My hands touched her arms. I stared into those blue eyes and realized how easy it was going to be to get what I wanted from her. She was so broken and vulnerable, it was perfect. Goddammit, I was a fucking monster for this shit. But it had to be done.

“Tell me where he lives and I’ll make sure he never bothers you again,” I said.

“Slam, no. It’s not your problem. Or your life. Just stop being tough.”

“I’m not being tough, I am tough, Belle. This guy is fucked in the head for you. And your father is okay with it?”

“Why are you so worried about my father?”

I swallowed hard. “Look, if this guy scares you at all, you need to call me. I’ll be there to help you. I promise. If something happens to you I’m going to feel guilty.”

“You have feelings?”

She offered a sly little smile and it was like a punch to gut.

From the corner of my eye I saw Auntie Ang come out of the back of the pizza place.

“Ah, fuck,” I whispered.

“What?” Belle asked.

“I have to do this… don’t push me away, okay?”

“Do what?”

I didn’t give Belle a chance.

I just kissed her.

Her fucking lips were delicious. I knew Auntie Ang worried about me, especially when I didn’t come around for months at a time. So to show her I was happy would ease her heart. Plus, it gave me a good excuse to kiss Belle and not have her freak on me for it.

I put my hands to her face and kept kissing her.

Belle seemed as eager as me. The first few seconds there was a little hesitation and it drove me wild. All I could think was that she was a virgin. I wanted to know how much of her body was untouched. I wanted to explore it all.

When I felt her mouth start to open, her soft tongue coming forward to meet mine, that was damn near almost it for me. My cock started to swell in my jeans.

I took complete command of the kiss, feeling the way her breathing started to get wild.

She was enjoying it.

Belle then grabbed my hands and pulled away from me. Her eyes were still locked to me though. Those pretty blue eyes. Her lips, now red and puffy from my kisses.

I winked at her and then grabbed her hand so we could say goodbye to Auntie Ang.

There was only one problem with that kiss.

It wasn’t enough. It was like the first sip of whiskey after a long goddamn day. They only got better as you had more and before you knew it the bottle was empty. And that’s exactly what I was going to do to Belle. Keep sampling that sweetness until I got to her honeypot and then drain her. Fuck, my tongue was tingling in my mouth just thinking about getting between her legs and tasting the other set of her lips.

Auntie Ang cried as we were leaving.

“You two… I can feel it,” she said. “Such beauty.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah…

There were lots of hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Auntie Ang then cracked me across the face and put her pointer finger to my nose. She warned me not to fuck up what I had with Belle.

I didn’t say a word to it. I just hugged her tight, shut my eyes, and lost myself for a few seconds in the smell of the pizza place. A mix of heat, dough, sauce, and grease. The smell of my childhood.

I gave Belle my helmet and stood there for a few seconds.

“For the record, babe, I do have feelings,” I said. “And right now I can’t stand the feeling of some asshole like this Kyle guy making you feel the way you do right now.”

With that, I climbed on my ride and Belle climbed on behind me. Her small hands reached all the way around my body and she gripped my leather tight.

The cruise back to the clubhouse was anything but calm in my mind and body. I was going to get my revenge on Belle’s father and I was going to help Belle, too. If I was going to make Belle mine then I needed all distractions and threats out of the picture. But I couldn’t get into trouble, right? Yeah fucking right.

I hadn’t seen the twist in my day with Belle go the way it did. I had planned on pushing her hard and breaking her down a little but not with the emotional shit. And I couldn’t believe I just spilled all that to her about Auntie Ang’s place. I guess I had to give a little to get a lot. No big deal.

Back at the clubhouse, Belle’s car was parked in the middle of the lot, ready to go. Nick even took the time to vacuum it out and wash it down. He was a good one, not MC material, but when I threatened his life, he always went the extra mile for me.

I pulled up to the car and sat there. I killed the engine on my ride and felt Belle climb off. She handed me my helmet and it stunk of her shampoo. Her hair was blowing around in the soft breeze and she fought with it. Goddammit, the sight was driving me crazy.

“Thank you,” she said. “For today and everything else.”

“Sure thing,” I said. Belle started to turn and I grabbed her wrist. “Hey, babe, I wasn’t lying either.”


“This Kyle thing. You call me if you need me. You’re not going to get the help you need from the law. I learned that a long time ago. I’m not going to be some fucking knight in white armor for you, but if you need to get out of a bad situation, I can make that happen.”

I saw the way Belle swallowed hard. She was hooked already.

Jaxson Kidman's books