The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"What did you expect of me?"

"A jealous, woman-hating military brat who would shoot my sister on sight for what happened."

She crossed her arms. "You clearly don't know enough about the people who are in the military. Peter, most people there have hearts that are so big they wish to protect the rest of us."

"I will host a charity event in your honor for veterans on New Year's then."

She dropped her arms to her side, and his hand found hers again almost immediately. Electricity ran through her veins.


"I'd like you to spend the rest of the holidays with me."

She covered her lips. This was too much. "Peter, I don't know what to say."

"Say yes."

“Let me think about it.” The echoes of an orchestra played with her heart strings. She stared into his brown eyes and then averted her gaze. Something tore at her to not trust him and another part of her heart whispered to bend. "My friend Em and the other boys from the Marines will be here tonight."

"Colt's friends, I imagine." His fingers squeezed hers. "I'm with you, and that's all that matters."

The limo stopped near a red carpet. At least she'd blend with the floor. She licked her lips as the limo driver said, "We're here."

Peter didn't open the door. He stared at her lips. She tingled and wished for another kiss. He licked his lips and then said, "Belle, you know you want to. Will you stay and spend New Year's with me?"

"That wasn’t enough time. Why don't we get that brunch tomorrow and discuss it then?"

"Fair enough." He opened the door and lights flashed. This was what happened to almost trillionaires she supposed. She squared her shoulders. "Let's get inside."

As she latched onto his arm, people swarmed them to take photos. The lights blinded her, and she leaned on him to get her away from the crowd. As the doors closed behind them, she tried to see. All she remembered from that last minute was the sense of being home in Peter's arm.

Chapter Eleven

The wedding of an ex-fiancé should never be fun. Belle found her seat, and two state senators swarmed to gather around her, and the governor introduced himself. Peter excused himself to go find his sister and walk her down the aisle.

Belle nodded at everyone until she realized she sat in front of the former president of the United States. Her job in Washington never had her in front of the important people. She held onto the pew so she'd stay on her feet.

The entrance music for the bride started, and she stared at the aisle.

First Colt came out with John, Peter's brother, who stood right next to him at the front of the church.

All gazes returned to the back and waited for Vicki to make her grand appearance, though she stared at Colt.

Belle's heart felt nothing. He was her friend first, and his smile said he was happy. She swallowed and stared at the bride again.

Jennifer, the woman who had confronted her at the party the other night, passed her in the aisle. Their gazes met, and Belle assumed the woman knew Peter well. It was the gleam in her eye and the coldness that rushed through her that gave it away.

She took a deep breath and saw the next woman walk out. John's wife, Alice had a smile that would start the Fourth of July fireworks. Belle hugged her stomach. She'd never been as happy as that woman was.

Then the march began. Belle's mouth fell open as she stared at how Peter walked with his sister. The blonde, blue-eyed woman's gaze stayed on Colt, but Belle couldn't blink at the bride for more than a second. Peter Morgan was handsome. Butterflies grew in her stomach as he passed her.

This was a dream. He then took a spot on the altar next to John.

The bride and groom held hands, and the priest spoke about love.

Belle's mouth watered as she stared at Peter's lips. Part of her wanted to give in and let herself see where the spark inside her would lead. She was old enough, though her mind clouded with the thought that she should hold off until he confessed whatever it was he planned to tomorrow. There was something she hadn't put her finger on yet that mattered.

As she sat, she crossed her legs.

The governor said, "Is it true you represent Century Arms?"

"It is. I work on the Hill for them and secure the best possible weapons for our military."

"Not the type of girl I expect to see with Mr. Morgan."

“Peter’s a smart man.” Another reminder that they didn't match. She nodded but then her gaze returned to Peter. He stared at her, and her entire body seemed to float in air.

The priest then said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Belle licked her own lips and stared at Peter. Tonight, she'd ask for the kiss and more. Caution was for every other day of her life.

The bride and groom raced down the aisle and people clapped.

She lost sight of Peter in the rush. Everyone filed out of the church so she followed the crowd.

A moment later, Jennifer stood at her side. "I see you and Peter are still talking to each other."

This woman clearly had intentions. Belle hardened her stance. "It's not your business."

Jennifer whispered in her ear, "Peter has issues being faithful. It's why I moved on."

Belle stepped away from being that close to her. She crossed her arms and protected her personal space. "So you and he are no longer together?"

Jennifer winked. "He has money, but he has trust issues with women. You'll find out."

Her foot tapped, and it echoed on the church floor. "Thank you for your advice. Talk to you later."

Jennifer invaded her personal space as she leaned closer. "Don't give him your heart. He'll break it and not look back."

At the party, Jennifer had been with another guy. Belle shook her head. "I should go find my friends. It was nice talking to you again, Jennifer."

"Jennifer, Rafe is looking for you." Peter's arm brushed against her back, and Belle turned toward him. "Is everything okay here?"


Again those butterflies grew inside her as she stared at his profile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dragged her away from Jennifer.

"You still smell like apples."

"I smell like apples?" She sniffed the air and didn't smell anything fruity. All she smelt was his woodsy scent.

As they crossed the threshold and stood on the church steps outside in the sun, Peter dropped his hand from her waist and took her hand.

"Let's head to the reception. I'm looking forward to that dance."

Right now, she'd agree to anything. She licked her lips. Her heart echoed in her chest that she needed to seize today.

"Peter, whenever you feel the moment, if you feel it that is, I would like for you to kiss me again tonight."

His lips parted, and he led her back inside the church. Others filed past them, and Peter stopped to nod his head in hello.

He kept the pace as best he could and said, "Come this way."

Her cheeks tingled as they maneuvered in the mob. "Yeah."

Victoria Pinder's books