The Exception

He took us up to the third floor where the Harmonie Room was located.

“Take a look around and let me know what you think. This room holds up to three hundred and fifty guests very comfortably. If you’re interested in having the ceremony here, we can accommodate you in the main dining room for an additional fee and you’re free to decorate it how you wish.”

“Thank you, Lester. We’ll let you know.”

Giving Drew a pat on the back, he stepped out of the room while we looked around.

“Wow. This is beautiful,” Kristen spoke. “I’m afraid to ask how much this would cost.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“Don’t worry about the cost, Kristen,” Drew spoke. “Being a member, I get a discount.” He winked.

After looking around, Kristen agreed to have the reception and ceremony at the Harmonie Club. Things were coming together and I couldn’t be happier for her. After we climbed back into the Bentley, Roland drove us back to Kristen’s apartment.

“Are you coming up?” she asked me.

“I think I’m going to head home. You, my tired sister, need to go take a long nap.”

“True.” She smiled. “Call me later.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Thank you again, Drew. You are a lifesaver.”

“You’re welcome. I’m happy you liked it.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


After Kristen climbed out and shut the door, I placed my hand on Jillian’s cheek and stole a kiss.

“I’ve been waiting to do that.” I grinned.

A light smile crossed her beautiful plump lips. “Thank you.”

“Can I see you later? I can come by your place and bring dinner.”

“I was going to take a bath.”

“You can take a bath.”

The thought of her in the bathtub aroused me.

“What if I’m in the tub when you arrive and I can’t let you in.”

“I have a key. I can let myself in.” I winked.

She laughed and laid her head on my shoulder.

“Then by all means, Mr. Westbrook, come on over.”

After dropping Jillian off at home, I headed to the office. As I was walking down the hallway, I stopped when I saw Jess standing in front of Lia’s desk.

“What the hell is going on here?” I asked as I glared at Jess.

“Oh. So you weren’t in your office. I thought your secretary was lying to me.”

I sighed. “What do you want, Jess?” I walked into my office.

“I ran into somebody today at lunch.”

“And I care why?” I raised my brow at her.

“I ran into Jillian. Remember her? The girl you met on the plane to Hawaii? The girl we had dinner with?”

“Okay. And?”

“She told me she ran into you the other day.”

“Yes. So?”

“Are you dating her?”

“No. I’m not dating her. And even if I was, what business is it of yours? What part of ‘we’re over’ do you not understand?”

“I know we’re over, asshole. My point is that I think you have a thing for her and I believe that’s why you broke up with me.”

Rolling my eyes, I leaned back on my desk.

“I broke up with you because you are a selfish woman, Jess. Now I refuse to get into this again with you. I have work to do. Please leave and don’t come back here again.”

“What happened to you?” She glared at me. “You’ve changed so much since we first met.”

“Maybe it was the toxic people in my life that changed me. You being the toxic person. If you want, I can call security and have them escort you out.”

“I hate you, Drew Westbrook.”

“So you’ve said a million times. If you hate me so much, why do you still come around? Don’t you see how pathetic that is?”

“I’m leaving.” She turned on her heels and headed towards the door. “And for the record, I really do hate you.” She slammed the door shut behind her.

It wasn’t too long before Lia knocked on the door and stepped inside.

“Are you okay, Drew?”

“Of course.” I smiled. “I can honestly say that I have never been better.”

After finishing up some work, I had Roland stop by my townhouse so I could pack a small overnight bag. I had every intention of spending the entire night with Jillian. On the way to her apartment, I stopped by the florist and picked her up a small bouquet of lilies. I desperately wanted to get her roses, but I thought that roses right now wouldn’t be appropriate.

Entering her apartment, I called out to her.

“I’m in the bathtub.”

A smile crossed my lips because seeing her naked body right when I walked through the door was what had been on my mind all day long. Walking into the bathroom, I leaned against the doorframe, holding the lilies in one hand and a bottle of Prosecco in the other.

“Hi.” Jillian smiled as she lay there in a tub full of bubbles with her hair twisted up in a clip.

“Hi.” I held up the flowers and Prosecco.

“You shouldn’t have.”

“I wanted to.” I stared intently into her blue eyes.

“Thank you. There’s a vase in the cabinet in the living room.”

“I’ll be right back,” I spoke.

I placed the flowers in a vase of water and opened the Prosecco, pouring some into two wine glasses.