That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

“She loves Daddy too.” Theo gives Marisa one final smooch before he passes her off to me. He turns to approach Leslie for a hug while murmuring good mornings to her next. I hear Leslie make a smart remark about how she’s number two now, and the two of them playfully quarrel while I cradle Marisa in the crook of my arm. She instantly starts fussing and I struggle to find the right way to hold her so she relaxes.

“Try facing her out,” Hayden offers helpfully, his grey eyes watching me thoughtfully.

I turn her around so she’s facing Hayden and he smiles proudly as she settles. “You know her rather well,” I say, feeling mildly impressed.

He shrugs. “Comes with the territory. It was sort of survival one-o-one to live here.”

“Where do you sleep?”

“There’s a guestroom down that hall.” He points behind himself to an area just off the sunken living room. “I’d ask if you want to sit, but that’s when the fussing usually commences.”

“I’m fine standing,” I say. “So how are you?”

His eyes turn a cold grey as he nods dismissively. “Just fine, thanks. You?”

“Good.” Well that told me absolutely nothing.

“Vi! Oh my God, I completely forgot!” Leslie exclaims, snapping mine and Hayden’s pensive eyeballing away from each other. She rushes over to the large dining room table covered in several floral centrepieces and other various items left over from last night’s event. She searches around for a moment before she finds what she’s looking for and turns to me. “You won!”

She’s holding the trinket box that I bid on last night. My eyes alight! “Seriously?”

Leslie smiles broadly. “I know, you lucky duck. You get to go on an amazing holiday!”

“What?” I ask, confused.

“The holiday you bid on. It’s a weekend in Barcelona. I’m so jealous I’m not even happy for you.”

I frown. “Oh, crap. I didn’t even realise. I was just bidding on the box.”

“What do you mean?” Theo asks, eyeing me sternly as Leslie resumes her position in his arms.

I shift Marisa in my grasp before replying, “I really only wanted the box. I have a gift idea in mind for my dad and the box…I don’t know…It just called to me. Do you guys know where they came from? I’m hoping to find four more.”

They all stare at me, completely gobsmacked. Leslie speaks first, “Vi, you bid six hundred pounds for a box?”

I immediately flush with embarrassment. “I just saw it as a donation,” I reply meekly. Christ, Leslie, did you have to blurt it out like that?

Hayden’s stare is piercing through me so hard I can hardly look at anyone else.

Leslie laughs, “Vi, you do know that Hay—”

“Congratulations,” Hayden interrupts her. “I hope you still enjoy the trip, regardless. It is donated and paid in full already.”

Theo adds, “We can find you more boxes, I’m sure.” He and Hayden exchange a look like they are having a silent conversation, making me feel more confused than ever.

Leslie eventually ushers me into the kitchen area to make us some tea. Hayden and Theo respectfully retreat to the living room and turn on the telly. We chat for over an hour about work drama, China nonsense, and all things baby. We have a good laugh at Benji’s expense I’m afraid. When you get pissed out of your mind like that and kiss Hayden on the lips, you’re setting yourself up to be laughed at. Beyond all that, I give her the little outfit I picked up for Marisa from a street vendor near our office. It’s very colourful, just like Leslie. I miss having that colour with me at work every day.

By the time I get ready to leave, my arms feel like they are about to fall off. I can’t believe how holding a tiny baby can feel like such a workout. Leslie grabs Marisa from me and hands me the keepsake box. As she begins to show me out, Hayden hops up from the couch and jogs over. “I’ll walk you home,” he says and Leslie eyes him with a frown.

“Do just help yourself, Hayden,” she states sarcastically. “Maybe ask Vi if she’d like to be walked home by you first, you cocky bugger.”

“May I walk you home?” He flashes me a sheepish half smile and stuffs his hands into his jean pockets.

This is a different man than the one I saw last night. He’s not moody and defensive. He’s not sexual and prowling. He’s…shy. I arch a curious brow. “By all means.”

I giggle at Leslie’s goofy expression and give her and Marisa a big hug goodbye. Then I wave to Theo before I follow Hayden down the steps. Now holding my prized box, I know just how perfect it will be for what I have in mind.

We make our way out into the unseasonably warm summer day. We walk wordlessly for a couple of blocks and I force myself not to be the first to break our silence. It’s hard because he’s even hotter in his casual Saturday wear. A pair of perfectly fitted jeans with a big brown belt and a short sleeved, black, V-neck T-shirt. Coupled with his leather cuffs, his layered watch, and leather sandals, he’s got me reliving the kiss we shared in distinct detail…despite his multiple personalities.

“You’re quiet today,” he finally says after we’ve walked for a couple quiet minutes. “That’s…different.”

“I’m just unsure what to think right now,” I state.

He nods thoughtfully. “I’m sorry. I just…got spooked. That kiss was—”

Amy Daws's books