The House of Morgan Books 1-3

She shrugged. Clearly she hadn't seen Jennifer as she bounced into the hospital room. "Okay. Hurry back."

Belle's voice echoed in his ear as she said greeted a mother. He clenched his hands and his shoes twirled toward Jennifer.

Jennifer heaved her big chest at him, and he stepped away. He massaged his chin. "What are you doing here?"

She pouted. "I came to help you, like I always have."

Again she stepped closer to him, and he sidestepped her. Then he puffed out his chest as he'd never run from any challenge. "Jennifer, you have a boyfriend. Rafe is a good guy."

Her lips tisked as if he had said something distasteful. "Rafe is a good guy, but he thinks I'm not over you."

"He's the smartest cop in Miami PD." Belle didn't need to deal with one minute of Jennifer and how most people placated her. He pressed his lips together. "Look, I'm busy and Belle's here with me this Christmas."

Jennifer flipped her hair and placed her hand on her hip. "Now that Vicki's wedding is over, you don't have to entertain the jilted bride anymore just because the groom made some bet with you. Peter, we used to be good together."

He opened his mouth to tell her to get off him as she placed her hand on his arm. Then Belle's voice rang in his ears.

"What did she say?"

He turned around and reached for the one woman who made his stomach flutter. "Belle, you can't believe..."

She swatted his hand away from her. "I can."

He left his box of cards at the nurses' station and followed her as she ran down the hall. At the elevator bank, he found her and said, "Wait. Belle, I went over to tell her to leave."

She rolled her eyes and pressed the elevator button. She shifted from side to side as she avoided his gaze. "Why? She's clearly here for you."

This was not how he had intended to talk about the bet. He pressed his hand on her shoulder, and she stopped being so jittery. "I came here with you. What she said is her grasping at straws."

Belle turned right into his muscles. He didn't budge.

She licked her lips. "What?"

Her blue eyes had no internal mask. He knew where he stood with her. He reached down and took her hands in his.

"She wants my money, Belle. Don't let Jennifer or anyone else interfere with us."

She swallowed. "She's your ex. Peter, if you want to be with her..."

Huh? His heart beat so fast in his chest. Had she not heard about the bet?

He squeezed her hand. "That's not it at all. You're the first woman in a long time that has challenged me. Please stay, Belle."

The elevator dinged. She stayed still and stared at it. "Are you sure?"

Her fingers laced with his felt right. "Yes."

She turned to face him, and her eyes were wide. "There are no hard feelings, Peter. If you want to go back to her, I'll walk away."

He held his breath and stared at her. Belle's openness blew every other woman out of the way.

He swallowed. "Absolutely not."

She turned and they slowly walked hand in hand to the nurse's station. "Why did your friends bet you to go out with me?"

Adrenaline raced. He should have told her the truth. Coming from Jennifer, it sounded worse. His heart whispered to tell the truth. He ran his hand through his hair.

"I don't know their intentions. The moment we spoke, I never thought about the bet or why ever again."

She stared at his profile until he turned toward her. "Why did you forget?"

She'd never believe him, but he had to somehow explain why he was drawn to her. "You were too real and honest."

A blush stained her cheeks. "I'm not that."

"You don't have a price."

"I thought we all had one."

"I can't figure yours out." They turned the corner. If he didn't fix this situation, he could lose her. He didn't even look at the nurse's station. He needed her to talk. "Why did you come last minute to the wedding?"

Belle covered her lips for a minute. "Why do you ask?"

He was right. Something had happened. He held his breath as he said, "You were so guarded at the rehearsal dinner, and I know you didn't RSVP even after Colt and Vicki sent the last minute plane ticket. You walked in without an announcement."

She pressed her lips together and avoided his gaze. "So the bet was about keeping me occupied, so I didn't ruin anything for anyone? Was the plea of friendship from Colt and Vicki out of guilt?"

Whatever brought her here didn't matter as long as she forgave him. He pressed his lips together and kept the conversation going. "Belle, I called off the bet because you fascinated me."

"Again with that word."

She slowed down and tugged his arm. He stopped and gazed at her. She flipped a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Peter, perhaps it's best if we say from now on that we're friends."

He massaged his scratchy chin. If he could help her, he would. It would be his way of paying her back for that stupid bet he had initially made.


She shrugged. "I came here because I wanted closure. I don't want to regret spending years of my life with a man who didn't love me. I'm worth far more."

He squeezed her hand. "Yes, you are."

She shook her head. "I should have stayed with my friends, had a few beers, and never involved myself with the Morgan family. Going to the party alone was my mistake."

"Don't." His heartbeat quickened. "You are far more than a friend to me, and I don't want to pretend otherwise."

She licked her lips. "We all don't get what we want in life. We should give the patients their envelopes, and then I'll head to the hotel, alone."

"I am sorry."

She grabbed his arm as they walked. "Good. Next time don't make a bet and judge me."

A second later Jennifer walked out of a hospital room, carrying the half-empty box. Clearly she had handed out more than a few. She returned and dropped the box onto the counter and stared right at him.

"Oh look, you're back. I just finished handing out the gifts in this wing. Perhaps we can share the next hallway?"

Belle opened her mouth and grabbed the box off the counter. "Peter, this is up to you."

Peter lifted his chin.

Jennifer didn't glance at Belle at all. He met her gaze and shook his head.

Jennifer pouted, "I was just helping give charity to these people, like we have done for the past few years."

Belle's arms crossed.

Peter swallowed. "Jennifer, Belle and I want to do this alone."

Jennifer glared at Belle. "Peter, you know underneath everything, I mean well. You told me you believed in me."

Belle's lips opened, but Peter stepped in front of her. "Jennifer, don't be rude with my new girlfriend. Belle deserves your respect."

Belle stilled just as Jennifer's mouth opened wide as she stared at him again. "Peter—"

He interrupted her. "My name is not an apology to Belle."

Jennifer lost all the coloring in her face, and her shoulders slumped. "Belle, I was unforgivably rude, and I interrupted more than I thought I would. I apologize."

Belle lifted her chin. "It's fine. You were illuminating."

Jennifer lowered her gaze and sashayed out of the hall.

Victoria Pinder's books