The Exception

“No. That’s ridiculous. I need to journey alone.”

“Ugh. I give up.” She threw her hands up in the air.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Enough about me. Let’s talk wedding!”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Before leaving the office for the night, I pulled out my phone and called Jillian.

“Hello,” she answered.

A wide smile crossed my face when I heard her sweet voice.



“I was calling to see if you had any plans for tonight.”

“I don’t. What did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Jane is cooking a fabulous meal and I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner at my place.”

“I would love to have dinner at your house.”

“I can pick you up.”

“I have a couple of things to do first after I leave Kristen’s. Give me your address and tell me a time.”

“Well, it’s five o’clock now. Is seven good for you?”

“Seven is good.”

“Great. The address is 132 East 71st Street. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

“See you then. Bye, Drew.”

“Bye, Jillian.”

YES! I silently shouted to myself and walked out of my office.

“I’m going home for the night, Lia. I suggest you do the same.” I smiled.

“I have to finish these contracts first and then I’ll leave.”

“No need. You can finish them in the morning. Go enjoy your evening.”

Her eye narrowed at me and a small smile crossed her lips.

“You’re in an exceptional mood.”

“I am. Aren’t I?” I smirked. “Remember that woman I met in Hawaii? The one I had you check on?”

“Yes. I remember. Jillian, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. She’s here in New York. We ran into each other yesterday and spent some time together. Now she’s having dinner with me tonight at my house.”

“Aw, Drew, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Lia. Have a good night.” I strolled down the hallway and out of the building.


Walking into my townhouse, I set my briefcase down in the foyer and followed the aroma of Jane’s cooking to the kitchen.

“Welcome home, Drew.” She smiled.

“Thanks, Jane. How’s the food coming?”

“Good. But I’m confused as to why you’re having me make these thick greasy burgers. You don’t normally eat stuff like this. Are you having a guy’s night in with Liam or Lance?”

“No. Actually, I’m having dinner with a very special girl and her name is Jillian.”

She stopped cutting up the onions and looked at me.

“You never use the words ‘very special’ in front of a woman’s name. What’s up?”

“I met her in Hawaii and we ran into each other on the street yesterday.”

“Ah. So I’m going to assume the dishes question was for her?”

“Yes. Coincidentally, she is the woman who is renting my apartment and she hadn’t had a chance to go buy dishes yet, so I thought I would take her.”

“I’m confused. You met her in Hawaii and now she’s here in New York renting your apartment?”


“And you like this woman?”

“Yes. I like her a lot. I can’t stop thinking about her for one second.”

“That’s sweet. I hope she’s better than Jess.” She made the sign of the cross.

“Jillian doesn’t even compare to that bitch. By the way, when we were in Bed Bath & Beyond last night, I ran into Jess. She was buying a new bed set because she couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping on the sheets that I had slept on.”

Jane rolled her eyes. “I would have told her to go buy a new bed.”

I chuckled. “I did.”

“Good boy.” She smiled as she held up her hand for a high five. “What time is Jillian coming over?”

“Around seven.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting the woman who has put such a beautiful smile on your face.” She winked.

“You’ll like her, Jane. She’s one of a kind. I’m going to go change.”

After changing out of my suit and into some casual clothes, I poured myself a drink and went into my office to look over some emails that had come in. Just as I finished answering the last one, I heard the doorbell ring. Walking over with a smile, I opened the door and, instantly, she took my breath away.

“Hi there.”

“Hi.” She smiled brightly.

“Come on in.”

“Thank you,” she spoke as she shyly stepped inside. “I brought a bottle of wine.”

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to. It’s my way of saying thank you for dinner.”

I took the bottle of wine and led her to the kitchen.

“Jane, I would like you to meet Jillian Bell. Jillian, this my housekeeper, friend, and chef, Jane.”

“It’s so nice to meet you, Jillian.” Jane smiled as she reached out and grabbed both her hands.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Jane.”

“Dinner is just about ready, so if you two go take a seat in the dining room, I’ll bring it out.”

I placed my hand on the small of Jillian’s back as we walked into the dining room.

“Your place is amazing.” She grinned as she looked around.

“Thank you. After we eat, I’ll show you around.”