The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

My heart hammered against my chest. I felt trapped. If I panicked, it would scare them both off, and I’d never get this chance to make Angel lose control again. Angel’s gaze lowered, but I couldn’t stop watching him. If I had, I would have missed the first slip of his control. It was so fleeting that, had I blinked, I would have missed it.

I would have moved in for the kill, but Z’s hands on my thighs destroyed the little control I had. He may not have been Angel, but I wasn’t oblivious to his touch either. “Don’t let him fool you, princess.” His hands caressed my skin as he moved closer to my center. “He would have fucked you a long time ago if he thought you could handle him.”

“I can handle him,” I gasped. Z’s fingers skimming my pussy erased reason from my mind.

“Then what do you say we kick this up a notch?” Z whispered. It was too late when I realized what was happening. At some point, while he was driving me crazy to torture his best friend, he’d released his cock. When I felt the hard length of Z’s cock slide between my legs, an electric shock ran through me. With his hands on my hips, he lifted and lowered me, moving my sex along the length of his cock all the while Angel watched. I was spread open like an offering.

His voice was thick with barely restrained lust when Angel finally spoke. “I know what you’re doing.”

“But is it working?” Z whispered to me. I cried out when he lifted me again. This time, he shifted his hips and positioned his cock at my entrance. Angel’s eyes blackened. “That’s it,” Z encouraged. “He’s almost ready.” He lowered me and at the same time, lifted his hips from the couch. The head of his cock pushed inside and when the sensation proved too much, I screamed as my orgasm unexpectedly rocked through me.

“Goddamn it!” Angel roared and surged to his feet. His chair toppled over when he charged for us. I expected Z to pull away, but I had the feeling he was still trying to push Angel’s buttons. “You won’t break me before I break you,” he said as he slid to his knees. Z lifted me, breaking our meager connection, and sat me in his lap. His cock was now hidden as it pressed hot against my spine.

Angel’s eyes were wild, but I saw the intent in them just before he lowered his head and destroyed me completely. His tongue swept my pussy lips, and he groaned like a starving man just before he devoured me.

“I told you he wanted it. He needs it,” Z taunted over my cries. He pinched my nipples while Angel ate my pussy as if it were his last meal on earth. I don’t remember sliding my fingers through his hair, but I tugged him closer anyway and demanded everything he had denied me since I knew what desire was. “How does she taste?”

I moaned despite my confusion.

“She tastes exactly how I thought she would.” Angel’s voice was rough like gravel.

“Like you’d kill to have more?”


Oh, God. They were talking about killing just to have me, and I was growing wetter at the possibility. How much more twisted could we get before we completely snapped and destroyed each other?

I came apart again without the answer, and when my cries died, I slumped back against Z’s chest. However, before I could fully recover, I was lifted into Angel’s arms and carried away…

Chapter Forty-Nine

They combust.



I carried her upstairs, and instead of my parent’s old bedroom where I’d been sleeping, I took her to my old bedroom. The rare times I visited home, I had fantasized about getting her in this bed, and then I’d fall asleep disgusted with myself for lusting after a kid. Sure, we’d known each other since we were both kids, but the age gap was always there, and when I became an adult, everything changed.

No other girl ever did more than turn my head. They didn’t follow me in my dreams or keep me awake at night.

I was Adam, and she was forbidden fruit.

She always would be.

I lowered her to my bed and stood back to watch her. I realized I would never have my fill, so I removed my clothes and climbed on top of her. Her eyes were closed, and she wasn’t moving. A gentleman would let her rest, but I was neither gentle or patient. I was a man who needed her.

“Angel?” Her voice was soft and sleepy from two orgasms.


Her eyes peeked open, and she stared at me through narrow slits. “What are we doing?”

I nudged her legs apart and settled between them. “We’re finally combusting.” My cock wasted little time finding her pussy and hardened, even more, when it felt how wet she was, and I knew damn well it was all for me. I pushed my hips and reveled in the sounds she made as I slowly began to slip inside her. Her breath caught in her throat, and her gaze lost focus as her body welcomed me.

“What if I don’t want to combust?” I looked deep into her eyes and saw only longing, desire, and something else that pulled at something deep inside me. There was no fear.

She wanted this.

So I gave it to her.

I slid deep and hard and watched the breath leave her lungs. Her head fell back, exposing her neck as she cried out.

She was tight.

So damn tight.