "No, I have a board meeting. The moment it's over, I'll come find you."

"You should make time for your mom too. She's waited for you most of your life, knowing you were with your father." He flinched so she stretched and changed the topic. "But I should go find my friends and make an appearance. They must think I ditched them."

He stood and picked up his pants. "You were helping me. Take Em to the spa or someplace nice. Wait for me."

"Yes, boss."

"It was a suggestion."

"Just don't want you thinking anymore that you'll turn evil at a drop of a dime."

"So you called me boss?"

"Yep, and you didn't get mad."

He cocked his head, unsure what to say. Then they both sped through getting cleaned up and dressed.

As they were leaving the ship and heading toward the waiting limo, she grabbed his arm. "How will you find me?"

He tilted his head. His eyebrows lifted as he lifted his mobile. "I have a phone."

"Well, that might work." She swallowed and took his phone. "Do you want my phone number?"

As she typed in her contact info, he said, "Yeah I don't know why I didn't think to ask something so basic."

"You have a lot on your mind." She handed him his phone and then ran her hand up to his shoulders. "Okay. Peter, I'll be here for you. Find me soon."

He stopped, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard. Her lips tingled as he drew away. She licked her lips to remember the taste as he waited at the limo door for her to slide in. She followed and hopped inside.

"Let's get you to your friends."

As soon as he entered, she remembered his earlier suggestion. He'd likely pay for the spa, and she couldn't keep accepting everything he offered. But a spa or trip somewhere did sound good.

She stayed beside him and let their legs touch as she said, "Peter, just think about taking it easy on yourself and forgiving your mom."

He placed his hand on her knee, and her body seemed to melt as he said, "If she was honest, then it's me to blame."

"I don't follow."

"I should have checked the expense report months ago and not been off ensuring the empire expanded."

"You didn't know."

"Right. I'll be back."

His eyes squinted and now she understood him. He didn’t want to continue this conversation. As the limo drove through the streets, she inhaled his woodsy scent. "Peter, despite all the drama, this has been the best vacation I've ever been on."

He massaged her knee and turned to face her. "We still have to talk about you being my girlfriend."

Her mouth watered for another kiss. She opened her lips and asked, "Em says I don’t date easy and take thing seriously to often."

"Don’t think ahead too much. Let's go away."


"I own a jet. Location doesn't matter, and I'd rather be with you."

Her heart swelled in her chest. The thought of seeing him all the time brightened everything around her. She nodded her head.

"No, we’re staying here, I'll think about being your girlfriend."

"Good, we'll talk about this when I see you."

"Agreement doesn't sound like you." She lifted her gaze to him again and laughed silently to herself. "You're ending the conversation here?"

He kissed her cheek as the limo pulled to a stop. "Yeah, I have a lot to think about. See you soon."

"See you."

Her arms wrapped around him. She swallowed, but then he kissed her. She closed her eyes and was completely lost. His mouth on hers was perfection. She tasted and breathed only him.

She blinked as he pulled away.

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

No words formed on her lips. She sighed and stood next to the limo outside her hotel and watched him climb back inside. She swayed on her feet until his limo took off down the street. For once in her life, romance seemed impossibly possible. She hugged herself and then floated inside the hotel.

The people in the lobby were either into their own conversations and ignored her, or they stared at her. She didn't care and walked right to the elevator bank. As she pressed the button, a familiar voice called out from the crowd.

Belle stopped as Em darted through a crowd to stand beside her. "There you are."

Someone snapped her picture as she hugged her friend. "Em, I am here to find you and the guys."

"We thought you were going to stay forever at Chez Morgan and forget about the little people."


Em shrugged. "This hotel is nice."

If she had stayed at her original hotel, the staff would have had no idea how to keep people away from her. Belle pressed her lips together and realized people were standing around them.

"It was the wedding hotel, where the guests all stayed."

Em smiled like she had a secret. "Or it's the place where Mr. Monopoly will be seen."

"Peter has a name."

Belle's cheeks burned. She must have blushed. She stepped into the elevator and wiggled for her friend to follow. Em didn't move.

"Let's talk in my suite where ears aren't listening."

Belle pressed her lips together, and then Em stepped inside.

As the doors closed, Em's eyes widened. "Wow, cameras are all over you now."

She shook her head. "I guess. Peter's family drama shouldn't be in the newspaper."

"The lifestyle of the super rich family who has a habit of returning from the dead and stopping weddings is gossip for the rest of us."

"Whose wedding was stopped?"


“Ohh.” Her entire body grew warmer. It was time to change the topic. She took a deep breath. "No. I'm okay. There was no real drama with me. Em, do you know what it's like to be swept off your feet?"

"Truthfully, no. I thought it was some story that the movies all like to sell."

The elevator dinged, and they stepped off. Belle found her room key as she answered, "After the Marines, I truly never thought I'd land in a place like this."

She intended to throw open the door, but she dropped the key. She lowered her gaze to pick up the keys as her friend said, "Is it a forever kind of love or just a fling?"

She flinched and waved the key to open the door. "Why?"

"Belle, you aren't capable of meaningless flings. It was why I voted against you and Mr. Owns-All-The-Banks. Are there any other clothes for me to pilfer through?"

"Not today."

They both stepped inside. Belle expected her to gasp, but her friend stared at her and waited for an answer.

Belle shrugged. "You don't get a vote in my life, and all I know right now is that he asked me to stay for New Year's and I intend to."

Em twirled around her feet and must have stared at the room. Belle walked past and dropped her bag on the side table near the couch.

Victoria Pinder's books