That was a problem and I would address that later in life.

For now, it was about finding Kyle and making sure he never went near Belle again.

When the call ended, Knox just stared without talking.


“What are you doing? What did you just say to her?”

“Doesn’t fucking matter. I have something to do tonight. I need you all to be my witness that I was with you tonight. No matter what.”

“Jesus, Slam, you can’t…”

I grabbed Knox by his leather and pulled him close. “I’m done with people telling me what I can and can’t do. I’m fucking done with it. If I end up back in prison, fine. I’d rather have honor and a big dick to swing in jail than holed up touching my pussy right here. Got it?”

Knox put his hands up in defeat. “Call me if you need anything. And just keep running, Slam. If shit goes bad run. Run until they can’t find you. Okay?”

“I know what I’m doing.”

I tried to move and Knox put a hand to my chest. “This is all for her, isn’t it?”

“It’s not your business.”

“It is. You have to be careful with this, man. Who she is… what you’re doing…”

“Leave it,” I growled. “Go get our guy. I’m going to take care of my business. This is personal. I’m going to save her.”

“So you could destroy her?”

“Exactly,” I said.

I didn’t look Knox in the eyes when I said that last part.

What the fuck did it matter how I felt? Belle was stuck in her own world of hell and I was going to relieve her of that.

She called me back five minutes later and told me what I hoped to hear. Kyle believed her and he was pulled to the side of the road. He was in a perfect spot for this to happen. I told Belle to stay put and I’d be there soon. She started to ask me something but I hung up the call.

I grabbed a black hoodie and stepped out to the lot to see the sun just about to set.

It was perfect.

When darkness came, so did hell…

I parked my ride far enough away so Kyle wouldn’t get suspicious. I took off my leather cut and placed it on the seat. I put on the black hoodie and put the hood up. The anger hadn’t calmed for a split second. Neither had the rage. Shit, bring in the guilt and I was a fucking mess on the inside. All I could tell myself was that I was helping Belle. I’d take care of her problems, even if I was going to become one.

I walked off the road and blended perfectly into the growing night. I saw the car up ahead and the rage built even more on itself. Shit, I wanted to kill this prick for what he had done, but that would only lead to some serious trouble for me.

As I walked, I saw a large rock and picked it up. A plan started to come to me. It was risky to dive head first into this shit without a plan. Without proper recon on Kyle. Who he was. Where he came from. If he had any connections. I could have been putting not just myself and Belle at risk, but the entire Reaper’s Bastards club.

Inside me though, I knew nothing but what my mind and heart were raging for.

When I got close enough to the car, I crouched down. I got right to the back door and took a deep breath.

Time for hell, Kyle.

I swung my hand and slammed the rock against the passenger window. It shattered with a booming sound. I then waited, listening as Kyle got out of the car.

“What the fuck was that?” he yelled.

I heard his footsteps as he came around the front of the car. My fists were balled up tight, ready to unleash. I was almost bouncing with excitement for this. I hadn’t been on a real mission since my arrest. And even that… I was simply just riding with some guns packed in my motorcycle. I hadn’t had real action in a long time.

The second I saw Kyle turn to look at the broken window, I struck.

I stood and jumped forward, throwing a right punch that landed on his jaw. He lifted off the ground, arms flailing. All I thought about was him swinging at Belle.

I walked to him as he was on his ass.

“What the hell…”

I dropped down with a knee to his balls. He crunched forward and I swung again, busting his nose like a water balloon. I grabbed his throat and held him down. I could’ve fucking broken his throat and neck right then but I held back.

“You fucking piece of shit,” I growled. “You ever go near Belle again and you will be killed. Do you understand me?”

I let him go and stood up. He reached with his hands; they were shaking with fear.

“She’s my girlfriend.”

Oh, that was the wrong thing to say to me.

I grabbed Kyle and lifted him to his feet with ease. He was so much shorter than me I had him off his feet to put him eye level.

“No she’s not,” I said. “You don’t own her. You don’t think about her. You don’t contact her. She’s nothing to you. Understand?”

“Wait wait wait…”

I turned and threw Kyle onto the hood of his car. I swung three hard rights, crack after crack after crack to his face. I backed away and Kyle climbed up on the hood and curled up like a baby, weeping uncontrollably.

“Do you understand me?” I asked again.

Jaxson Kidman's books