The House of Morgan Books 1-3

John's shoulders tightened as he crossed his arms. "You don't have to be like Dad. He was a careless jerk, and leaving her alone was just cold."

Peter gazed at Vicki. They both believed the same thing. He met John's stare, but then Belle squeezed his hand as she stepped in front of him, "Wait a minute. Peter remembers his mother and he has to come to terms with his memories and her showing up at his door. You have your mother because of Peter, so give him space so he can find his own way. Don't judge him."

Belle was brave. He placed his hand on her shoulder, but he had a feeling in a real fight she'd never need backup.

Vicki jumped and took John's arm to pull him back. "We're sorry, Peter. John wanted to put you in Dad's place so he could yell at someone. It wasn't right. I'll get him home to his wife."

The last thing he needed was distance with his siblings that had only recently come back into his life. He licked his lips. "Thanks, Vicki, and go on your honeymoon."

She turned her head to give him her profile, "After your New Year's party. The cruise we recently booked is going to be amazing."

He waited until his siblings left them alone. His hand was still on her shoulder as she stood like she'd guard him. He massaged her arm to get her to turn around. She retook his hand as they took their first steps.

"Thank you, Belle. No one's ever even tried to stand up for me."

She let out a sigh. "You deserve it."

No one thought that about him. As they passed a store that flashed beachwear, his heart immediately thought of his yacht and how alone he had been with her there. He stopped and held her hand until she stopped too.

"Belle, if I buy you a swimsuit, will you come to the yacht with me. I don't want to keep running into people."

"Will you find time to talk to your mother?"

"Yes. But I can't right now."

"You will." A small blush appeared on her face. "I'll buy my own. The store right here has bathing suits. Let's go there fast, and I'll figure something out."

He kept his hand on her back as they entered the store. She went right to the one piece suits and flipped through the rack for her size.

A sales clerk raced over to her. "Is there any way I can help? Whatever one you like the best, please tell me your size and I'll see if we have it in the back."

Belle handed her a few of her choices as she continued to browse. "Thank you for holding these. You're super helpful."

The sales clerk's gaze clearly recognized him as she answered, "Just doing my job."

Belle picked out ten and then nodded like she'd be fast. "Okay, I like these. Is there a dressing room?"

He reached for his phone to check his messages as the clerk said, "This way, mamisita."

Belle's brown eyes cracked as her lips parted. "I'm not a mom. I didn't even have one."

"She meant no harm." Peter stared at Belle. Her presence calmed him, and he liked that feeling. He kept his phone in his hand and didn't look at it as he stared at her. "It's just an expression."

She winked at him and followed the salesclerk into the dressing area. "Peter, I'll be right back."

He found a seat near the window, which must have been set up specifically for men to wait. The couch's cushions were sturdy as he read a few emails. His secretary needed a raise. He read another email about the financial portfolio of a mortgage lender as the doorbell chimed. He ignored the sound until Jennifer's Chanel perfume filled the air.

He placed his phone down. "What are you doing here?"

She slipped onto the couch next to him. "Peter, I never dragged you into places like this."

He stood. He'd not touch her ever again. "Places like what?"

Her nose curled as she stood like she was ascending royalty. "Retail stores."

He widened his stance and glanced at the sales clerk near the register. "Jennifer, I'm waiting for Belle."

Jennifer shrugged her well-moisturized shoulder that was designed to shine. "Oh, you're still with your monthly challenge."

He clenched his jaw. "What?"

She brushed against his arm like they were friends or more. "At the rehearsal dinner, you and your brother weren't exactly alone when you made that bet. Peter, I am surprised at the lengths this bet has taken."

He jerked his arm away from her and shook his head. "Jennifer, you should go."

Belle's voice echoed in the store. "Peter, who are you talking to?"

The salesclerk's eyes were wide open as he called out, "I'll be free when you come out, Belle. Don't worry."

The salesclerk then rushed into the dressing room.

Jennifer cackled but kept her voice low, like they shared a secret. "Lying to the new girlfriend is hardly the best way to start a relationship."

Belle knew about the bet. He pocketed his cell phone and then tensed his body.

"Jennifer, whatever power or knowledge you think you have, you don't. I'd suggest walking out the door and leaving us alone."

Her mouth fell open like she was shocked, but he knew she mimed everything to make every moment larger than life. "Peter, don't be like that."

He stared at the dressing room door and not at her. "Goodbye."

Her voice was sing-song as she took his arm. "You used to find me interesting."

Then he gazed at her like he would destroy someone across the boardroom that crossed his path. "I used to think you were all that was left."

She crossed her arms, clearly unable to understand he didn't want her. "Excuse me."

The dressing room made noises. Belle would return, and his heart would be calm again.

Right now he had a storm that raged inside his chest, as he pointed to where Jennifer stood. "Leave. Now."

She tried to take his hand, but he pulled it out of her clutches. "Okay, Peter, I'm leaving, but I want to say I will always love you."

His eyes narrowed like she was about to be his prey in an attack. "You'll always love my money."

She flew out the door.

A moment later, Belle pressed on his shoulder, and it was like the sun that came after a hurricane as she said, "Peter who was that?"

He normally never answered personal questions to anyone. His dad's voice rang in his head, but then he turned and stared into her brown eyes. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Jennifer. Today is going from bad to worse. Let's just get to the yacht."

The salesclerk had wrapped the bag. Belle took her hand out of his and flashed her debit card out like she was in a race. He stepped away and pressed a button on his phone. As she finished paying, the limo stopped in front of the store. He held the door for her and led her out.

On the street as waited for her to scoot, she squeezed his arm. "Your phone is ringing."

He held it as he joined her in the limo. Then he stared at the caller ID. "It's my secretary. It must be important."

She nudged him with her elbow. "Answer it."

"I won't be a moment. You'll have my full attention." He adjusted his legs as he sat, and the limo driver took off. Then he answered, "Hello?"

Victoria Pinder's books