The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

I bent low and whispered in her ear, “Don’t you?”

All the breath left her body in one long exhale and ended with a whimper. The sound was tortured, and when she didn’t move, I had a moment of regret for not taking more care. Her first time was traumatic, and she was still very much a virgin. But then she did something to remind me she wasn’t made of glass.

She dug her nails deep enough in my back to return the pain I had caused her.

Her devious smile when I grunted tempted me to ignore the rules and take her with the little mercy I’d shown her since she came back into my life. I pushed deeper, testing the waters. She slid her hands down my back and gripped my ass. I didn’t miss the subtle way she pulled me deeper and lifted her hips.

When I pulled my hips back, she dug her nails into my ass and moaned, “No.” Smiling, I gave her what she wanted and thrust inside her, harder and deeper than before. Her lips parted when she groaned. The sight was so sexy, I considered pulling out so I could fuck them. Her pussy tightened around me as if to protest.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I promised her.

She lowered her head and met my gaze. “Stop talking,” she ordered.

Grinning, I gave her what she wanted. Mian didn’t want to be wooed. She wanted to be fucked. She shuddered beneath me as I pounded inside her. I couldn’t look into her face twisted with pleasure without wanting to explode, so I shoved my face in her neck and inhaled her scent instead. God, she smelled as sweet as she tasted. Just when I didn’t think I could hold back much longer, I felt her pussy grip my dick. I lifted my face from her neck to watch her come and decided Z had been right. Mian coming was fucking sweet. When she settled, I managed to hold back my need to come and flipped her on her stomach.

No way in hell was I done with her.

I leaned over and slid deep again. “Stay with me, baby. We’re not done.” When she didn’t move, I rose to my knees and lifted her ass against my hips. She moaned when my cock reached even deeper. “Wake the fuck up.” My voice was thick with lust.

“Angel,” she whined.

I wasn’t having any of that shit. I’d waited too damn long for her. “Move your hips and fuck me,” I ordered without mercy.

I needed her to show me how much she wanted me. Obediently, she pushed her ass against me, her rhythm gaining speed with each thrust. I was momentarily dazed by the sight of my cock entering her. Her come coated my dick making everything wetter and hotter.

When the beast inside me broke free, I lifted her upper body from the bed and rested her back against my chest. My hand found it’s way to her neck and tightened slowly, cutting off her air little by little. She struggled and whined, so I fucked her harder. The only thing that moved was our hips. Even as she fought, she never stopped fucking me back.

“I told you, sex with me could be deadly,” I whispered just as her consciousness began to slip away.

Her pussy gripped my dick, and she fell again. Her pussy sucked me dry until I was weak in the knees. This time, I flew over the edge with her, but she was already gone. I finished coming inside her, laid her down on her stomach, and gently slid from her body.

“What are you doing here?” I said without turning around. I’d known the moment they entered the room but had been too far gone to stop.

“Watching,” they said at the same time.

“That was fucking intense,” Z groaned.

“Why were you watching?” It wasn’t the first time they’ve watched me fuck, but this was different. This was Mian.

“Because we want our turn,” Lucas answered.

I finally turned on my back to face them. “That’s not going to happen unless she wants it,” I answered confidently. She’d never want it.

They broke out in smiles at the same time. “We figured you’d say that.” Lucas laughed.

“So,” Z drawled. “You and her?”

I looked down at her comatose form. The sharp pain in my chest was answer enough. “It’s not possible.”

“Says king of making the impossible possible,” Lucas argued.

I shook my head and fell back against the headboard. “Not this time.”

A heavy silence descended, making the atmosphere uncomfortable. “We’ll leave you to it then.” Z walked out first while Lucas hung back.

“What’s on your mind, man?”

I didn’t expect him to crack a smile. “Z told me he got to stick the tip in. Don’t I get to play?” He feigned hurt, and if I had my gun, I would have shot him. He must have read my mind because he quickly pulled the door closed behind him. I could hear them laughing as they walked away. As soon as the sound of their footsteps disappeared, I didn’t hesitate to pull my troublesome bandit in my arms.

Chapter Fifty

You shouldn’t be here.