Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

After we all got on the field and spent 10 minutes warming up and stretching, I took up my position on the Patriots sideline near the coaching staff - Coach Armstrong and the two coordinators, with headsets on. I put my headset on, so if called on I could give Oliver Lee advice through his helmet speaker.

The starting clock reached double zeroes, and the game started. The crowd was eager and loud; they wanted their team to make the playoffs more than anything. Arizona being so far away, there wasn’t too big of an away crowd this game, but there were more than a few red jackets in attendance.

I settled back down, watching the defense led by Hudson Asher take over, having a great game, and only getting one touchdown go by in the first half. The Arizona Cardinals were a really good team, possibly the toughest and most complete team on our schedule, and we knew there was a good chance that if we made it to the championship game, we’d see them across the field from us.

That was still a long way away, though.

On offense, unfortunately, things weren’t looking as good. Our running game took a little while to get started, and Oliver Lee had suddenly begun to revert to his old, mistake-prone self.

On one level, I was thrilled, because the worse he did, the better it was for me. At the same time, though, I couldn’t help from the sideline, and I couldn’t help at all if they made me the starter after we were eliminated from playoff contention.

Nevertheless, I tried to support the team and help Oliver out, giving him advice on reads and pass rushes before each play whenever Coach Armstrong nodded in my direction.

It didn’t work. Lee just couldn’t get the offense started, and it was becoming clear that Arizona’s stifling defense was a little bit too much for him to handle.

At halftime in the locker room the mood was somber. Everyone knew that every single game going forward was going to be like this, as long as we kept winning. Everyone wanted to win, but we also knew that if we lost even a single game from here to the championship, it was all over.

Coach Armstrong walked through the locker room, stopping in front of various players to talk to them quietly. Some players had snacks, some linemen had entire hoagies carted in for them to munch on. Others just sat and meditated, or huddled up with their position coaches.

Coach Armstrong stopped at my locker, and I looked up at him. “You feeling rested enough yet, Parker?”

“Huh? Y-Yes, sir, Coach. Well rested as ever.”

“Good. Stay that way.” He leaned in. “I’m going to make a change for the second half.”

“Oh?” I didn’t let myself get optimistic, but inside I was about to start dancing.

“Yeah. Lee’s not working out today. We’re going to see if you’ve got anything left in the tank.”

“I understand, Coach. I won’t let you down.”

“Feel free to, son. If you do, the season’s over. Just keep that in mind.”

I stood up and started stretching, thrilled that I was going to get to play again.

Coach Armstrong went to Lee’s locker next, and I could see Lee slump over while they talked. By now the rest of the locker room had noticed what was happening and there was a little buzz around.

Drake looked at me and nodded, his smile huge. I caught Hud’s eye from across the room and he gave me the thumbs up.

It took me only 3 minutes to get into game-day mode for real this time, and when I looked around the room after, I noticed someone new standing there.

Mackenzie Mayfield. I hadn’t seen her since that day weeks ago in my room after the injury. She nodded to Coach Armstrong then walked up to me.

“Parker, good to see you’re feeling better.”

“Yes, ma’am, feeling a lot better.”

She came in close. Over her shoulder I could see Hud scowling in my direction. “Don’t let me down, Parker. Remember our discussion from a few weeks ago?”

“I do, Mackenzie.”

“Good. That offer is still on the table. You get us into the playoffs and beyond, and I’ll do everything it takes to make sure you’re a New England Patriot as long as you can and want to play.”

The ‘can’ part was both more important than the ‘want’ and highly subjective, I knew. As long as the team thought I could play they’d keep me on. I knew that was the case when I got into this.

“I won’t let you down, Mackenzie.”

She stepped back. “Good to hear, Parker. I’ll be watching.” After those ominous words, she nodded again to Coach Armstrong and left the room.

I looked back at Hud and he must have been watching Mackenzie leave, because he was just staring at the door. What a weirdo.

Oh well, I had more important things to take care of.

Just then, Coach Armstrong stood up and called the team to order, and announced the change, that I was taking over for Oliver Lee. The room erupted in cheers, led by Drake and Hud.

And then it was time to get back on the field for the second half. We were only down by a touchdown, so we could still win this, we just had to get started.

That might end up being the hard part.


Lucy Snow's books