The House of Morgan Books 1-3

“Trust.” He waited for her to sit and then sat next. "Because you seem to care where the money comes from, and I don't want you to worry. The suite you're staying in is already leased to my company in case I need to fly anyone in, ever."

"You could have said that earlier too." The lightheadedness she felt near Peter meant she should never drink. She gazed at the menu and not at him. "Okay, so the clothes didn't cost you anything."

"No, I didn't spend a dime, but I want to make sure you're prepared for when people speculate about us. Would you like to look at the menu?"

She'd be the girl people stared at in the checkout line. A few of the faces of those celebrity photos of some of the most gorgeous people in the world also had poses of the same celebrity looking hideous. The last thing she ever wanted was to be one of them.

Her toes tapped on the floor. Her thoughts were vain, and she intended to change this topic. She gazed up from her menu and stared at the door.

"I thought we were meeting someone?"

He reached into his back pocket and stared at his phone screen. Then he put it away and gazed into her eyes. "They aren't here. My secretary texted that they have rescheduled for coffee later."

She had come to call this whole thing off with him. She half closed her menu. "So do you want to stay?"

"With you, yes."

The waitress brought bread and water. She shrugged. "I'll order some sort of chicken or salmon. I need something light and not heavy if I'm to fit into something form fitting."

The waitress nodded. "I suggest the salmon, ma'am. It's wild, not farmed, and it practically falls off the fork."

For this one moment, Belle's mind cleared. She nodded. "Perfect."

Peter offered the waitress a smile. She kicked the table, though he simply said, "Make that two."

Belle's cheeks pricked like she blushed as the waitress bounced away saying, "I'll be back with your orders."

Peter stared at her, and the heat in her skin grew everywhere. "So you're calm about tonight?"

She gulped her entire glass of water. It didn't cool her insides. Her legs were restless and almost brushed against his under the table.

"I guess. Why do you want to spend all this time with me?"

He broke the bread and offered her a piece. "Most people don't fascinate me."

“Again!” What might she say that made any sense? She shook her head, but then took the bread. "Lose that word when you talk about me. I don't know what that means."

He nodded. "Belle Jordan, you and I might not make sense on paper, but I don't care. You're opinion on things makes you the most unashamed and honest woman I've met in a long time."

There must be a blush on her face now. She couldn't meet his gaze. "Thank you, but I'm just being myself."

The waitress brought out the salmon plates and left. She dared to glance at him, and he frowned.

He waited until they were alone and said, "Don't thank me."

"Why not?"

"There is something I should admit."

She leaned against her seat. She saw how his eyebrows darted. She dropped her napkin in her lap and tilted her head.

"You're a strange one. Whatever it is, just spit it out, so we can keep this peace that is growing between us."

"You expect honesty and give it in return."

A smile broke on her face and then she covered her lips to hide it. "True, so what is it that makes you seem guilty?"

"Guilty? That's not it." His gaze narrowed. "I don't know right now. You confuse me."

This was perhaps the most elegant two dates of her life, and the pinnacle moment came tonight. She'd go through with this. Reality could wait till after the holidays.

"At least it's not just me then. I can toast to that."

He ran his hand through his hair. "Belle, tomorrow, after the wedding, there is something we have to discuss."

She swallowed as tingles on her lips grew again from how he stared at her. She nodded, but then said, "The no kissing rule is back on, then. There is something I have to figure out."

"Deal. Not unless you ask."

She licked her lips, but this wasn't nearly what she wanted. Instead she chose her fork and gritted her teeth. "I used to make fun of girls who wanted all these things. Now here I am."

"I'll pick you up from the hotel tonight. Will you be ready by eight?"

This was it. She was going. Christmas Eve for a wedding would make everything better. She blinked and let her body stilled. Then she met his gaze.


Her word was all she had to give. There was no going back.

Chapter Ten

The trio of hair, makeup and clothes all rushed out of her room at quarter to eight. The red Valentino dress she wore might cost more than a few months' paychecks. The Christmas-themed wedding meant she could wear this vibrant color. She had skipped the prom back in high school, so this was her big moment.

She let out a giggle as she gazed out her balcony to the white lights that circled palm trees. The night air still had a tinge of warmness to it, and she stared into the distance at the waterfall and the party of people who drank on a patio with jazz music that floated to her window. Whoever those people were, they seemed to be having fun.

As she made her way inside, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She stepped closer to truly see what had happened to her. Her once frizzy mop of hair was now smooth, and she almost seemed glamorous. Julia Robert's dress in Pretty Woman seemed so old fashioned compared to the gown Belle now modeled. The most surprising thing of all, though, was how the makeup didn't change her entirely. Belle saw a glimpse of herself, but all the skin flaws she sported everyday were gone.

She glanced at the time. Peter would be here soon. She rushed to get her phone and wish Em a Merry Christmas. She hoped she liked the selection of dresses she had sent, but she had never called to confirm.

The phone rang and a moment later, Em said, "Belle, can I keep all of these?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Em squealed.

Belle sent a selfie through the phone and bit her lip.

A moment later Em said, "Oh my goodness. You will steal the bride's thunder."

She backed into the wall. "I should change then."

"Don't you dare. She stole your fiancé and then invited you to witness it. Let him eat his heart out."

Belle ran her hand over her hair. She didn't want to knot anything and ensured her fingers didn't mess anything up too badly.

"Colt loves Victoria. I don't hate people for following their hearts."

"Even though it ripped yours out and then sent it through a blender?"

She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. "Did it? If it did, how did I wind up here?"

"You had me as your best friend for one."

Belle covered her lips, but then whispered how she felt, "True. Em, my heart is racing."


The concern made her heartbeat echo louder. She closed her eyes. "'Cause Peter will be here in a moment."

"Your big date with the billionaire who is on track to be one of the first trillionaires?"

Her eyes widened, and she couldn't even blink. "What?"

"I read a Wall Street Journal article on him today. I'll come over for a selfie with you both. Don't ignore me."

"I would never." Her stomach knotted. "And thanks for making me jitterier."

Victoria Pinder's books