Seized By Love: Blue Ryder (Love In Bloom: The Ryders #1)

“Have you been thinking of me?” she purred to the camera.

Suddenly keeping a sexy facade while filming the episode was like treading water with no arms. Every time she gazed into the camera with a sultry look, she thought of Blue. Every sensual movement she made was chased by guilt. Every word out of her mouth was pushed by self-loathing. This had to be her worst episode yet, and by the time she was done baking the yellow cake in the shape of handcuffs, she felt like she’d been run over by a train—or chased by one. It didn’t matter which, because the outcome was the same. The ecstasy that had laced every breath, every thought, just hours earlier when she was with Blue was gone. Tarnished. Ruined.

She took another shower, feeling dirty and unworthy of the only man she wanted. Under the hot water she tried to scrub the guilt from her body. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she scrubbed her skin raw until they finally subsided. By the time she dried off, she’d wiped all the goodness of Blue away, and buried the filth of her dirty secret a little deeper.

Chapter Twelve

HOPING TO CATCH Lizzie before she left for work, Blue arrived at her house early Tuesday morning, but despite the early hour, her car was already gone. It had been so wonderful to start his day by seeing her yesterday morning before work that he’d hoped for the same again today. And after the incredible evening they’d shared, he was having thoughts of going to sleep with her in his arms every night and waking with her every morning. Disappointment washed through him with a force he hadn’t expected, and he found he had to work hard to move past that unfamiliar feeling. Falling for her didn’t begin to touch on what he really felt.

He set his tools down and surveyed his work. He’d replaced the water-damaged ceiling, refinished the hardwood floors, and installed most of the custom cabinetry, which Lizzie had insisted remain orange. He’d wondered at that when he’d first seen the brightly colored kitchen, but now he saw how the happy color fit her personality perfectly. He still had another few days of work ahead of him, setting the island, installing the moldings, painting, and setting the appliances.

His eyes landed on a piece of yellow cake with pink frosting sitting on the counter with a note propped up beside it. He smiled at the familiar sight, wondering when she could have possibly had time to bake. Before they’d started going out, the notes she’d left him in the mornings, accompanying a muffin, cupcake, or some other sweet treat, said things like, Thanks for working on my kitchen! or It looks amazing! This morning’s note read, Lick-It list #1, Licking frosting off your washboard abs. Want to choose who licks what off of which body part for #2? Xo, Lizzie.

Heat spread straight to his groin just thinking about Lizzie’s tongue licking his skin. Damn right he’d like to choose what he licked from her gorgeous body. Whipped cream from between her legs or chocolate sauce dribbled all over her breasts? He wondered what it might be like to combine both of her lusty lists into one.

A Lick-It list and a Fuck-It list.

She was the epitome of sweet and sensual, and he couldn’t wait to see her again.

He texted her in response to her note before starting work. Lick-It list #2…Combine with your other list. Whatever your #1 is on that list, I’ll bring the whipped cream. He pressed send and couldn’t temper the foolish grin plastered on his face.


LIZZIE BROUGHT THE handcuff-shaped cake, minus the piece she’d saved for Blue, to the homeless shelter before work. She’d sliced it and rearranged it on the tray so no one could tell what shape it had been, and like every other time she’d dropped off goodies at the shelter, the director, Paul, gave her a big hug.

“You’re so good to us, Lizzie. Thank you.” Paul was tall and slim with thick blond hair and eyes the color of grass. He was always appreciative of the things she brought, and he never minded that she whipped in and out in a matter of seconds the mornings she stopped by.

“It’s nothing, really. I’ll be back Friday morning with more goodies!”

“Thanks, love.” Paul waved as he closed the shelter doors.