Say You Love Me

“If you want it, come and get it.” He whispered in my ear and I looked up at him with a small smile, before reaching down and slowly moving my body on top of him. I sat on his hardness then, easing him inside of me and we both gasped with pleasure as I started moving back and forth, allowing and encouraging all of him deeper inside of me. I moved slowly at first, wanting to enjoy the feel of every inch of him, but Cody wasn’t having that. I felt his hands on my hips as he bounced me up and down on him and my breasts bounced back and forth against his chest as I rode him. I felt myself about to come when he suddenly stilled.

“Hold on.” He groaned into my hair as he ran his hands down my back and then he moved me back and forth again quickly, groaning into my ear as I came against him, my body convulsing. “Oh shit.” He grunted as he lifted me off of him and pushed me back onto the couch. I felt his hardness on my stomach as he withdrew and the warm liquid of his pleasure sputtered onto me.

“Sorry.” He said as he grabbed his t-shirt from the ground and cleaned me up. “I thought that was better than inside of you.”

“It was.” I nodded and pulled him down on top of me. “But maybe we should remember protection next time.”

“Maybe we should get you on birth control.” He said with a small smile as he kissed me hard. “That way I can come inside of you and we don’t have to worry about it.”

“Well you can come inside of me in a condom as well.” I said, kissing him back, not believing we were having this conversation.

“That’s not really inside of you. That’s inside plastic.” He whispered against my lips. “I want to be inside of you.”

“Cody.” I groaned as I felt his fingers rubbing me again. “You cannot be ready to go again? Can you?”

“That’s a silly question.” He laughed against my lips. “I told you I want to fuck you until you can’t think about anything or anyone else and that’s what I’m going to do.” He nibbled on my earlobe and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel my body responding to him again, eager to be taken, but there was a voice inside of me that wasn’t completely happy. There was a voice inside of me that was telling me that maybe I’d made a mistake. I’d come back to Cody’s place because I’d thought he been jealous. And because he’d said he liked me. And he’d missed me. And I thought that perhaps his wanting to sleep with me meant something more. But what if all it was, was sex? What if that was all he really cared about? How many times was he going to tell me he wanted to fuck me? Was he ever going to be able to see past that? I could feel a piece of my heart aching as I felt him growing hard against me again. I loved being with him. Loved how he made me feel. Loved making love to him, but I wanted and needed more than this. Only a few weeks ago, I’d vowed to myself that I was going to move on from Cody. I’d vowed I wasn’t going to succumb to his smiles and sweet talk. I’d vowed that I needed to get over him, but here I was, under him. Once again, I’d fallen victim to his spell and I wasn’t sure if I’d made a huge mistake or not.

I lay in Cody's bed feeling slightly sleepy, slightly empowered and totally confused. I wasn't sure what to think or feel and I also knew that now wasn't the time to try and have a conversation with Cody about what was going on between us. I closed my eyes and sighed to myself. I was in both the best and worst position of my life. I was finally close to Cody in an intimate way and yet; I was also far away from the actual relationship I wanted with him. I didn't even understand why he wasn't interested in a real relationship. It didn't really make sense to me, but I didn't really want to ask.

I closed my eyes and pulled the sheets up to my face and just lay there, enjoying my time alone in his bed, not thinking about what he was doing for once in my life. I knew what he was doing. He was downstairs watching football in his living room, allowing me to sleep because he'd worn me out. I sighed to myself as I realized that I'd rather he'd have stayed upstairs and cuddled me and talked about where our relationship was going, but I knew that was way too much to ask.

I grabbed my handbag and pulled my phone out and was surprised to see that I had ten missed messages from Luke. I immediately felt guilty at seeing his name on the screen. Not that I had any real reason to feel guilty. We weren't dating. I wasn't cheating on him. In fact, he'd been the one to leave me feeling confused. I opened the messages and read them quickly. My heart started pounding as I read them and I put my phone down on the bed quickly before reading them again.