The House of Morgan Books 1-3

His gaze narrowed in on Colt. He better protect his sister from this in case their mother turned out to be worse than their father.

Agreed, but they knew that. All Peter could say was, "Victoria, glad you joined us."

She came next to John and the three of them formed a small circle. Peter's gaze landed on Belle as she returned to the room.

“Seriously.” She stayed in the background as Vicki grabbed his arm. "My mind is reeling. Dad kidnapped her or she walked out the door?"

Peter saw himself sitting on the stairwell again as a little boy who wanted his mother. She slammed the door on her way out. "I remember them fighting."

John’s hands were clenched as he said, "Our father always got his way."

Peter glanced at both of them. They were already asleep when she had glided across the foyer and glanced at him. She saw him. He was sure. "He told us she left. I saw her leave."

“What did she say?” John crossed his arms.

Both of his siblings had wide eyes. His own heartbeat grew rapid. "She said she went out for air and that our father kidnapped her."

Vicki's eyes misted as she slammed her hand on the table next to him. "Oh my God."

"I don’t know." His chest tightened. There was no way to stop the jitters that rocked his insides. He stilled his body so no one saw. He glanced at both of them. "You both believe her."

John narrowed his gaze. "Peter, why wouldn't we believe this? You knew our father."

"I agree." Every muscle in his body wanted to hit something or someone. There was no evidence what he saw was a lie. He inhaled and said, "But I heard her slam the door. I saw the look in her eye as she left. I sat on those stairs and watched her. I waited for hours for her to come home."

Belle swayed but kept her distance.

Vicki's face went white, but she shook her head. "Peter, what did she say? I'm sure you asked already?"

“Nothing about seeing me.” He pursed his lips. Neither of them would believe him. There was no way she had been held captive all this time." She said what I told you. She went outside for air and then Dad's men took her from the backyard."

John's hands clenched. "Once again our father deserved to be in jail."

Peter met his stare and didn't blink as he said, "Maybe you're right. This is a disaster."

Vicki stepped in between both of them. "Why? This is no different. Our father stole my baby."

John's hand rested on their sister's shoulder. "Mitch Morgan wanted everything his way. If he didn't get it, then whoever was in his way suffered."

Their mother walked in and stood beside Belle. Belle reached out and comforted her.

Peter blinked. "Here she is. You two talk to her. I need air." He strode toward the door.

John called out, "Where are you going?"

"Outside." Peter kept his sight on the door. His heartbeat was so rapid he couldn't breathe in here. "I pay the men who work for Morgan Enterprises. I should be safe enough."

Vicki shouted, "Could you imagine never seeing anyone you ever loved again? Dad was horrible to our mother."

He rolled his eyes at his mother as she hugged John and Vicki "You two don't remember anything. I do, in living color."

Belle's footsteps echoed behind him on the porch. He turned, and she approached him. "Peter, where are you going?"

"I can't be here."

He stopped and stared at his fingernails as the idea of sailing off on his yacht played in his head.

"I'm coming with you."

At first he didn't say anything, but soft footsteps followed him. He waited until she placed her hands on his shoulder. Then he turned toward her.

The late afternoon sun started to set. He snorted as he stared at the water. Belle Jordan deserved someone better. He turned toward her, and the setting sun almost made her glow.

He swallowed. "Belle..."

She grabbed his hands and interrupted. She had the face of an angel. "You don't have to say anything. I'm here."

Nothing made sense, and he stared at the door behind her. He couldn't go inside. Instead he led her toward his closest escape.

"Let's go."

At the dock, which wasn't that many steps from where they had been, she hedged, "Are we heading back on your yacht?"

He dropped her hands. "If you want to go back—"

"No, I want to go with you."

She smiled at him, and a sense of calmness filled his heart. He'd like her with him right now. He helped her step onto his yacht.

"Let's go."

"I had no idea on this trip I'd be on a ship this much. I'd have brought a bathing suit."

He shrugged and his shoulders grew less tense as he led her to the control room. "There might be something here for you. Captain, get us out of here."

The captain nodded his head at them. "Aye, sir."

Belle tried to say hello to the captain, but Peter held her hand and led her out. She followed without question, and they headed into the dining area that held a view of his house as the captain began to sail away.

It had been his intention to show Belle the ten thousand square foot corner lot home with the balcony on the second floor that overlooked the bay and his swimming pools. He had imagined how he'd beg her to forgive him as she stood on one of those balconies, like Juliet in the stories. Now he stared at the mansion as they sailed away.

No one inside had come out to stop them. His hand brushed against a wine bottle.

Belle moved the bottle. "Peter, I don't think you should have a drink right now. Let's just go talk and eat."

He studied her hand. It was clean, white, and pure. He reached out and brushed her silky fingers.

He closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. "I never expected any of this. I intended to spend my life alone."

"Bitter isn't a good option." Her fingers laced with his and then reached up to brush his hair. "You have a strong family. You're having a hard time with all this."

Her massage was like magic. His body released all of its tension, and he needed to be still. "Yes."

She continued touching him. "Do you know how lucky you are?"

He shook his head and opened his eyes. Belle Jordan was more gorgeous than anyone he'd ever dated.

"No one would want my life."

She scooted her chair closer to him, and their legs brushed against each other. "Many would. Do you enjoy the blessings in your life at all?"

Somehow in all this mess, he had been blessed to find her. He kept that thought to himself and took her words to mean his past.

"I don't know what to expect in my life anymore."

"See, that's great." She dropped her gaze. "I'm the last person in the world to talk about this, but change happens to all of us. We shouldn't expect anything, but we have to accept."

He reached out and squeezed her knee as he leaned closer to her. "You have friends. You have a life in DC that you fought with Colt to keep. You don't have people looking at you and expecting to see a monster."

She trembled but didn't pull away. "You are not your father."

He didn't move. He had no idea what to say to her. "It feels like I can't escape him, Belle."

Victoria Pinder's books