“Belle, it’s me. It’s Slam,” he said.

I did a double take and then came back to reality.

“I’m so sorry…”

“You don’t have to be,” he said. “Shit, babe, are you okay?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Where’s Kyle?”

“He’s not here now,” Slam said. “He won’t bother you ever again.”

My lips quivered. “Did you kill him?”

“In some ways, yes, I did. You’re safe now, Belle. I swear on it.”

Maybe a normal woman would have realized the severity of the situation long before that moment there as I sat on the table, my legs touching Slam’s legs. He towered over me as I stared up at him. My savior came with a leather cut, a motorcycle, scruff on his face, and murder in his eyes.

The next move was all me.

I grabbed the lapels of his leather cut and pulled at him. I needed him closer. I needed him inside me.

Shit. What was I thinking?

I reached with my right hand and grabbed the back of his neck. I pulled at him, desperate for him.

He leaned down and kissed me. Wasting no time with his tongue as he explored my mouth. I tried to fight back, wrestling at him, but he was so overbearing, it was impossible to do so. I dug my nails into the back of his neck and wanted more. I craved more. This was the feeling I had been waiting for my entire life. That insatiable need that only one man could satisfy.

Next thing I knew I was grabbing at his right hand, putting it to my breast. I did okay in that department but the size of Slam’s hand made me feel flat chested. He squeezed me over my shirt and I felt like I had an explosion between my legs. I gushed like I had just come. My body was so over sensitive it was almost embarrassing.

I put my hand to his and felt something slimy.

That’s when the kiss came to a sudden stop. I looked down at his hand as Slam started to kiss my neck. The feel of his lips and tongue touching my skin made everything quiver. His teeth grazed my neck and drew a line to my ear.

“Belle, I’ll keep you safe now,” he whispered. “Fuck, babe, you taste so good already.”

I couldn’t speak for a few seconds. My eyes could only focus on the blood on his hand. His knuckles looked like they had been dipped into dark tomato sauce. I ran my pointer finger along his swollen middle knuckle and he stopped kissing me.

“Ah, shit,” he whispered.

He took his hands off me and backed away. On my left breast there was blood on my shirt. I gripped the edge of the table tight, finally understanding what I had gotten myself into.

We just stared at each other and slowly, Slam lifted his hands up. He made fists and showed them to me. I understood what he had done to Kyle. What was right to be done and what the law wouldn’t have done. That’s when everything started to click into place. Maybe Slam wasn’t a bad guy in the sense of wanting to hurt people for his benefit. He was just a lawless man… an outlaw… going by his own path.

“Did he hit your face?” I asked.

“No. That was my brother.”


“That’s how we talk sometimes. Two rounds and then we hug.” He eyed his fists. “But this, my hands, this is what I did to Kyle. He’s never going to call you again, Belle. He’s never going to bother you again. Because if he does it again, I will kill him.”

Slam then walked away from me.

I turned my head and watched as he sought out the bathroom.

My hands were gripping the table so tight my knuckles were ghost white.

I knew what to do next though.

Whatever was happening with myself and Slam wasn’t going to ease up.

I slid off the table and turned to face the hallway. The light from the bathroom poured out as I heard the sound of the sink water rushing. He was cleaning off Kyle’s blood down my bathroom drain.

It was in some weird way the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

I bit my bottom lip and felt a surge through my body.

I couldn’t believe what my mind and heart had agreed upon.

Slam… was the one.




I turned the water off and caught Belle staring at me. She was in the doorway and her eyes screamed of sex. Fuck, that was all I needed right then. Of course, it was the easiest target to go after. I had just saved her damn life and now she wanted to give me her body in return for that. It wasn’t the first time that had happened in my life.

But I was not going to do this tonight.

Why the fuck not, Slam? This is what you wanted. This is your plan. It’s working easier than you thought. Knox was right about Belle…

Shit. Was she really getting to me?

I dried my hands and walked to her. Her eyes were no match for mine. What she thought in her mind was simply a reality in mine. She could fantasize all she wanted about my dick inside her, but I was the one who knew how it felt to have a good fuck. She didn’t. I knew what it was like to have a woman crave my tongue, melt like ice cream on hot pavement to my touch. And I knew what it was like to stare down into a beautiful set of eyes as I came into a woman’s throat.

Jaxson Kidman's books