The House of Morgan Books 1-3

He stiffened and stood taller. As the elevator doors opened, they stepped into the lobby. "She didn't say anything to me. She saw me on the marble staircase as she stormed out of the living area. She had just argued with my father. I thought she'd be right back, but she never walked in the door again."

Someone snapped their picture. Peter kept his arm at his side and didn't blink. He wasn't a celebrity. She crossed her arms in defense and then stared at his profile. "That doesn't make sense. How old were you?"

"Four, almost five. And you were right, my father told me not to trust any woman, including my mother, as all women have their price."

He never broke their stride as he escorted her through the lobby where people were checking out and heading for a cruise. He held the door for her. His limo waited for them.

The driver held open her door. She nodded as a thank you and then slid inside. Peter then joined her in the backseat. Her heartbeat raced as she thought he should have someone way more elegant on his arm, but then she told herself this whole thing was temporary. She dropped her arms and let her body relax.

"You do keep looking for my price, don't you?"

He reached for her hand, so she dropped it in her lap for him to hold. His fingers linked with hers again, and then he kissed it. "I haven't figured you out. Thank you for helping at the hospital today."

Leaving Washington and coming here had been the best idea she'd ever had. The butterflies in her stomach were still there, but at the moment, less obvious.

"I don't know how to prove myself. It's a hard sell. My own father is too busy for me these days." She averted her gaze. It was best to change the conversation. "What happens at the hospital?"

"We visit patients, see what their needs are. Then we go to my house and have a nice quiet dinner. You'll like Starr Island."

"What happened to brunch?"

"Dinner is more intimate."

"I was promised brunch."

"That was before you and I made love. Is the change of plans a problem?"

"No, I guess not." Perhaps her unexpected vacation meant she could continue being someone else like she was with him. "I'd like to see your home. Is it a nice place to see the stars at night?"

"You might say that. The celebrities have really turned our family homestead into something else entirely."

She tugged her ear with her free hand. "Now I'm intrigued. I wish I could say yes, but my friend Em made me swear I'd squeeze her in."

"I'll make sure she and your friends are taken care of and get you to the hotel to meet her."

Silence clung in the air. She listened to her heartbeat and swallowed. Perhaps he was right. She could pretend to be this nice, sweet Belle version of herself for a short while more.

"Then let's do it."

"I think we did it last night, but I'll be ready for more of you this evening."

"Ha, ha, Peter. Not everything relates to sex." She squeezed his hand that held hers as she shook her head. "We might again, if I'm persuaded you're not judging me."

"There is something I should tell you."

His gaze narrowed, and she stilled. Her lips parted, but her eyes didn't quite close yet. Her pulse was raised, and adrenaline ensured all she could see was him beside her. He lowered his head, and his lips came closer to hers. She licked her lips and closed her eyes.


He hesitated, though his face held a slight blush.

She opened her lips. "Yeah."

With his lips hovering beside hers, every cell in her body was awake and alive. She knew where he was from how the air around her practically sang with energy.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and said, "I like you."

Melted butter didn't feel this good. She kept her eyes closed and her lips close to his. "I don't know what's going on, but this is the first Christmas I've enjoyed in a long time. I am afraid of what's happening."

There was something else that he meant to say. She could see the conflict of light that displayed in his eyes. She swallowed. For now, she'd let him figure out his pace. Whatever it was that haunted him, it couldn't be worse than what his father had done to him. Then his lips brushed hers, and she lost any other thought for that moment. All she could see were stars and him. Peter Morgan was perfect.

Chapter Fifteen

With Belle, the jolt through his body hadn't dissipated. Peter Morgan refused to say anything, but near her, he was light-hearted. The smell of apples now tempted him, and her kisses were mind-numbing. No one ever made him feel anything like this. She might even be better than that moment he knew he had won a major battle in the boardroom and the euphoria of being right.

Nothing about today made sense, but for the first time he could remember, he had been afraid. What if she left when he told her about the bet? It was over now, but his stomach had a knot at the thought that she'd disapprove. The limo stopped at the hospital, and he helped her out.

As she passed, calmness entered his entire body and settled in his skin. No one here would tell her. He'd find the right moment to free himself and tell her the initial truth about why he had spent the first minute with her. Everything was different now. He took her hand, held the box, and together they entered the lobby.

Every year since he'd been five, he'd accompanied his father to do this as his mother was no longer part of the family. Even after Mitch's death, this was one tradition Peter didn't mind. Today he helped people.

They talked to the personnel in the intensive care unit, and he stopped at the first door. At the nurse's station, Jennifer Gonzales, his ex, hovered. His pulse quickened. He turned to Belle. She hadn't seen. He swallowed. He needed to get rid of Jennifer, fast, and with luck, Belle would never find out.

Adrenaline now pumped in his veins. He handed Belle the first envelope from the box and pointed her to the door. "Belle, go inside and hand the woman in this room these papers."

She clutched the envelope he had fished out of the box. "Who is she?"

Jennifer waved at him from behind Belle's head. Peter pressed his lips together and flipped open the envelope. Then he handed the papers to Belle so she could read.

"My secretary wrote that her name is Mrs. Bembry. Her husband is on life support for a heart attack. She has three children and two grandchildren with one more on the way. She hasn't seen them. The papers say both that her bills will be taken care of by the Morgan Foundation and that all of her family will be here tonight."

Belle refolded the envelope. Jennifer lifted her head higher. He needed to get rid of his ex fast. Today was about Belle and that jolt he had near her.

Belle waved the envelope in front of Peter's face. "Are you sure you don't want to? This sounds like a great gift."

For the rest of the day, Belle would have his undivided attention. Right now he placed his hands on her back and pointed her toward the room.

"No, Belle. They will more likely to accept it from you."

She turned to him. "Come in with me."

There was nothing else he'd like to do. He then tugged his ear. "I'll be right in. I just need to take care of something first."

Victoria Pinder's books