Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

“Any secrets he shares with me will always remain secret.”

“If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that secrets are never truly kept private unless you never tell anyone. The second is that everyone comes with a price. What’s yours?”

My offense comes in the form of a sucked-in gasp. I refuse to let him rattle me anymore though. “I suppose you don’t know much about me or my relationship with Alexander, but money has never been a factor that tied us together.” I watch as he crosses his arms over his chest and listens intently. “My family isn’t poor.”

“Your family makes a modest income compared to Alexander’s.”

“My family makes enough to pay for my schooling,” I reply defensively. “I went to a private school and although I’ve earned scholarships for my college education, my parents easily bridge the gap in finances. We may not live in a manor, but our home is nice.”

“Your home is nice. Your father works hard and is quite respected in town. How’s his practice?”

An ache fills my hands, and I look down to find my knuckles white from squeezing the arms of the chair so hard. I scoot it back, toss my napkin on the table, and stand. “I should get to class before I’m late.”

“You and I both know you don’t have class until eleven.”

My lips part but I stop my jaw from dropping. “I’m trying to be respectful, Mr. Kingwood, but I’m not comfortable being interrogated about my family.”

“My apologies,” he says, standing up. “Please stay. I would like to talk to you about Alex.”

“I may be young, but I recognize a trap when I see one. Did you really text Alexander?”

“I did.” He chuckles to himself. “I actually would have liked him here. By your reaction he’s really sold you his story, but there’re always two sides.”

“I agree, but I trust him.”

“Would you like to hear mine?”

“Not without him here.”

He chuckles to himself. “You don’t need a protector from me.”

Our eyes hold steady though my hand shakes under the pressure, and I lose when I look down.

“I’m not the enemy, Sara Jane.” My gaze darts up when my name is mentioned as if we’re friends. “I hoped my son was smart enough to not involve you where he shouldn’t.” He sits back down when I do. “It appears he’s involved you. Your insider knowledge could be costly.”

“I would never betray him.”

“What about me? Will you betray me?”

Not knowing if it’s a rhetorical question I let it lie like the crumbs from the toast on the shiny wood surface.

“I’m selling the company. With that, I need every part of my life in order or investors will expect to bargain. I don’t bargain. I want full value.”

“And what do I have to do with your business?”

“Alex is pivotal to this transaction going smoothly, or if we section it off into several transactions. As my son’s girlfriend, you play a part. Whether you’re willing to do that or not is your choice, but I need to know by the weekend. We’re hosting an event.” He hands me the envelope. “Here’s your invitation.” He stands all the way up this time, looking down on me. “Please consider the ramifications if you decide to stay in my son’s life. They’re bigger than you might have imagined when you were seventeen and falling for the bad boy. There are skeletons that need to remain hidden behind closed doors. I can’t afford to have”—his cough interrupts him—“any weak links.” Walking to the door, he turns back. “Good luck on your test, Ms. Grayson. Good day.”

With the envelope in my hand, I watch him walk out of the room. I’m not alone for long. The woman from earlier enters again, and says, “No rush to leave, and let me know if I can get you anything.”

“Thank you, but I think I’ve lost my appetite.”

Understanding brushes across her features as she reaches for my plate. “He can be quite kind, but when it comes to his family or business, he’s the hardest they come.”

I stand with the envelope held in my hands. “He doesn’t scare me. I love Alexander too much to be scared away that easily.”

“I know. Everyone knows, including Mr. Kingwood, or he wouldn’t have invited you to breakfast.”

“So this is his way of welcoming me into the family?”

She laughs. “No, but its one step closer.” Holding out her hand, she smiles at me. “I’m Neely.”

While shaking her hand, I introduce myself, “I’m Sara Jane Grayson.”

“Nice to officially meet you.”

“Have you worked here long?”

“Long enough to understand his motives.”

“And what are those?”

“Money and blood.”

“But at what cost and whose blood?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“Why have we never met?”

She smiles with the plate in hand and the door to the kitchen pushes open with her foot. “My job assignment is to take care of Mr. Kingwood’s every need. We have staff to run the rest of the house and to care for Alex.”

Every need? I look at her bright, wide-set eyes and the fullness of her red lips, the white blouse with the top button open and the tight black skirt. I shouldn’t assume, but my mind goes straight to salacious. “His needs?”

The grin on her face broadens. “Almost.”

Okay. It’s not my business and after what just happened with him, I don’t want to know more. Extricating myself from his line of sight is the best thing I can do. Focus on school. Focus on Alexander. Forget the rest. Block it out. Be strong and just forget this morning. I walk to the entrance of the dining room. “Thank you for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.”

When I reach the top of the stairs, I dash down the long hall to Alexander’s room. With the door closed behind me, and my back securely against the wood, I rip open the envelope and pull out the invitation, my eyes scanning the details.

Black Tie.

Saturday night.

Kingwood Manor.

Why would Alexander not tell me? Is he going? Why would he not invite me? I tuck it inside my backpack and zip it closed before changing clothes and hurrying out of here as fast as I can. I never felt unsafe here, until now. The walls, it seems, have eyes and ears. I need to find Alexander immediately.

As soon as I reach my car, I lock the doors and start the engine. I quickly type a text to him to meet me on campus in front of the business building in thirty minutes.

S.L. Scott's books