The House of Morgan Books 1-3

He led her inside a small side door, where the noise of the hallway lessened. Adrenaline pumped in her veins now, but it shifted a pang in her heart as she stared at his broad shoulders.

"Why do you say that when we're in a crowd?"

Makeup, hairspray and every other type of female product lay around the room. Her gaze narrowed. "Where are we?"

He wrapped his arms around her sides again and every cell in her body came alive.

"The bridal suite. My sister's gone now."

Her lips puckered and she inhaled his manly scent. "Why?"

His mouth was less than a fraction of an inch from hers. "I wanted to kiss you in private."

Something inside her burst as she kissed him. Her hands wrapped around his waist, and it felt like she flew to a different planet. Her heart soared.

He rested his head on the top of hers and hugged her. Their heartbeats was all that she heard. The church sounded quiet and undisturbed outside the door now.

Despite how she wanted to take him to her hotel and have her way with him, she sighed. "Let's get going."

His hand brushed against the fabric of her dress. If she had her way, he'd take the whole outfit off her, but that was silly. Now was not a good time. He licked his lips as she detangled herself.

"I'd like to stay here with you."

“You can’t.” Responsibilities mattered, and her brain screamed at her not to trust him, not yet. Her heart constricted and she let go. She straightened her dress and checked her hair. "I'm sure you have to have to dance with your sister. Can I ask a personal question?"

He nodded and adjusted his own tuxedo. "Sure."

Once she settled her appearance, she took his arm. If he didn't trust women, the problem likely stemmed from his childhood.

"What happened to your mother?"

His entire body stiffened. "She left us."

The thunder in her heart slowed her step. She massaged his arm as she knew she found his emotional sore spot.


They went outside again, and they were the only ones left in the church. He led her town a path.

"Before Vicki turned one, Mom walked away. We never saw her again."

She covered her lips. "That's horrible."

He shrugged. "What about your parents? Are they still alive?"

She had figured her turn was next, and that he'd want to change the topic. She started the conversation. They followed a gravel pathway that led to a patio made of stone. Servants wore white jackets and people were already on the dance floor.

"My dad is on a cruise with my stepmother."

He patted her hand as if offering her comfort. He was sweet as he asked, "And your mother?"

She brushed her hair behind her ear. "She died."

"I'm sorry."

The low softness of his voice said he meant it. She swallowed. Peter Morgan was the opposite of what he said about himself.

She licked her lips. "Why? I don't remember her. For a long time, it was just the two of us."

They walked up a few stone steps and joined the party. A waiter offered them champagne on a platter. "It sounds like you like your father."

Jennifer glared at them, and Belle turned her head so she wouldn't see her. The last thing she needed was doubt. She kept her hand on Peter's arm.

"He did his best with me."

Peter walked them to a table and set the drinks on there. She let go of her glass, so he could do the same with hers as he said, "My father did what was in his own best interest."

Her lips parted. "That's horrible to say."

Peter's lips curled as he stared over her head. "It's true. Everyone says I'm just like him. He raised me to be."

Her heart echoed in her chest. "I didn't know your dad. How am I supposed to see you?"

"Self-serving, controlling, vengeful, manipulating, ruthless and cunning."

"Absolutely untrue." She licked her lips. "Peter Morgan, you are way too hard on yourself."

He hugged her waist. His hands on hers distracted her. "I like that you say that."

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. "You're a good man. One day I'll have to prove it to you."

He stepped forward, and she shifted away. "For now, can I have that dance?"

She twirled out of a hug and followed him. "Absolutely."

The soft sounds of an orchestra played in the fading sunlight. The nighttime would be here soon. Then all that would be left was the two of them. Right now she spun in his arms and that was all that mattered.

Chapter Twelve

The stars were out in full force, along with the Christmas-themed lights on the patio. His sister's wedding went off as a success just as a princess would have desired. Peter led Belle toward his table and went to find his sister at the appointed hour for their brother and sister dance. As the oldest, he'd escort her, but as he went to find Vicki, his gaze stayed on Belle. She sat still as the music played.

His sister elbowed him and then took his hand. They walked together to the middle of the dance floor. People stood to take pictures as he led his sister into a waltz.

She licked her lips. "Do you like Belle?"

He tightened his frame and glanced at Belle. She spoke to the old senator. Then he gazed at his sister.

"Vicki, she is different."

Her eyebrows lifted. "How?"

He swallowed, and the words just came out. "I haven't figured out her price. She's honest, forthright, and unlike any other woman I've ever kissed."

"You kissed her?"

He jerked her in the move. "I can't believe I said that."

His sister pinched him. "I don't care about the percent in the company and that stupid bet you made. I want you to find a girl who can make your life happy."

This wasn't what they should discuss. His collar felt tight. The bet made his stomach turn as he thought about it.

"I am happy."

She pressed on his back to ensure he didn't fall out of step. "No, you were not. You can be obstinate. You spent so much time with our father, and we were all scared you'd follow his path."

He was too much like his father. His stomach hardened. "What did you think I'd do?"

She smiled at him. "Ruin people's lives. Marry someone you can control. Tell your children how to live their lives. Force your will upon them, no matter how much they disagreed. Basically repeat our childhood."

All the reasons anyone like Belle should not be with him. That was why he didn't sleep much. "You thought that about me?"

Then Vicki's chin trembled, but she tightened her grip. "I was afraid of that for you, but I never gave up on you. You're my brother, and you watched out for me."

"I didn't do enough."

The music ended. He escorted her as people cheered. Then the music changed, and Colt led his mother to the dance floor. He held his sister's hand so they could watch this part of the marriage custom. Peter pressed his lips together.

"I'm sure you meant well, but right now I feel like dirt."

She waved for their other brother. Peter's cheeks felt warm as she said, "Dirt doesn't feel, and you're part of my family. If Belle is as wonderful as you say, then don't let her go."

Again he glanced at his table, and three men who worked for him circled Belle. His muscles stiffened.


Victoria Pinder's books