Truthfully, just to go for a drive. Just to try and clear my head for a minute. I had a bad night at work. Marco was an asshole. The customers were rude. Hector wasn’t feeling well. My life felt like an entire mess. I couldn’t explain to my father because he’d take it the wrong way and assume I was on pills or something crazy. His entire existence when it came to me was to wait for me to fail so he could save me and say I told you so.

Of course the one time my car decided to take a shit it would be on a desolate road. I thought after leaving work by five I’d have some daylight and time to myself. Call it stupid but I was going to ride near the coast and get an ice cream cone.

How pathetic, right?

A total virgin move.

Someone else maybe would have had a drink and hooked up.

Not me.

I wanted ice cream.

I leaned against my car and started to cry.

I couldn’t control myself and nobody was going to see me.

Or so I thought.

It was like a racing thunderstorm. I swore I could feel the ground shaking as they all approached. The group of bikers coming toward me, heading back into town. I started to shiver with fear. Me, a lonely woman on the side of the road. Them, a group of lawless, ruthless bikers.

My hand slipped to my phone.

I had my thumb ready to go to call my father.

Not that he could get here in time. So I’d be ravaged by bikers. And that too would be my fault.

The first few guys flew right by me. All I saw was black. Helmets, hair, leather, motorcycle, boots.

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!

Like cracks of thunder beating on my eardrums.

Then three of them started to stop and moved to the side of the road. Two hung back and the third came forward at me. He stopped and sat there, his motorcycle rumbling. His arms filled his t-shirt beyond capacity. His arms were thick with tattoos. He killed the engine and climbed off his motorcycle. He took his helmet and sunglasses off and I was struck with deja vu. I’d seen this guy before.

That night... with the girls…

He broke a pool stick over someone’s face!

He walked with an intense swagger.

“What’s the trouble?” he asked me.

His voice was rough. Nothing about this guy was smooth.

“Nothing,” I hurried to say.

“So you’re just standing on the side of the road for no reason?”


“That’s a problem for me,” he said.


“Because…” He pointed to the patch on his leather.

I shivered even more.

He took another step and I put my hand out. “My car broke down. Okay? There’s steam coming out.”

“Did you call for help?”


“Okay. I’ll wait with you. Just to be sure.”

“I mean no,” I said. “I didn’t… I have no help.”

He was right next to me now. Towering over me. “Okay, babe, let’s reset. I’m going to assume you’re broken down and you need my help. Okay?”


“I work at a garage. Let me take a look under the hood for you.”

The guy went right to work. He didn’t ask for permission. He just did what he wanted. I was flabbergasted. He popped the hood and opened it up. I crept up to the front of the car and watched this beautiful hulk of a man reaching into my car, twisting, pulling, grunting.

He finally looked at me, an eyebrow raised.

“Well?” I asked.

“You’re screwed,” he said. “For a little while.”

“Excuse me?”

“You got a busted hose,” he said to me.

“Which means?”

“Which means you're sitting your ass on the side of the road,” he said. He backed up from the hood. “Any other questions?”

I gasped. I stepped away from him. “Thanks for telling me.”

“I’m Slam,” he said. “And you’re…”

“Belle,” I said.

“Well, Belle, you have a decision to make.”


“I can call someone to bring out a truck. We can tow you to the garage. You can ride with me. Then get you a ride from there. Something tells me you don’t want that. You look terrified right now, babe.”

I was terrified. Terrified of all the bad things I heard about the Reaper’s Bastards. Terrified to call my father now because of how deep this situation had gotten.

“What’s the other option?” I asked.

“You hang out with me,” Slam said. “I’ll send my guys to get the part and tools I need. I’ll have you fixed up in an hour.”

“I don’t have any money,” I blurted out.

A smile crept across Slam’s face. “We’ll work something out.”

That made me shiver again.

I watched as Slam walked to his guys. He waved his hands and gave orders. The two guys then took off on their motorcycles, leaving me alone with Slam.

He turned and lit up a cigarette.

He looked right into my eyes and it was the most bad ass thing I’d ever seen in my life.

He approached me and I knew I was in big trouble.




I gripped the side of the bed with my left hand. My back slightly arched off the bed. I let out a small but controlled whimper. My hips bucked a little as my middle finger slid over my clit and curled. In my mind I was right back at that scene. On the side of the road. Being put on the hood of the car. My panties ripped off my body. Being fucked right there on the hood of the car.

Who was the guy fucking me?

That didn’t matter.

It was just a guy. Just someone who could do it.

I forced myself to chase away any idea that it could be Slam.

That was insane.

Jaxson Kidman's books