“I was there last night to see you. Okay? I was going to talk to you and ask you to hang out with me. I could tell something is hanging over you pretty bad. Maybe it’s your old man. The daughter of a cop… that’s got to be a tough life. But I saw that guy smack your ass. I was jealous. I wanted to smack your ass, babe. You were mine, remember? So I did what I do best. I taught that guy a lesson.”

Now it was my turn to back away. I took three steps back and waited for Belle to seal her fate. She gripped the steering wheel tight. The innocence was pouring off her as much as the need to experience something wild.

Slam… she’s a project. Part of a plan. A purpose. Fuck that pussy, get her pregnant, move on.

I cleared my head of all thoughts.

Belle then looked at me. “I’m due for an oil change.”

I smiled. I stepped forward and reached into the car. I peeled the sticker off her windshield and then opened the door. I offered my hand and Belle took it. The second our hands touched, I squeezed and found myself pulling at her. I brought her dangerously close to me. My inner beast wanted her right there. Right on the fucking hot pavement.

My thumb grazed along her wrist as we stared at each other.

Something happened right then. Something I didn’t expect.

I was going to destroy this beautiful woman.

But the thing was… her eyes told me she was already destroyed.

Shit, did I just find someone as broken as me?

Belle took her hand away and I looked back to the garage. “Stay here, babe. Let me get one of my guys to help you.”

I jogged to one of the open bays and grabbed a young guy name Nick.

“What are you working on?”

“Got a…”

“You’re done for now,” I said. “The car behind me. It needs an oil change.”

“That thing looks like a piece of shit.”

“Hey,” I growled. “Give me lip again, kid, and I’ll knock your jaw off with a wrench. I’m not asking, I’m ordering. You’re going to take that car and change the oil.”

Nick nodded. “Okay. Sorry. Give me about fifteen minutes.”

“No. Slow. Find something wrong.”

“Find something…”

“You heard me,” I said. “Come out in five minutes and tell me that something’s wrong. It’ll take a few hours. That she was lucky she came in when she did. Got that?”

“Is she paying for this?”

“You ask too many questions,” I said. “Asking questions gets you answers and you might get an answer that comes with responsibility you can’t handle. Understand?”

Nick nodded again. “Okay. Sure. Yeah.”

I put a finger to Nick’s chest. “Fuck this up and you’re never going to touch a tool again.”

Yeah, fine, maybe that threat was a little strong. But I had skin in this game. And that was simple - I wanted my fucking skin against Belle’s fucking skin. I wanted my cock inside her. I wanted those untouched walls of her insides squeezing against my dick as I pulsed load after load of hot cum into her.


I went back to Belle and touched her wrist. “Hey, babe, it’s all good. My guy Nick is going to take care of it.”

“How long will it take?”

“Fifteen minutes,” I said.

I climbed into her car and started it.

It fucking smelled of her. The same smell from the restaurant.

I gripped the wheel and drove forward into the garage.

Maybe I was better off in prison.




I took the coffee even though I didn’t want it.

Slam stood with a mug of coffee, just smelling it. Everything about him was interesting. He was the ultimate symbol of everything my father feared for me. Maybe that’s what made him so attractive.


What made him attractive was the size of his arms, his dark and brooding eyes, and the way he looked at me as though I was the only person in the world. I never had someone look at me like that.

My bag buzzed three times before I finally checked.

Kyle. Again.

More of his weird romantic texts.

“That your boyfriend?” Slam asked.

“What? No. I have no boyfriend.”

Slam grinned.

Shit. I just gave myself away.

“I mean… that…”

“It’s okay, Belle,” he said. He put hit coffee mug down on a table. “Truth is… I don’t give a damn if you have a boyfriend.”

God, the way he talked was so ruthless. It was so crude and cruel. He just cut right down to it and said what he wanted. And I sort of liked it. It was sexy. Different than any man I ever met before.

“You don’t want that coffee, do you?” he asked.

“No.” I smiled. “Sorry.”

He grabbed at the mug, ripping it from my hand. When his rough fingers touched mine, it sent a pulse that went straight to my chest and down between my legs. I shivered as my nipples pressed against the thin padding of my bra. My panties started to pull up, trying to absorb a wetness I did not welcome.

Slam put the mug down and asked, “Want a beer?”

“No thanks.”

“Okay. Just offering, babe.”

I saw the guy coming from the garage, wiping his hands.

My car’s done. Thank God. I shouldn’t have stayed here.

It was a strange fifteen minutes of my life. Staring at Slam, looking away, hearing him make passing comments about me. I shrugged it all off even though I was kind of turned on.

“My car is done,” I said.

Jaxson Kidman's books