I walked away knowing Knox was shaking his head at me. One thing the world learned quick about me was that when I was out for blood I didn’t stop until I got it. And that blood right then was the sweet tasting innocence of Belle.

Outside, I lit up the first smoke of the day. It was already goddamn approaching the goddamn afternoon. The garage was in full swing, the town the same. We hired some computer guy who loved to fight and he got us up and running online, expanding our garage into a legit parts business. For a bunch of dirty grease ball mechanics and bikers we were cleaning up hand over fist. Funny how it was just a little over two years ago we were fucking suffering bad. The chapel nothing but dust and memories. The garage all but shut down. Enemies coasting through town without a care.

Knox made the first call to put the cuts back on and take back what was ours. That might have been the best fucking day of my life. Better than when I felt my first warm slit.

As I finished up my smoke I saw a car pull into the lot. We rarely got cars coming to the garage unless they were old or something someone bought to fix and flip.

This car was not anything worth keeping or fixing and flipping. It was a bright blue color four door sedan. Just a regular car, nothing worth remembering about it.

Well, except the driver.

I damn near had to do a triple take when I saw who it was.

I smiled.

Belle was here.

I watched as she climbed out of her car, keeping the door in front of her body. She had nothing to hide from the world. Those damn curves were put in all the right spots. Fuck, they were making all the right spots on me activate. I had to adjust my jeans and remind myself not to get fucking hard in the middle of the parking lot. Trust me, once my snake started climbing down my leg it couldn’t be stopped. And the look of shock on their faces when they saw it for the first time only made it harder and hungrier.

“Mornin’, babe,” I said as I approached the car.

I touched the hood with a grin. I remembered that fucking car. That one time Belle had been stuck on the side of the road. Shit, I had pulled over that day to kill her. Figured it was an attack against the MC. That’s why I had Knox and Matteo keep going. The second I realized she was actually stuck I decided to help her. Maybe I had some fucked up sixth sense that told me to start planting those seeds then with Belle.

“Slam,” she said. “Hello.”

I grabbed the door, gently touching her left hand. She hurried to rip her hand away.

“Hey, easy,” I said. “I’m not going to bite you, babe. Unless you like that. In that case, I’m fucking starving.”

She stiffened and swallowed hard. “I came here for one reason.”

“My room’s in the back of the clubhouse,” I said with a grin. “You can scream as loud as you want and the only thing that’ll hear you is a bunch of ripped up and burned out motorcycles.”

She licked her lips as her cheeks flushed. “No. Stop. You can’t talk to me like that.”

“I can talk to anyone anyway I want. There’s not a law against it. Or maybe there is. Either way, I don’t give a fuck.”

“My dad is a cop,” she blurted out.

“Aw, that’s cute,” I said. I reached with my left hand and touched her cheek. My cock pulsed, hitting the fucking door of the car. If it had been quiet enough without the racket of tools behind me, Belle would have heard the thump sound. Goddamn, her skin was so soft and smooth. So pure.

“I’m not lying,” Belle said.

“I don’t care,” I said.

“Chief Richards. Know him?”

“I’ve seen him around town,” I said.

She was taking the bait before I was casting my reel. She was going to eat up my fat worm…

“Then leave me alone,” Belle said. “Or I’ll…”

“Tell your daddy?” I asked. “What are we, in second grade, babe? Come on. What are you really doing here?”

“Right. Fine. I’m here to say thanks for last night. What you did to that guy. It was a weird night for me. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know,” I said. “But I saw how uncomfortable you were. I don’t tolerate that shit, Belle.”

“Right. Well, thanks.”

Belle grabbed her car door but I wouldn’t let go that easily. She tugged and then let out a sigh.

“What?” she asked.

“That’s it? That’s all you wanted?”

“Fine. My father thinks you beat up that guy. So please be careful, Slam. I have no idea why you really did that or why you were in the restaurant. But be careful.”

I felt like someone punched me in the chest. I ended up letting the door go and Belle got into the car and slammed the door. She looked at me, and it was like death got me right then. Those blue eyes looking up at me. She was eye level with my dick. I couldn’t help but imagine those lips…

“You want the truth?” I asked.

“Something tells me you’re not the truth telling kind of guy.”

Jaxson Kidman's books