The Exception

“Thank you.” I gave her a light hug.

She bagged up the dress and we hailed a cab over to Gina’s Seam Shop over on East 48th Street. After we met with Gina, I could tell Kristen was exhausted.

“I’m starving,” I spoke. “Let’s go sit down and grab some lunch.”

“Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?”

“I’m new to this city, so you pick.”

We ended up taking a cab over to SoHo and eating at a place called Balthazar. As I was taking a bite of my chicken club sandwich, I almost choked on it when I saw Jess walking over to the table.

“Jillian?” She cocked her head as a look of disbelief swept over her face.

“Jess. Oh my God.” I stood up and gave her a light fake hug.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Having lunch.”

“I mean in New York.”

“I live here now.”

“I thought you were on a self-discovery journey.”

“I am.”

“Does Drew know you’re here in New York?” Her eyes shot back at me.

Shit. Shit. Shit. What do I say? It was none of her fucking business and I had nothing to hide.

“Yes. I ran into him the other day. He was just as surprised as you are right now.”

“I’m sure he was. Well, it was nice seeing you again. Maybe we can do lunch some time.”

“That would be great,” I lied. There was no way in hell I would have lunch with her.

As soon as she walked away, Kristen leaned over the table.

“Who the fuck was that snobby bitch?”

“Drew’s ex-girlfriend.”

“The one he dumped in Hawaii?”

“Yep. She’s the one.” I rolled my eyes.

After finishing lunch, Kristen couldn’t stop yawning.

“Why don’t I see if Drew can take us to the Harmonie Club now? You really need to get home and lie down.”

“I am really beat.” She sighed.

Taking my phone from the table, I sent Drew a text message.

“I’m sorry to bother you because I know you’re busy, but would it be possible to go look at the Harmonie Club now? Kristen is exhausted and I’m afraid she won’t make it until five o’clock.”

“Of course. I just finished lunch. Where are you?”

“A restaurant called Balthazar.”

“Ah. One of my favorite places. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Thank you, Drew.”

“I’ll see you soon, baby.”

I sat and stared at the last word he typed. An uneasy feeling swept over me. He called me “baby” during sex, which was acceptable because it was spoken in the midst of hot steamy sex. But for him to call me that while not having hot steamy sex didn’t sit right with me.

“What’s wrong?” Kristen asked. “Did he say no?”

“No. He said he’s on his way.”

“Okay. What’s the look for then?”

“It’s just he called me baby.”

“Aw, that’s sweet, Jill. Why does that bother you?”

“Because we’re not in a relationship. Names like that are reserved for couples. Not for two people who are friends.”

Narrowing her eye at me from across the table, she spoke, “You mean two people who are having a lot of sex and spending the nights with each other.”

“We aren’t in a relationship.”

“Actually, you are. You’re in a sexual relationship. If you don’t want to be in any kind of relationship with him at all, then you need to stop fucking him.” She graciously smiled.

“What if I don’t want to? He makes me feel incredible and sex with him is very addicting.”

“Then stop getting all pissed off when he calls you baby. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, Jill. I have a feeling that Mr. Drew Westbrook wants more from you than just a sexual relationship.”

“That’s too bad. I’ve made it very clear to him that I’m not interested in a relationship.”

She sighed. “Okay. Okay. Let’s go wait outside.”

Just as we stepped out the doors of Balthazar, Drew’s Bentley pulled up to the curb and Roland stepped out and opened the door for us.

“Hi.” I smiled as I climbed in next to Drew.

“Hi.” He grabbed hold of my hand.

Kristen climbed in and I immediately introduced them.

“Drew, this is my sister, Kristen. Kristen, meet Drew Westbrook.”

“Hello, Kristen. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“Likewise, Drew. Thank you for doing this for us.”

“No problem. It’s my pleasure to help you in any way I can. How was your lunch?”

“Lunch was good. The food was great and I ran into someone I know.” I smirked.

“Really? Who?”


“Fuck. What did she say?” He slowly shook his head.

“She wanted to know why I was in New York and then asked me if you knew I was here.”

Rolling his eyes, he sighed. “What did you tell her?”

“That you knew because we ran into each other and then she said we should do lunch some time.”

“You’re not going to, are you?”

“Of course not. Why would I?”

Roland pulled up to the Harmonie Club and the three of us climbed out and went inside. Drew told the lady at the desk to alert Lester that we had arrived.

“Good to see you, Drew.” Lester smiled as they shook hands. “Follow me and I’ll show you what’s available.”