The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Don't you dare. You look like you could handle a trillionaire tonight."

A dress and a hair style didn't change who she was on the inside. Belle clenched her hands and leaned on a table.

"I'm a fraud."

"No more than any other woman there tonight, hoping to catch his attention."

She pushed herself off the table, and fumbled with her pocketbook. "Why am I doing this? I should be at the table with you and the boys."

"Me and the boys will get a glimpse of you all dressed up. We're excited to see your hot date."

A calmness took hold of her body. Belle unclenched her hands and sat on the couch. "My life is so not its norm right now. I am glad you're around, even if we have missed each other."

"Just don't fall in love."

The words fell out of her mouth without a filter. "I don't have a heart, remember? If I did, I'd be devastated and not here, at this wedding."

"Or you like pretending you don't."

She sat straight, but then a knock rang in the air. She glanced at the clock, and it read exactly eight o'clock. Belle stood.

"Em, I have to go."

"I'll see you tonight."

Friends were a good reality check. Her knuckles cracked as she crossed the floor to the door.

"Perfect, I'll see you then."

She ended the call and threw the phone in her pocketbook. Perhaps she shouldn't answer holding her bag, but there was no place to lay it down. She clutched it and threw open the door.

Peter stood there in a gray tuxedo and held a box in his hands. Her fingers itched to grab his collar and tug him into her room for a long kiss. She shook off the visual. Lightheadedness remained though she tried to steady her feet.

"You look nice, Peter."

He lifted the box in his hand. "You need a few more things."

Clearly their thoughts didn't align, which was good. The no kissing rule had to stay for now. She licked her lips and stared at the box that obviously held jewelry.

"We agreed no more presents that make me uncomfortable."

He opened the box and diamonds glittered brighter than the moon outside her window. "Then tonight, when we're done, give them back to me. Consider this a loan."

"I swear you are looking for my price tag. If you are, jewels and clothes aren't it."

"What would be?"

"I don't know, opening your heart and being vulnerable."

Peter followed her into the suite larger than her apartment at home. "You drive a hard bargain."

"You have no idea."

The lightness moved to her chest as she fingered the diamond necklace. It was thicker than anything she'd ever worn.

"Tomorrow can we have brunch?"

He shoved the box into her hand.

She blinked. “Why would you want to meet me tomorrow?”

“You know why.”

"That's right. You had to tell me something." Adrenaline rushed through her. "Or you could skip the anticipation and anxiety and tell me now."

"No. Tomorrow is better. Tonight's my sister's wedding."

She stared at the inside cover of the box and recognized the name, Harry Winston. "Fair enough, though honesty is always the best policy."

"Your world and mine are different. I find very few honest people in the world."

She needed a mirror for the clasp. "Give me a minute."

As she walked away, she saw how his shoulders slumped. She fastened the earrings and attempted to clasp the necklace. The latch didn't work, and Peter's strong fingers brushed against her neck as he locked the necklace.

Her face had tinges of red in it from a blush, so she turned from the mirror and stared into his sexy brown eyes. The smell of oak and the tingle of his kiss earlier made every cell in her body alive.

"How does it look?"


As she stared into his gaze, she saw a kaleidoscope of color. She turned her head toward the ground. Then Peter lifted his elbow.

"Give me your arm."

Her arm wrapped around his arm and followed him to the door. As he opened it, she swallowed. "Okay. Peter, I'm scared and I’m never scared of any situation."

“At some point, we’re all out of our natural element.” He slowed his pace. "You’ll be fine though. You’re a tough as nails Marine who saved the groom's life, remember?"

"I wasn't wearing anything like I am tonight."

"Underneath, you are the same."

"Glad you think so."

She pressed the elevator button. This honesty she had near him was like she had no filter. She should. He was supposed to be reserved and a womanizer. Yet she couldn't stop.

She sighed. "I don't want to make a fool of myself, tonight."

He led her inside the elevator as the sound of jazz music grew louder. Her heart hammered with the sound of the saxophone as he said, "It's a wedding. Once we get inside, all eyes are on the bride."

“Good.” A kiss would send her right into orbit. She pressed her lips together to not say that. "You're right."

"And you did promise to dance with me, so that should be fun."

The elevator dinged as she lifted her eyebrows. "I agreed to be your date. We didn't say dancing."

His wink was hypnotic. "It's part of being my date."

Tomorrow always comes. She'd live for today. "I suppose the agreement can be amended."

"Always contracts and agreements with you. Let's have fun."

As they crossed through the lobby, and she stayed on his arm, the mouths of people around them fell open. Despite how she thought something was going on with him, she let her guard down. She turned to stare at his profile.

"People are staring."

"You're beautiful. It happens to women like you."

The prettiest words. She knew better than to let fantasy mess with her reality, but she licked her lips.

"Hardly. Just hold my hand and let's get to the limo."

He lowered his arm and took her hand. His fingers laced with hers, and her heart thumped. For one night, she'd drop her guard. He was right that she never let herself have fun.

He said, "This way."

Her breath hitched as she scooted inside the limo. He slid in seamlessly after her. "Peter."


Impulses couldn't be stopped at the moment. She came closer to him as the driver took off. Her hand brushed against his face as she said, "I'm going to kiss you on the cheek, but don't take it as anything more than that."

Her lips met his skin and melted her. With him, she felt safe and in a home she'd never had. She slumped into her seat and tried to stare out the window.

His hand landed on top of hers. "I stopped believing women like you existed."

"Like me, how?"

"Good, honest, trustworthy types. I never met many and the ones I do meet are usually already married."

Words were not supposed to melt her. She had to remember she had no heart, so she shouldn't be like this. Her knees knocked against his thigh as she stared at him.

"Stop hanging out with women that pretend to be anything you want."

His mouth fell open. "How do you know that's what happens?"

"I'm usually called ‘over-opinionated’ or much worse when someone doesn't like my opinions, but you seem to find them interesting."

"Belle Jordan, you're nothing like I expected."

She wasn't like herself with him. She was softer. This was strange.

Victoria Pinder's books