That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

“What do you mean, missed it? What would you have done?”

I shake my head knowing that there’s no way I’m going to unload all of that on her. I haven’t unloaded all of that on anyone. Not even Doc.

“Fine, Hayden. I told you I have questions and am curious, but you’re obviously not able or interested in sharing yet…So, like I said, probably just best we say goodnight.”

I nod my head and follow her lead as she turns to continue our journey back to her flat. As we walk, Doc’s “Countdown Challenge” keeps churning over and over in my mind. He’s fucking spot on. Telling my story to a ballroom full of blank faces was miles easier than telling even one shred of my truth to Vi.

When we round the corner to her alley way entrance, she says, “Thanks for the ride…and for the cake.” She slides my jacket off and hands it to me, looking a little sad. “I wish you luck with all things.”

As I grab my jacket, our fingers graze and the spark that I felt earlier is back. I swear her chest rises with a gasp as our eyes connect. Then she narrows her baby blues with a renewed sense of determination. Just like that, I’m no longer concerned about 11:11. I’m concerned about all things Vi.

Desperate not to say goodbye to her, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “Would you want to help me with something?”

Her brow furrows. “Depends what it is.”

I rustle my jacket in my hands and nervously look down at it as I reply, “Look, I know I’ve been a bit of a prat tonight, but I have this challenge that I’m supposed to complete. I’m thinking if it is you who helps me, maybe you will get why I’m being like this toward you.”

She swallows nervously. “What kind of challenge?”

Christ, she looks terrified of you, Hayden! “Well, you said you are curious about my story…So if that’s true, then hopefully it wouldn’t bother you too much. But basically, I have to tell you about the days leading up to my erm…attempt.”

She nods seriously without uttering a word. God, I feel like a fucking fool. This is awkward and horrible. I hate Doc. He’s a fucking wanker. “It’s not pretty…and it’s not easy. It’s dark and it’s fucked. I was in a bad place.”

“I’ll do it.”

“This is a bad idea. I’ll find somebody else…” I continue nervously, hardly recognising her reply.

“I’ll do it.”

“Or I’ll tell my doctor to get stuffed. He’s a little unconventional, so—”

“I said I’ll do it!” she exclaims, swatting me on the arm and snapping me out of my internal chastisement.

“Could have just said so,” I mumble, grinning secretively at her. I rub my arm where she whacked me, feeling somewhat shocked by her strength. I look into her eyes and am surprised to see a look of confidence that wasn’t there before. “Okay then,” I reluctantly agree, noting the determined set of her jaw.

“I would like to hear your story, Hayden Clarke,” she adds. Her breaths come deeply as if she knows what she’s agreed to and is invigorated by the challenge. The pain. The anguish of it all.

My chest feels heavy at the intensity behind her blue eyes. The willingness and complete trust she’s got in me to share this with her is…a lot. “Then I have a very serious question to ask you.”

“Go on,” she says, curiously arching one brow.

“May I have your phone number?” Fuck if I’m not anxious just asking for her bloody digits. I’ve been out of the game too long.

She shoots me a saucy smirk and it relieves me. I give her my phone and she punches her digits in. When I reach to take it back, she pulls it out of my grasp just before giving it over. Her brazen playfulness in this moment is a huge fucking turn on. It’s like someone who laughs instead of screams when they sky jump out of an airplane. And the fact that it’s coming from this willowy sexy blonde is just mind-boggling.

I tuck the phone back into my pocket and step closer to her. My eyes lock on her chest as she backs up against the aged, brown brick building beside her door. I love that her self-possessed poise drops when I am nearer. I love witnessing the effect I have on her.

Her back hits the wall and she looks taken aback. “What are you doing?” she asks, her eyes dancing around my face nervously. A spark of excitement glimmers in her baby blues.

“Things between you and I are about to get very heavy, Vi,” I start, flicking my eyes back and forth between hers. “And before all of that happens…Before I drag you down the rabbit hole with me, I have something very serious I’d like to do.”

“What?” she croaks, her voice husky and trembling.

“Tonight I just want to be a man, who walks a gorgeous woman to her doorstep…and kisses her senseless.”

Amy Daws's books