Say You Love Me

“What good gossip would I have?” She giggled. “Nothing much is going on with me.”

“Aww.” I gave her a rueful look, but inside I was happy. Nothing much going on meant that she wasn’t doing much, which meant that maybe she’d been thinking about me too, at least a little bit.

“Aww, nothing.” She laughed. “What about you? What have you been up to?”

“Oh, not that much. A few dates.” I almost groaned out loud as the words slipped out of my mouth. SHUT IT, Cody, I screamed inside.

“Just a few?” Sally teased me, though I couldn’t tell if she was masking her hurt. I’d spoken to TJ a few days before and he’d called me a fool for talking to Sally about other women. Even if I thought of her as just a friend, or a friend with benefits, or a special friend with benefits. He said he knew I wasn’t looking to get married, but that it was insensitive of me to think I could be with Sally and talk to her about other girls; especially because we’d been intimate now. I’d been annoyed at his words, but I knew he was correct. We were past the ‘just friends’ stage now. And even though I’d gone on a few dates, all I’d been able to think about was Sally.

“Ha-ha, they weren’t really dates.” I lied, trying to backtrack.

“What were they then?” She looked at me curiously and I could see that her eyes were more intense than normal.

“Nothing.” I said softly, not knowing what to say, how to get her to understand that I was in an awkward space. I was feeling things I didn’t really comprehend or want to comprehend. She was making me feel things and I didn’t know how to define what we had. I didn’t want to define it. I didn’t want anything to change between us; yet, I didn’t want to let her go.

“Nothing?” Her expression looked sad suddenly and I pulled her onto my lap.

“I like you.” I whispered in her ear. “I like you and I just want to focus on that, if that’s okay?” My hand slid down her body and to the sweet spot between her legs and rubbed gently. She moaned slightly and looked me directly in the eyes. I could see a million thoughts crossing through her mind as she stared at me and I couldn’t read a one of them. I waited for her to respond with bated breath. What was she thinking? What was going through her head? I just wanted to know. I wanted to know how she felt. What she wanted. Yet, I didn’t want to know. Not really. Knowing could ruin everything and I couldn’t stand for her to be out of my life again.

“I want to make love to you, Sally. Slowly. Quickly. Deeply. Forcefully. Teasingly.” I leaned forward and nibbled on her earlobe as I continued to rub her. She shifted on my lap back and forth and I knew she was getting as excited as I was. “I want to make you mine. In all ways possible. I want to take you on the couch. In my bed. In the shower. On the kitchen counter. On the rug. On the balcony. I want you on your knees. On your back. Riding Me. On my face. I want all of you. I want you. I want to drive you as crazy as you’ve made me. What do you say?” I paused then and waited. Waited for the answer that could either make or break this moment.

Chapter 16


That moment. That moment when time seems to stand still. That moment when all you can think about is him. That moment when all he can think about is you. That moment when he touches you. That moment when you touch him back. That moment when you cross the line. That moment when he is the only thing stopping you from losing control. That moment. That's the moment. That's the moment when you both go crazy. That’s the moment where you lose yourself in everything you knew you should stay away from. This was the moment. This was the moment that shouldn’t be happening. Not again, but I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t walk away.