The Exception

Just as we sat down, I heard the doorbell ring and Jane answered it. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I had no clue who it could be.

“Well, hello there, Drew.” Liam grinned as he walked into the dining room.

“Liam.” I nodded. I knew why he was here.

“Hello, there.” He extended his hand to Jillian. “I’m Drew’s friend and next door neighbor, Liam Wyatt.”

“Nice to meet you, Liam. I’m Jillian Bell.” She politely shook his hand.

“As in daughter of Donald Bell?” He cocked his head.

“Yes. Do you know my father?”

“We met a few months ago at a business convention. He told me you were engaged to be married.”

Jillian took in a deep breath. “Well, that didn’t work out.”

“Are you living here in New York?” he asked.

“Yes. Actually, I’m renting Drew’s apartment.”

“Sweet. Welcome to the Big Apple.” He grinned.

“Not to interrupt, but is there a reason you stopped by?” I asked.

“Oh. Sorry. I brought the color book with the swatches for your bathroom. I gave it to Jane.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Placing his hands in his pocket, he spoke, “Well, I should get going. Avery and I are having dinner with Oliver and Delilah.”

“It was nice to meet you, Liam.”

“Nice to meet you too, Jillian.”

Getting up from my seat, I walked Liam to the front door.

“Dude. Jillian Bell? Really?”

“It’s a long story, and we’ll talk about it over drinks. Listen, do not mention to anyone that she’s living here in New York.”

“Why?” he asked in confusion.

“Because her parents don’t know where she is. It’s complicated. Just trust me.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t mention it to anyone. Have a good night and I want to hear all about her.” He pointed at me as he walked out the door.

“I promise to tell you everything.”

I walked back to the table and Jane had just set our plates in front of us. Jillian looked up at me with a smile.

“I can’t believe you had Jane make these delicious-looking burgers. That was really sweet, Drew.”

“It was nothing. I knew how much you loved the one at LAX. I can guarantee these are better.” I winked.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The minute I bit into my burger, the juiciness and flavor overwhelmed me.

“Oh my God, this is so good,” I spoke.

Drew chuckled. “I’m glad you like it.”

That had to be one of the sweetest things anybody had ever done for me. I know it was only a hamburger, but it was the point because he knew how much I loved them.

“How’s Kristen doing?” he asked.

“Oh!” I exclaimed as I wiped my mouth with my napkin. “Noah proposed to her last night. They’re getting married.”

“Good for them. Do they have a date in mind?”

“They want to get married in two weeks. We spent all day calling different venues and everything’s booked. So we’re going to try a few more places tomorrow. I know it’s last minute but I have to make sure this wedding is perfect. It has to be.”

“How many people are they planning on having?”

“She said about a hundred.”

“I think I may know of the perfect place.” He smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “Lester, it’s Drew Westbrook. Listen, I have a friend who is planning a rush wedding and I would like to book the room for the reception. We’re looking at a couple of weeks. There will be about a hundred guests. You do have a room open for Saturday night? Put my name down and hold it. Let me talk to my friend just to confirm and I’ll get back with you tomorrow. Thanks, Lester.”

“Wow.” I grinned. “What place are you talking about?”

“The Harmonie Club. It’s a private social club that I’m a member of. In fact, Liam and his brother Oliver are also members. Talk it over with Kristen, and if you want, I can take the both of you there tomorrow to look at the place.”

“You’d do that?” I asked.

“Of course. Even though I don’t know your sister, she deserves to have the wedding of her dreams.”

This man was too much. He was kind, thoughtful, and incredibly sweet. I had already known that from the first time I’d met him on the plane, but tonight, and what he did for Kristen and Noah, really made me fall even harder for him. Getting up from my chair, I walked over to where he was sitting, took a seat on his lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Thank you.” My lips softly brushed against his.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled.

“I would like to see the rest of your house.”

“Your wish is my command.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

As we got up from the chair, Jane walked in and began clearing the table.

“You don’t have to clean up, Jane. Why don’t you go home?” Drew spoke.

“It’s fine, Drew. I’ll go home after I clean up. I don’t want to leave this until tomorrow morning.”

“You don’t have to.” I smiled. “Drew and I will clean it up.”

Her brow arched as she looked at Drew. “You heard her, Jane. We’ll clean up.” He winked.

I thanked Jane for dinner and she headed home. Drew took hold of my hand and showed me around his nine-thousand-square-foot, six-floor townhome.