That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

She nods her permission slowly, her eyes sparking with shocked excitement. Without pause, I drop my jacket to the ground and slip my hands around her face. I stare down at her luscious, peach lips. Her hands grip my white dress shirt just above my hips, and I devilishly grin at the tickling sensation of her tiny hands on my sides.

“I haven’t kissed a woman for a while. I want to be sure I do this properly,” I say, my voice gravellier than I intended it to be.

She nods slowly and lifts her chin. I pause a mere centimetre away from her lips and change course to her cheek. I drop a feather-light kiss on that cheek, breathing in her blissful womanly scent. What is it that women have that makes them smell so incredibly divine? And Vi better than any other I’ve ever smelt? It’s like a combination of expensive shampoo and sweet sugary fruit. I quickly move over and kiss the other cheek, allowing my lips to trickle down to the curve of her jaw and then to her chin. I flick my tongue out on her chin and trail it slowly upward, grazing the tip of her lower lip. Her mouth drops with a throaty gasp, inviting me in. But I hold back. I am savouring every delicious second of this and I won’t be rushed. I press my lips to her forehead before placing another soft drop on her perfect button nose. Then I finally pull back to take in and appreciate her sexy awed expression.

“Is that all—” she starts, but I crush my mouth to hers before she can finish her smartarse remark.

Swallowing the sweet taste of her sugary lips sends shivers up the back of my neck. I plunge my tongue in, desperate for a more satisfying sample. Her tongue responds to my request, pulsing and kneading in a perfect rhythm of ecstasy.

Fuck, she tastes as good as she smells. If that cupcake earlier is the afterlife, then Vi’s lips are eternity. Her grip tightens on the belt of my trousers and she pulls my hips flush against hers. If she didn’t know how much this kiss was affecting me, she sure does now. I press her up against the wall with my groin and she actually moans into my mouth.

Blast it all.

Her hands roam up my sides to my shoulders. Then they slide down to my triceps, to my forearms…to…

I pull back, jerking my cuff-covered wrists from her grasp. She’s panting heavily against the wall. Her mouth looks raw and swollen. Her hair is mussed and wild, doing nothing to tamper my needful desire for her.

In short, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in my entire life.

I bend over and pick my jacket up off the ground, covering the evidence of our encounter. “Thank you,” I say and turn on my heel, striding down the dark alley and cursing myself a thousand times over for every moment that lead up to that one.


“I’m not kidding, Bruce…You should have seen his face. He looked like I slapped him. I have no bloody clue what I did wrong, or what he was thinking in that moment. Maybe I’m a crap kisser?” I groan and cover my face with my thin afghan as I stretch my legs out to prop on the top rail of my balcony.

After a fitful night’s sleep and thinking of Hayden Clarke the entire time, it’s a new day at last. Bruce and I have been out for our morning stroll, stopped over to the dog shop for a new chew, and now we’re lounging on the balcony, soaking up some rare London sunlight. Anything I could think of to keep myself busy. Brick Lane Market is noisy and bustling with Saturday morning shoppers, street vendors, and traffic. It was a good distraction while it lasted.

Bruce pauses on his new chew and licks his lips, looking at me curiously. “Do you think I’m a crap kisser, Bruce?” I drop down off my patio lounger and grab his wet muzzle to kiss him right on his nose.

He takes this as an invitation to “Bruce Hug” me. Bruce Hugs consist of him walking into me until I’m forced to lie down. Then he flops his entire body on top of me. He’s heavy as hell and he’ll Bruce Hug me for ages if I let him. I think lying on top of me gives him a sense of security by enabling him to keep me right where he can see me.

“All right, Bruce, off you go. I’ve got to get a move on. Leslie is expecting me.” He sneezes in protest.

Amy Daws's books