Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

We broke the huddle and got into position. I looked and saw all my receivers lining up on the line of scrimmage. I made the hard count, and the center snapped me the ball.

I dropped back, feeling good. The line was holding up, and the pass rush was nowhere to be found. They knew this was gonna be a pass play and had played deep to break up any passes.

Drake was a different kind of receiver, though.

I waited another second before he got into position, then I swung back and lobbed him the best pass I’d ever seen. A pass I didn’t even know I could make.

Drake even seemed surprised, but he figured it out quick, jumped up, and made an incredible catch surrounded by multiple defenders.

Right in the end zone, as time expired.

Patriots won, 16-14.

The crowd was deafening. I stood there almost in disbelief at what we had done. Before I could even start heading back to the sideline, I felt my feet leave the ground as my brothers picked me up and carried me off the field.

We were alive for another day. We had 3 more regular season games, and we had to win all of them, and then 3 more playoff games till the championship game.

7 more games in total. Could we do it? Fuck yeah, we could!

I finally made it back to the sideline, and they let me down. I gave Hud and Drake huge hugs and shook Coach Armstrong’s hand before I looked around to find Charlotte. As I looked around, I caught Mackenzie Mayfield’s eye as she came down from the owner’s box to greet the coaching staff. She nodded at me, and I nodded back.

Charlotte was waiting there for me, looking gorgeous as ever. She looked so happy watching me and my teammates. I went to her and put my arms around her, kissing her.

Then I whispered into her ear, “Honey, I’m home.”

And as long as I was with her, that was home.


It was 3 weeks later, and the Patriots made the playoffs. Taking down their next 3 opponents in short order and zero injuries, they were back on track with a 6th seed, staring down a grueling 3 game stretch before the championship game.

Of course that was the biggest news of all, right?

And the Patriots extended Lance’s contract, which meant he would be staying in New England for the foreseeable future. Which meant I would be staying in New England for the foreseeable future.

Oh yeah, there was something else too; I had finally persuaded Lance to leave his bachelor pad behind and move out of the Patriots facility. For a few weeks he was going to stay at my place, but then we’d be looking around for something bigger.

And this part I hadn’t told Lance yet, but it might need to be bigger than he had originally planned for.

I took a test just to make sure, and yeah, my initial take was right. We’d need to find a place big enough for at least three people.

I was relaxing at home after hanging out with Sandy, who was thrilled to see me after watching Lance kiss me on TV weeks ago. The uproar over that had died as quickly as it had begun, but the fears I’d had about Lance and his fame had all but disappeared.

I couldn’t even tell he was famous - he was a doting and loving boyfriend, and I had never been happier.

Lance came in from the facility carrying some boxes and saw me sitting at the table, waiting for him. He tensed up immediately. “Everything OK, Charlotte?”

I knew he appreciated the bluntness, so I just came right out and said it. “Lance, I’m pregnant! You’re gonna be a father.”

Lance dropped the boxes, and I heard glass shatter inside. “Oops!” I squealed, standing up.

Lance stood there like a statue, like he had turned to stone. “Did you say…?”

I nodded. “Yeah.” I patted my stomach. “This is all your fault.”

“Are you sure…?”

“I can show you the tests I took, if you’re into that sort of thing.” I tapped him on the chest, leaning in. “Please tell me you’re into that sort of thing.”

“I’m just having a little trouble…”

“I know, and seeing you go through it is funny.”

He frowned. “This isn’t funny, Charlotte! Don’t joke!”

I laughed. “It’s a little funny, Lance. Now’s the time to laugh, cause it’s only gonna get tougher.”

Lance sprang into action like he’d finally processed all of this at once. He grabbed me by the hand and spun me around, pulling me into him and kissing me over and over. “I love you so much, Charlotte. This is gonna be the best thing ever.”


“With all my heart, yes.”

“That’s good enough for me, then.”

We danced around the small studio until one of us looked at the doorway and saw Hud standing there, his hands full of boxes. “What the fuck is going on in here?”

“Oh hey, Hud,” Lance started. “I forgot. Put them down over there.” Lance pointed, and Hud set the boxes down.

“What’s all the commotion?”

Lance looked at me, and I nodded. “Charlotte just told me she’s pregnant. I’m gonna be a father.”

Lucy Snow's books