Say You Love Me

“I didn’t realize you were such a dirty talker.” I said finally as Cody continued to rub me between the legs, turning me on and making my mind become mush. Why could I not focus on all the reasons why this was a bad idea? Was I that easy? Did I have no self-control? I thought about Luke for a second and about how I’d thought he was a nice guy until our last date when he’d just left. Maybe Cody was right. Maybe all Luke wanted was sex and he’d just been pretending to be a nice guy that was into me. I didn’t know what Cody wanted from me, but at least now I knew he really was attracted to me and I knew he’d been jealous, or at least kind of jealous. And that, well that made me feel amazing. It was pitiful and sad and I knew I was playing with fire, but I didn’t even care.

“Do you like the dirty talk?” Cody asked as he leaned forward and kissed me. “Do you want me to tell you how I want to be inside of you right now.” He mumbled against my lips. “Do you want to know how badly I want to rip your jeans off and your panties and feel your wetness on my fingers, my tongue, my lips, how I want my cock to make you come as soon as I penetrate you.” He paused and then groaned as he grabbed my hand. “You can feel it now. He’s throbbing, waiting for you to respond.” He placed my hand on his member and it felt hard beneath my touch. I swallowed and gazed into his eyes. They were full of desire and lust and I knew that I couldn’t say no. I didn’t want to say no.

“Take your jeans off.” I said and before I knew what I was doing I was standing up and kneeling before him on the couch. I reached up to his zipper and button and undid the button before unzipping his jeans and pulling them down. He looked at me with a steady face and then started grinning as I reached up and pulled his briefs down as well, exposing his hardness to the air.

“You don’t have to...” He started as his voice drifted off as I bent down and took him into my mouth. I loved the salty warm taste of him as I felt him growing every time I moved my head up and down. He grabbed the top of my head and I could feel his body moving back and forth as I pleasured him, the guttural noises from his chest turning me on even more. “Sally,” He grunted as he pulled my arms and stopped me. “It’s my turn.” He grinned as I looked up at him.

“But...” I started to talk, but he shook his head. I stared at him in confusion, as I knew he’d been about to come soon.

“I want to pleasure you first.” He lifted my arms up and pulled my top off quickly before undoing my bra. He then pulled his own top off and I undid my pants and slipped them off, so that I was just standing there in my panties. “You are so sexy.” He muttered as he gazed at my breasts and leaned forward. “I want to slide your panties off and fuck you hard.” He groaned as he hands reached over and played with my nipples.

“So why don’t you?” I said softly, wanting to feel him inside of me once again.

“Because I’m already close to coming.” His eyes were starry as he looked at me. “I want to take my time and pleasure you first. I need to wind down a bit before I enter you.”

“I see.” I grinned at him. “I guess I have that effect on you.”

“The I can’t think straight when I’m inside of you effect?” He grinned. “Why yes you do.”

“Good to know.” I laughed, feeling heady and high. “What should I do with my power?”

“I don’t know.” He said as his fingers pinched my nipples a little harder and I cried out in pleasure and pain. “What should you do?” He leaned forward and took my right nipple into his mouth, nibbling and tugging with his teeth, so that all of my body was on fire and I could feel my panties growing wet.

“Cody.” I moaned as I felt his fingers slipping into my panties and rubbing me again, only this time the feeling of his skin on mine was driving me even crazier.

“Yes, Sally.” His voice was deep and rough.

“I think I want you inside of me, right now.” I moaned, not able to stop myself.

“Tell me again.” He grunted, his hands moving faster.

“Cody.” I let out a gasp as he pulled down my panties and fell back onto the couch, straddling me on his legs, so that I could feel his hardness right against my sweet spot.

“Take it, if you want it.” He challenged me, with a small smirk as his hands moved to my ass and grabbed my asscheeks, moving me up and down on his hardness, so that I was grinding against him.

“Cody, please.” I leaned forward and kissed the top of his chest and then bit down into his skin. He froze for a second at my bite and then started moving me even faster on him. I smiled as I felt him reach down and readjust himself against me. He was going to enter me and I was ready. Only, I didn’t feel him thrusting inside of me. Instead, I felt the tip of him rubbing against me and I groaned.