Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

After getting everything set up the way they wanted, and even stopping by the warehouse to get Angie’s bed, they made their way to Luther Arena for the Assassins’ Christmas party for the families. When Benji asked her and Angie to go, she hadn’t hesitated to say yes, but now as they started up the many stairs to the arena, a little nervousness settled in her stomach.

She was just the girlfriend with a kid. A kid who wasn’t Benji’s. What if everyone thought it was wrong of him to bring them? What if they didn’t accept them as part of him? Of course, she knew some of them because of Jayden, but they were his sister and his niece. They weren’t coming as that; they were coming as Benji’s family.

Crap on a cracker.

She looked over at Angie, who was oblivious to Lucy’s internal struggle, bouncing around, hockey stick in one hand and skates in the other. She was so excited to play with Shelli and Posey, along with all the other Assassins’ kids. There were a lot of them, for sure. While Lucy was thrilled for Angie to play and have fun with the rest of the team, her own nerves about being accepted were almost a little too much to handle. Which she didn’t understand. She’d never cared what anyone thought about her. But then, it wasn’t about her, it was about Benji.

She didn’t want to embarrass him.

Glancing up at him, she saw he was grinning, his hand in hers as they walked through the front doors and were greeted by the staff of the arena. He was so sweet, wishing them all merry Christmas, asking about their families and just being a genuinely nice guy. The best part was when he introduced her and Angie.

“This is my girlfriend, Lucy, and my little ray of sunshine, Angie.”

Angie, of course, beamed at that, and so did Lucy. She felt…she felt fucking perfect. Fantastic, even, and her nerves settled a little. Well, that was until they entered the rink and all the Assassins and their families or plus ones were there.

“Oh, we need to get you skates. Angie, go down and get ready, I’ll be right back. There’s Jayden. Hey, Sinclair, can you get Angie while I get Lucy some skates?” he called down to her brother. Jayden nodded as Angie skipped happily down to him.

But Lucy stopped Benji. “It’s fine. I don’t like skating anyway.”

He paused, his face twisting in complete confusion. “Excuse me?”

She smiled. “I’m not very good.”

“You grew up with three boys playing hockey, and you aren’t a good skater?”

She shrugged. “I’m good at hockey on my feet, but skates and ice…eh, not good.”

He rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he said, pulling her along despite her protest. “My woman will skate well.”

She laughed at his silliness as they went back out to the lobby and then down to the locker room, where the skates were lined up for everyone. She noticed Lucas Brooks bent down, tying his wife’s skates.

“Lucas, that’s tight,” she complained as Benji got Lucy some skates.

“I know, babe, it’s supposed to be,” he said, grinning up at her, waggling his brows. “You know, tight.”

“Freaking sicko,” she muttered as her eyes widened. “Aiden James! Grab Emery before she tries to eat that whole thing of popcorn, please. Stella, love, come here. You can’t spin in skates on carpet. Asher! Come on, those are stairs,” she complained. The oldest one, who was very handsome, turned, looking at her wildly.

“Mom, this kid is nuts! Go give her back to the wolves,” he said, snatching the littlest one up and holding her over his head. She was adorable, so pretty. Hell, all the kids were cute as all get-out.

“They won’t take her back. Come on. Please!”

“Fallon, gorgeous as ever,” Benji said, unlacing the skates.

She grinned up at him. “Why couldn’t I marry you, Benji? I picked this lug who knocked me up four times with a bunch of hellions.”

Benji gave her a toothy grin as Lucas laughed, “’Cause it’s a joy for me. And she’s the damn leader of the hellions.”

Smacking him, she smiled as Benji said, “Well, Fallon, when you have such a gorgeous woman that you love, it’s bound to happen. Just wait, Lucy will be just like you soon enough.”

Lucy’s eyes widened and she scoffed. “The hell you say!”

Fallon laughed at that as Lucas stood, grinning over at Lucy. “Ah, the girl who has changed Benji’s world. Whoa, I know you. You’re Sinclair’s sister. Ha!”

Lucy’s cheeks reddened as Fallon wobbled on her skates. “Well, I love her already if Benji is head over heels for her. Hi, I’m Fallon Brooks.”

“Lucy Sinclair. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You, too,” Fallon said, giving her the once-over. “Just wait, everyone will be gushing over you soon enough. Everyone loves Benji. Knowing he’s finally found himself a girl will be big news.”

That’s what she was worried about.