Say You'll Stay (Return to Me #1)

“Whatever you say, Mom.”

I tickle his sides, and he giggles without restraint. That’s a sound I miss. Even now when they laugh, it seems like it takes them effort. “I’m twenty-nine. Say it,” I continue.

“No, you’re not.”

“Say it or suffer the wrath of my tickles.”

Cayden squirms and laughs as he refuses to say it. Finally, he gives in. “Fine! You’re twenty-nine.”

I lie back as though I’m exhausted, letting out a huff. “You’re so sweet to say such nice things.”

“In your dreams, Mom.”


We both laugh a little and then settle down.

This right here feels normal. It’s like having my life back. Being silly, laughing, and being in the moment. We need more of this. I need more of this. I’ll never be able to go back to who I was, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be happy. These boys, they’re my happiness.

“Mom?” Cayden says after a lull of silence.


It takes him a second before he responds again. “Can I ride today?”

I lean on my side. “Your horse?”

“Yeah, do you think we could ride together?”

It’s the first time he’s asked me to have any part of his horseback riding. He usually asks Cooper, Daddy, or Wyatt. I figured he needed some male bonding, and they’re all “real cowboys.”

“I would really love that.”

“Wyatt said you used to be a really good rider.”

“Used to be?”

“He said now you suck.”

I have to hold back scolding him because this is probably the most this kid has spoken to me in months. He’s been so distant, so closed off, and refused to let me in. The last thing I want is for him to shut down again.

“I won a lot of rodeos.”

He gasps. “You rode a bull?”

“No,” I say on a chuckle. “I did barrel racing.”

We spend the next half hour talking about what it was like when I was a kid here. I tell him about the creek and some of my favorite things to do. We talk a little about Wyatt, Zach, and Trent. He asks a lot of questions, and I enjoy answering them. I’ve been close to both boys, but Cayden has always been a tough nut to crack. I pray this is a turning point for him—and me.

“Presley,” my mother calls from the kitchen. “Can you run into town and pick up some things I need?”

Despite not wanting to, I could never say no. “Of course.”

I grab her list and my keys. The boys are off with Wyatt and Cooper mending fences or something. I love how much the men in my life are stepping up and taking my boys under their wings. Trent took them for a ride in the police car the other day, now all I hear from Logan is how he’s going to be a sheriff. God help me.

I arrive at my first stop where I’m enthusiastically greeted by Mrs. Rooney. “Presley!” she rushes toward me. “Your mama said you were coming, and I’m just tickled to see you.”

“I saw you the other night.”

“Yes.” Her lips turn up in a smile. “But so much has changed.”

I have no idea what changed in two nights, but this is Bell Buckle. I have two choices, play into the insanity of small town gossip, or get what I need and leave. I go with option two. “I need to get some flour and chocolate.”

“Are you baking a cake?”

“My mother must be.”

I look at the rest of the list and realize she needs the oddest things. “I hear Zach is quite the hero,” she says offhandedly.

Here we go. I knew it wasn’t going to last long, but the last time I saw Zach was two days ago, and I haven’t heard a word since. It’s not like I expected to, but at the same time he sounded so sure. Maybe he and Felicia are more than he let on. Either way, I don’t want the entire town thinking we’re getting back together.

“He did find Cayden, but you already knew that.” I smile as she nods. “Do you have the chocolate back by you?” I look around, but there’s so much stuff, I can’t find anything.

“It’s right here, dear.” She walks around and reaches for the bag. “Have you been able to thank Zach since then?”

If I hadn’t known this woman my entire life, I might have told her to mind her business. However, my mother would tan my hide if I ever did—thirty-five or not. “I really should get going.”

“Of course.” She gives me a knowing smile and takes her time at the register, talking about her kids and the new items she’s getting at the store. I listen and pray I can get out of here before the sun goes down.

After a few minutes and a lot of questions, I’m all checked out. “Thanks, Mrs. Rooney. I’ll see you soon.”

“You make sure of it. Also, be sure to give Zach a call. I hear he’d love to see Cayden. Careful getting home now.”