Belle did not.

I reached for her face and touched her soft cheek. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”

I tried to move but Belle put her hands to my stomach. Slowly, she pulled up my shirt, forcing herself to touch my bare skin. When her fingers bounced along the ripples of my abs, I saw the look in her eyes get even hotter.

What the fuck did she think she was up against? I was built from stone and work. Every inch of my body was thick muscle. And her soft little tongue looked ready to slither along every inch I had to offer.


I leaned in and stole her words, exchanging whatever the fuck they were for a kiss.

Both her hands were eager to slide down and grab the top of my jeans. Now she was really trying to fuck with me. My cock pulsed, filling right up, sliding down my jeans.

Our tongues met again and I reached down, grabbing one of her hands. I placed it to the root of my cock, over my jeans, and forced her to trace a long line down to my tip. Her mouth opened with a shocked sigh when she realized what she had gotten herself into.

I broke the kiss and grinned.

I knew it would take me some time to work myself into that tight, fresh pussy of hers, but I would do just fine.

For tonight, I wanted to taste her. I wanted to dip my tongue into that honeypot of hers and start stealing all that I could get to.

“Oh, fuck,” Belle whispered and her hand started to grip my cock over my jeans.

“Oh fuck is right,” I said. “I warned you. Now you’re going to pay.”

My hands then grabbed her sweet ass and lifted her up. She let out a playful cry and I walked her down the hallway. I kicked open every fucking door I could find until I found the bedroom.

I dropped her to the bed and she sat right up, going for my shirt again. She pushed my shirt up and came forward, kissing my stomach. I let out a low rumble in my throat. This fucking woman was killing me. And I was supposed to be killing her.

I reached for her hair, sliding my fingers into the beautiful blonde locks. I made a fist and then pulled, making her gasp in pain as she then looked up on me. Her mouth was open, the tip of her tongue showing. I stepped back and grabbed my jeans. I ripped open my belt buckle and ripped open my jeans. With one hand, I shoved my jeans and boxers down, about half down the length of my shaft. I grabbed my cock and pulled it free. I was long, thick, hard, and primed to fucking going after Belle.

As I held my cock tight, I brought the fleshy tip to her thin lips and touched her. Instant redness spread across Belle’s face. Her body shuddered but it was fucking too late now. No way we could turn back from this.

“Kiss it,” I said. “Right now, babe.”

Belle put her lips together, right at the tip of my cock. She kissed me and then inched back, waiting for the next command. I thrust forward and gently rubbed my cock around her lips. They were soft, warm, so unprepared for what I had to offer. Goddamn, the beauty and innocence of Belle was almost too much to bear.

“Open,” I ordered.

Belle opened her mouth again for me. I lifted my cock up, gripping hard at the base of my shaft. My veins were throbbing, waiting for the command to spray cum all over Belle’s face and into the depths of her throat.

Not yet, Slam. Not fucking yet.

“Taste,” I said.

Belle gripped the edge of the bed and leaned forward, the tip of her tongue coming forward. She touched the bottom of my shaft and it sent a bolt of electricity through my entire body. She licked from halfway down, all the way to the tip. Her eyes never left mine.

“Again,” I said.

Belle repeated the motion two more times and I felt a little gush up my shaft.

Pre-cum pooled at the tip of my dick, a warm, clear drink for Belle.

“Again… and take it,” I said.

Belle put her tongue to the bottom of my shaft and licked up again. She then moved over the head of my cock, looking down, taking me into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around my tip, taking my pre-cum with ease, but that was the only thing easy about me. She managed to get her lips wrapped around the head of my cock and then quickly pulled back off me with a wet pop sound. She went for it again, like a fucking savage, determined to suck me.

This time, she relaxed and took more of me. I felt her tongue pressing hard to the bottom of my shaft. Her lips over the head of my cock and to my shaft. She only got another couple inches before easing back. Her teeth grazed the sensitive ridge of my tip and I hissed, loving that feeling.

I could feel the cum already churning in my balls, ready to unload.

Belle came off my dick and I pulled her again, keeping away.

I stepped back from the bed and took my hand from her hair. Without a word, I then went to work. I took off my leather cut and my shirt. I had no business with any of that shit right now. My mouth was starving for Belle’s pussy.

Jaxson Kidman's books